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(indicating source of power)

  • 1 on

    on [ɒn]
    sur1A (a)-(d), 1A (f), 1B (a), 1C (a), 1C (d), 1D (a)-(c), 1D (j) à1A (c), 1D (f), 1D (h), 1D (i), 1D (j), 1F (c), 1F (f) en1A (c), 1F (g) par rapport à1C (e) selon1D (d) de1F (d) allumé3 (a) ouvert3 (a) en marche3 (a) de garde3 (c) de service3 (c)
    the vase is on the shelf le vase est sur l'étagère;
    put it on the shelf mets-le sur l'étagère;
    on the floor par terre;
    on the ceiling au plafond;
    there are posters on the walls il y a des affiches aux ou sur les murs;
    there was blood on the walls il y avait du sang sur les murs;
    a coat was hanging on the hook un manteau était accroché à la patère;
    the post with the seagull on it le poteau sur lequel il y a la mouette;
    he has a ring on his finger il a une bague au doigt;
    to lie on one's back/side être allongé sur le dos/côté;
    on this side de ce côté;
    on the other side of the page de l'autre côté de la page;
    on page four à la quatrième page, à la page quatre;
    on the left/right à gauche/droite
    I had nothing to write on je n'avais rien sur quoi écrire;
    red on a green background rouge sur un fond vert
    (c) (indicating general location, area)
    he works on a building site il travaille sur un chantier;
    they live on a farm ils habitent une ferme;
    there's been an accident on the M1 il y a eu un accident sur la M1;
    room on the second floor chambre au second (étage);
    on Arran/the Isle of Wight sur Arran/l'île de Wight;
    on Corsica/Crete en Corse/Crète;
    on Majorca/Minorca à Majorque/Minorque
    I kissed him on the cheek je l'ai embrassé sur la joue;
    someone tapped me on the shoulder quelqu'un m'a tapé sur l'épaule
    the village is right on the lake/sea le village est juste au bord du lac/de la mer
    (f) (indicating movement, direction)
    the mirror fell on the floor la glace est tombée par terre;
    to climb on(to) a wall grimper sur un mur;
    they marched on the capital ils marchèrent sur la capitale;
    don't tread on it ne marchez pas dessus
    I only had £10 on me je n'avais que 10 livres sur moi;
    she's got a gun on her elle est armée
    he had a scornful smile on his face il affichait un sourire plein de mépris
    (a) (indicating purpose of money, time, effort spent) sur;
    I spent hours on that essay j'ai passé des heures sur cette dissertation;
    she spent £1,000 on her new stereo elle a dépensé 1000 livres pour acheter sa nouvelle chaîne hi-fi;
    to put money on a horse parier ou miser sur un cheval;
    what are you working on at the moment? sur quoi travaillez-vous en ce moment?
    I am here on business je suis ici pour affaires;
    to be on strike être en grève;
    he's off on a trip to Brazil il part pour un voyage au Brésil;
    to go on safari faire un safari;
    she was sent on a course on l'a envoyée suivre des cours;
    I'm on nights next week je suis de nuit la semaine prochaine;
    he's on lunch/a break il est en train de déjeuner/faire la pause;
    she's been on the committee for years ça fait des années qu'elle siège au comité
    (c) (indicating special interest, pursuit)
    she's keen on music elle a la passion de la musique;
    he's good on modern history il excelle en histoire moderne;
    she's very big on equal opportunities l'égalité des chances, c'est son cheval de bataille
    on a large/small scale sur une grande/petite échelle
    (e) (compared with) par rapport à;
    imports are up/down on last year les importations sont en hausse/en baisse par rapport à l'année dernière;
    it's an improvement on the old system c'est une amélioration par rapport à l'ancien système
    (a) (about, on the subject of) sur;
    a book/film on the French Revolution un livre/film sur la Révolution française;
    we all agree on that point nous sommes tous d'accord sur ce point;
    I need some advice on a legal matter j'ai besoin de conseils sur un point légal;
    could I speak to you on a matter of some delicacy? pourrais-je vous parler d'une affaire assez délicate?;
    the police have nothing on him la police n'a rien sur lui
    (b) (indicating person, thing affected) sur;
    it has no effect on them cela n'a aucun effet sur eux;
    a tax on alcohol une taxe sur les boissons alcoolisées;
    try it on your parents essaie-le sur tes parents;
    the government must act on inflation le gouvernement doit prendre des mesures contre l'inflation;
    he has survived two attempts on his life il a échappé à deux tentatives d'assassinat;
    it's unfair on women c'est injuste envers les femmes;
    the joke's on you! c'est toi qui as l'air ridicule!
    I cut my finger on a piece of glass je me suis coupé le doigt sur un morceau de verre
    everyone will be judged on their merits chacun sera jugé selon ses mérites;
    candidates are selected on their examination results les candidats sont choisis en fonction des résultats qu'ils ont obtenus à l'examen
    (e) (indicating reason, motive for action)
    on impulse sur un coup de tête;
    the police acted on information from abroad la police est intervenue après avoir reçu des renseignements de l'étranger;
    I shall refuse on principle je refuserai par principe
    (f) (included in, forming part of)
    your name isn't on the list votre nom n'est pas sur la liste;
    the books on the syllabus les livres au programme;
    on the agenda à l'ordre du jour
    (g) (indicating method, system)
    they work on a rota system ils travaillent par roulement;
    reorganized on a more rational basis réorganisé sur une base plus rationnelle
    on foot/horseback à pied/cheval;
    on the bus/train dans le bus/train;
    she arrived on the midday bus/train elle est arrivée par le bus/train de midi;
    on a bicycle à bicyclette
    to play a tune on the flute jouer un air à la flûte;
    who's on guitar/on drums? qui est à la guitare/à la batterie?
    , Television & Theatre I heard it on the radio/on television je l'ai entendu à la radio/à la télévision;
    it's the first time she's been on television c'est la première fois qu'elle passe à la télévision;
    what's on the other channel or side? qu'est-ce qu'il y a sur l'autre chaîne?;
    on stage sur scène
    it's all on computer tout est sur ordinateur;
    on file sur fichier
    on the 6th of July le 6 juillet;
    on or about the 12th vers le 12;
    on Christmas Day le jour de Noël;
    I'll see her on Monday je la vois lundi;
    on Monday morning lundi matin;
    I don't work on Mondays je ne travaille pas le lundi;
    on a Monday morning in February un lundi matin (du mois) de février;
    on a fine day in June par une belle journée de juin;
    on time à l'heure;
    every hour on the hour à chaque heure;
    it's just on five o'clock il est cinq heures pile;
    just on a year ago (approximately) il y a près d'un an
    have a drink on me prenez un verre, c'est moi qui offre;
    the drinks are on me/the house! c'est ma tournée/la tournée du patron!;
    you can get it on the National Health c'est remboursé par la Sécurité sociale
    to live on one's private income/a student grant vivre de ses rentes/d'une bourse d'études;
    you can't live on such a low wage on ne peut pas vivre avec des revenus aussi modestes;
    familiar they're on the dole or on unemployment benefit ils vivent du chômage ou des allocations de chômage ;
    to retire on a pension of £5,000 a year prendre sa retraite avec une pension de 5000 livres par an
    it works on electricity ça marche à l'électricité
    they live on cereals ils se nourrissent de céréales;
    we dined on oysters and champagne nous avons dîné d'huîtres et de champagne
    (e) (indicating drugs, medicine prescribed)
    is she on the pill? est-ce qu'elle prend la pilule?;
    I'm still on antibiotics je suis toujours sous antibiotiques;
    the doctor put her on tranquillizers le médecin lui a prescrit des tranquillisants;
    he's on insulin/heroin il prend de l'insuline/de l'héroïne;
    he's on drugs il se drogue;
    familiar figurative what's he on? il se sent bien?
    he'll deal with it on his return il s'en occupera à son retour;
    looters will be shot on sight les pillards seront abattus sans sommation;
    on the death of his mother à la mort de sa mère;
    on my first/last visit lors de ma première/dernière visite;
    on the count of three à trois
    on hearing the news en apprenant la nouvelle;
    on completing the test candidates should… quand ils auront fini l'examen les candidats devront…
    the lid wasn't on le couvercle n'était pas mis;
    put the top back on afterwards remets le capuchon ensuite
    why have you got your gloves on? pourquoi as-tu mis tes gants?;
    the woman with the blue dress on la femme en robe bleue;
    what had she got on? qu'est-ce qu'elle portait?, comment était-elle habillée?;
    he's got nothing on il est nu
    to read on continuer à lire;
    the car drove on la voiture ne s'est pas arrêtée;
    they walked on ils poursuivirent leur chemin;
    from now or this moment or this time on désormais;
    from that day on à partir ou dater de ce jour;
    well on in years d'un âge avancé;
    earlier/later/further on plus tôt/tard/loin;
    on with the show! que le spectacle continue!
    I've got a lot on this week je suis très occupé cette semaine;
    have you got anything on tonight? tu fais quelque chose ce soir?
    (e) (functioning, running)
    put or turn or switch the television on allume la télévision;
    turn the tap on ouvre le robinet;
    the lights had been left on les lumières étaient restées allumées;
    the tap had been left on le robinet était resté ouvert;
    the car had its headlights on les phares de la voiture étaient allumés
    I have a bet on j'ai fait un pari
    to be or go on about sth parler de qch sans arrêt ;
    he's on about his new car again le voilà reparti sur sa nouvelle voiture;
    what's she on about? qu'est-ce qu'elle raconte?;
    he's always on about the war/teenagers il n'arrête pas de déblatérer sur la guerre/les adolescents;
    my parents are always on at me about my hair mes parents n'arrêtent pas de m'embêter avec mes cheveux;
    I've been on at them for months to get it fixed cela fait des mois que je suis sur leur dos pour qu'ils le fassent réparer
    (a) (working → electricity, light, radio, TV) allumé; (→ gas, tap) ouvert; (→ engine, machine) en marche; (→ handbrake) serré; (→ alarm) enclenché;
    the radio was on very loud la radio hurlait;
    make sure the switches are in the "on" position vérifiez que les interrupteurs sont sur (la position) "marche";
    the "on" button le bouton de mise en marche
    (b) (happening, under way)
    to be on (actor) être en scène;
    we're on in ten minutes c'est à nous dans dix minutes;
    there's a conference on next week il y a une conférence la semaine prochaine;
    the meeting is on right now la réunion est en train de se dérouler;
    the match is still on (on TV) le match n'est pas terminé; (going ahead) le match n'a pas été annulé;
    it's on at the local cinema ça passe au cinéma du quartier;
    the play was on for weeks la pièce a tenu l'affiche pendant des semaines;
    your favourite TV programme is on tonight il y a ton émission préférée à la télé ce soir;
    there's nothing good on (on TV, radio) il n'y a rien de bien;
    is the party still on? est-ce que la soirée se fait toujours?;
    is our deal still on? est-ce que notre affaire tient toujours?;
    the kettle's on for tea j'ai mis de l'eau à chauffer pour le thé;
    hurry up, your dinner's on dépêche-toi, ton dîner va être prêt
    (c) (on duty → in hospital, surgery) de garde; (→ in shop, administration) de service;
    I'm on at three o'clock, then off at nine o'clock je commence à trois heures et je finis à neuf heures
    the odds are twenty to one on la cote est de vingt contre un
    such behaviour just isn't on! une telle conduite est tout à fait inadmissible! ;
    British it's not on! ça va pas du tout!
    (f) familiar (feasible, possible)
    we'll never be ready by tomorrow, it just isn't on nous ne serons jamais prêts pour demain, c'est tout bonnement impossible
    are you still on for dinner tonight? ça marche toujours pour le dîner de ce soir?;
    shall we say £10? - you're on! disons 10 livres? - d'accord ou tope là!;
    if you wash the dishes, I'll dry them - you're on! si tu fais la vaisselle, je l'essuie - ça marche!
    to be on (menstruating) avoir ses ragnagnas
    we went out together on and off for a year on a eu une relation irrégulière pendant un an
    sans arrêt;
    he goes on and on about his minor ailments il nous rebat les oreilles avec ses petits problèmes de santé;
    the play dragged on and on la pièce n'en finissait plus

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > on

  • 2 off

    off [ɒf]
    to take sth off enlever ou ôter qch;
    to come off (sticker, handle) se détacher; (lipstick, paint) partir;
    you can leave your jacket off ce n'est pas la peine de remettre votre veste;
    with his jacket off sans sa veste;
    she kicked off her shoes elle ôta ses chaussures d'un coup de pied;
    the knob had broken off la poignée était cassée;
    peel off the wallpaper décollez le papier peint;
    she cut off her hair elle s'est coupé les cheveux;
    could you take two centimetres off? (off sleeves, hemline) est-ce que vous pourriez enlever deux centimètres?;
    off with those wet clothes! retire(-moi) ou enlève(-moi) ces vêtements humides!;
    off with his head! coupez-lui la tête!
    the truck drove off le camion démarra;
    to run off partir en courant;
    when are you off to Dublin? quand partez-vous pour Dublin?;
    we'd better be off on doit partir;
    Sport they're off! ils sont partis!;
    familiar I'm off! j'y vais! ;
    off you go, you'll be late! sauve-toi ou vas-y, tu vas être en retard!;
    off we go! c'est parti!;
    off to bed with you! au lit!;
    isn't it time you were off to bed? n'est-il pas l'heure que tu ailles te coucher?;
    familiar be off with you! va-t'en! ;
    (get) off! enlevez-vous de là!;
    humorous oh no, he's off again! ça y est, ça le reprend!
    the ball hit the wall and bounced off la balle a heurté le mur et a rebondi;
    I knocked the glass off with my elbow j'ai fait tomber le verre d'un coup de coude
    it's off to the right c'est sur la droite;
    she's off playing tennis elle est partie jouer au tennis
    (e) (indicating disembarkment, dismounting etc)
    to get off descendre;
    to jump off sauter
    (f) (indicating absence, inactivity)
    to take a week off prendre une semaine de congé;
    Monday's my day off le lundi est mon jour de congé;
    have you any time off during the week? avez-vous des heures libres pendant la semaine?;
    I get two hours off for lunch j'ai deux heures de libres pour le déjeuner
    Paris/Christmas is still a long way off Paris/Noël est encore loin;
    it's a few miles off c'est à quelques kilomètres d'ici
    (h) Theatre off;
    voice off voix f off;
    noises/voices off bruits mpl/voix fpl en coulisses
    to put or switch or turn the light off éteindre la lumière;
    to turn the tap off fermer le robinet;
    leave the lights off n'allume pas
    (j) (indicating separation, partition)
    the playing area is divided off by a low wall l'aire de jeu est délimitée par un petit mur;
    to fence off land clôturer un terrain;
    the police have cordoned off the area la police a bouclé le quartier
    special offer: £5 off (sign) offre spéciale: 5 livres de réduction;
    the salesman gave me $20/20 percent off le vendeur m'a fait une remise de 20 dollars/20 pour cent
    to sleep/to walk sth off faire passer qch en dormant/marchant
    he fell off his chair il est tombé de sa chaise;
    she knocked the vase off the table elle a fait tomber le vase de la table;
    take your elbows off the table enlève tes coudes de la table;
    off the sofa! (don't stand on it) descends du canapé!; (don't sit on it) lève-toi du canapé!;
    couples started drifting off the dance floor les couples commencèrent à quitter la piste de danse;
    drinks must not be taken off the premises (sign) les boissons doivent être consommées sur place;
    figurative it'll take your mind off it ça te changera les idées
    take the top off the bottle enlève le bouchon de la bouteille;
    to cut a slice off sth couper une tranche de qch;
    I've stripped the wallpaper off the walls j'ai décollé le papier peint des murs;
    get that knife off him! prends-lui son couteau!;
    off the peg en confection, en prêt-à-porter
    to buy sth off sb acheter qch à qn;
    I bought it off a stall je l'ai acheté sur le marché;
    can I borrow £5 off you? je peux t'emprunter 5 livres?;
    I caught a cold off my brother mon frère m'a passé son rhume
    a cool breeze off the sea une brise fraîche venant du large
    a few miles off the coast à quelques kilomètres de la côte;
    off the coast of Spain au large de la côte espagnole;
    most students live off campus la plupart des étudiants vivent à l'extérieur du campus;
    we ate in a small restaurant off the main road nous avons mangé dans un petit restaurant à l'écart de la grand-route;
    the bathroom's off the bedroom la salle de bains donne dans la chambre;
    an alley off Oxford Street une ruelle qui part d'Oxford Street;
    just off Oxford Street there's a pretty little square à deux pas d'Oxford Street il y a une petite place ravissante
    Mr Dale is off work today M. Dale est absent aujourd'hui;
    you need a few days off work vous avez besoin de quelques jours de congé;
    Wayne's off school with the flu Wayne est à la maison avec la grippe;
    I've been off work for over a year now voilà un an que je ne travaille plus
    it runs off gas/electricity/solar power ça marche au gaz/à l'électricité/à l'énergie solaire;
    the radio works off the mains la radio fonctionne sur secteur
    to live off vegetables vivre de légumes;
    to live off the land vivre (des produits) de la terre;
    we dined off a leg of lamb nous avons dîné d'une tranche de gigot
    I can get $20/20 percent off the list price je peux avoir une remise de 20 dollars/20 pour cent sur le prix de vente;
    familiar they'll knock or take something off it if you pay cash ils vous feront une remise si vous payez en liquide ;
    that's 2 seconds off the record c'est 2 secondes de moins que le record
    to be off one's food ne pas avoir faim ;
    I'm off whisky je n'aime plus le whisky ;
    I'm off him at the moment j'en ai marre de lui en ce moment;
    she's off antibiotics now elle ne prend plus d'antibiotiques maintenant ;
    he's off heroin now il ne touche plus à l'héroïne maintenant
    (a) (not working → electricity, light, radio, TV) éteint; (→ tap) fermé; (→ engine, machine) arrêté, à l'arrêt; (→ handbrake) desserré;
    the gas is off (at mains) le gaz est fermé; (under saucepan) le gaz est éteint; (for safety reasons) le gaz est coupé;
    off (on switch, appliance) arrêt;
    make sure the switches are in the off position vérifiez que les interrupteurs sont sur (la position) arrêt;
    the off button le bouton d'arrêt
    (b) (bad, tainted) mauvais, avarié;
    the milk is off le lait a tourné;
    this beer's off cette bière est éventée;
    it smells/tastes off on dirait que ce n'est plus bon
    (c) (cancelled) annulé;
    tonight's match is off le match de ce soir est annulé;
    if that's your attitude, the deal's off! si c'est comme ça que vous le prenez, ma proposition ne tient plus!
    (d) (on vacation, not working) en congé, en vacances;
    to be off sick être absent parce qu'on est malade, être malade;
    he's off today il n'est pas là aujourd'hui;
    are you off tomorrow? tu travailles demain?; (no school) tu (n')as (pas d')école demain?; (no college) tu (n')as (pas) cours demain?;
    I'm off from 3 to 5 je ne travaille pas entre 3 et 5 heures
    I'm afraid the salmon's off je regrette, mais il n'y a plus de saumon
    I felt decidedly off the next morning le lendemain matin, je ne me sentais vraiment pas bien;
    everyone has their off days on a tous nos mauvais jours
    his timing was a bit off (when he asked for a rise etc) il n'a pas choisi un très bon moment
    that's a bit off! vous y allez un peu fort!;
    I thought it was a bit off the way she just ignored me je n'ai pas apprécié qu'elle m'ignore comme ça
    (i) British Cars (when driving on right) (du côté) gauche; (when driving on left) (du côté) droit
    how are we off for milk? combien de lait nous reste-t-il?
    4 noun
    familiar (start) départ m;
    they're ready for the off ils sont prêts à partir ;
    right from the off dès le départ
    American familiar (kill) buter, refroidir, zigouiller
    on the off chance au cas où, à tout hasard;
    I called by just on the off chance je suis passé au cas où ou à tout hasard;
    I phoned on the off chance of catching him at home j'ai appelé en espérant qu'il serait chez lui;
    she kept it on the off chance (that) it might prove useful elle l'a gardé pour le cas où cela pourrait servir
    par intervalles;
    we lived together off and on for three years on a plus ou moins vécu ensemble pendant trois ans
    ►► Cinema & Television off camera hors champ, off;
    British off sales = vente à emporter de boissons alcoolisées

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > off

  • 3 система

    system (sys, syst)
    комплекс элементов, в котором каждый элемент работает или взаимодействует для выполнения общей функции, выполняемой данным комплексом. — any organized arrangement in which each component part acts, reacts, or interacts in accordance with an overall design inherent in the arrangement.
    -, аварийная — emergency system
    дублирующая система, предназначенная для использования в случае отказа основной, — the emergency system is used to take the place of the main system in case of the main system failure.
    -, аварийная гидравлическая (подраздел 029-20 no стандартной системе нумерации tex. документации no гост 18675-73). — auxiliary hydraulic system used to supplement or take the place of the main hydraulic system
    - аварийного освещения (подраздел 33-50) — emergency lighting system (section 33-50. emergency lighting)
    - аварийного останова (двигателя)emergency shutdown system
    - аварийного открытия замков шассиemergency landing gear uplock release system
    - аварийного покидания лаemergency-escape system
    - аварийного покидания ла (разд. 100) — ejection escape
    - аварийного покидания ла, катапультная — ejection-escape system
    - аварийного слива топлива (в полете) (подраздел 028-30) — fuel dump system, fuel jettisoning system dump used to dump fuel overboard during flight.
    - аварийного торможения (азотная)emergency air (wheel) brake system
    - аварийной и предупредительной сигнализации (сас)(master) warning and caution system
    - аварийной регистрации параметров полета (сарпп)flight data recorder system (fdr)
    - аварийной сигнализацииemergency warning system
    система выдает визуальный или звуковой сигнал для предупреждения экипажа о нарушении нормальной работы или условий. — the system provides visual and aural signals to alert the flight crew to special or urgent circumstances.
    - аварийной сигнализации и блокировкиwarning and interlock system
    - аварийной, предупредительной и уведомляющей сигнализации — (master) warning and caution (system)
    - автомата загрузки (управления ла)feel system
    - автомата сигнализации углов атаки, скольжения (и перегрузок) (ауасп) — angle-of-attack, slip and асceleration indicating/warning system
    - система торможенияanti-skid system
    система не допускает возникновения юза (заторможенных) колес шасси, независимо от воздействия летчика на тормозные педали, давление в тормозах сбрасывается при возникновении юза колеса и подается снова для обеспечения торможения при отсутствии юза. — the function of the system is such that regardless of how much the rudder toe pedals may be depressed, brake pressure will be released when excessive wheel deceleration is sensed, when system is armed, and then re-applied at a power level to provide maximum braking without skidding.
    - автомата тряски штурвала (при выходе на критический угол атаки) — stick shaker system. with stall warning test switch depressed, the stick shaker (system) should operate.
    - автомата тяги (подраздел 022-30)auto throttle system (at) auto throttle
    служит для автоматического регулирования тяги (двигателя) при заходе на посадку или уходе на второй круг. — automatically controls the position of the throttles (eпgins power) during landing/approach and go around procedures.
    - автомата усилий (в системе управления ла)automatic gain control (agc)
    - автомата усилий (загрузки управления ла)feel system
    -, автоматизированная — automated system
    -, автоматизированная навигационная — automated navigation system (ans)
    - автоматики топлива (управление и сигнализация работы топливной системы)(automatic) fuel management and indicating system
    -, автоматическая навигационная (ану) — self-contained dead reckoning system, dr system
    - автоматического выброса кислородных масок (срабатывающая при падении давления в кабине) — oxygen mask drop out system (operated by cabin low pressure)
    - автоматического выпуска парашютаautomatic parachute deploy-' ment system
    - автоматического захода на посадкуautomatic approach system
    - автоматического контроля исправности (саки)automatic test system
    - автоматического регулирования давления воздуха в гермокабине (сард)(automatic) cabin (air) pressure control system
    - автоматического регулирования двигателяautomatic compressor control system
    управляет механизацией компрессора: кпв, вна.
    - автоматического регулирования расхода топливаautomatic fuel management system
    - автоматического регулирования усилий (ару, на органах управления, напр., рв) — automatic (elevator) load feel control system
    - автоматического регулирования частоты вращения несущего винта (вертолета) — main rotor speed governor system
    - автоматического торможенияanti-skid control (system)

    anti-skid control system releases the brake pressure when it senses a locked or skidding wheel.
    - автоматического триммированияauto trim (control) system
    - автоматического уменьшения крена (аук)bank counteract system
    система включается при отказе одного двигателя (на одном крыле), отклоняя интерцептор (спойлер) на противоположном крыле. — with an engine failed, the opposite wing speller is eхtended to counteract dangerous bank.
    - автоматического управления (комплекс автопилота и системы траекторного управления) — autopilot and flight director control system, ap/fd flight control system. complete ар control with simultaneous flight director commands the pilot саn monitor.
    - автоматического управления запуском (двигателя, сауз) — engine auto start(ing) system
    - автоматического управления заходом на посадкуautomatic approach system
    - автоматического управления и регулированияautomatic control(ling) and regulating system
    - автоматического управления параллельной работой генераторовgenerator autoparalleling system

    the system senses voltages on the generator side of the generator breaker and on the bus.
    - автоматического управления (сау) — auto flight control system, ap/fd flight control system
    - автоматического управления полетом, бортовая (абсу) (раздел 22) — auto flight (control) system (afcs) auto flight
    комплекс агрегатов и элементов, обеспечивающих автематическое управление ла в полете, — those units and components which furnish а means of automatically controlling the flight of the aircraft.
    - автоматического управления посадкой (дублированная, резервная) — (dual) autoland system (dual a/l)
    - автоматического управления самолетом (относительно 3-х осей)autopilot system (ар)
    (подраздел 022-10, система автопилота) — autopilot
    часть абсу, использующая радиотехнические средства, автоматы курса, гировертикали,a также устройства принудительного ввода команд для автоматического продольного и поперечного управления ла. — that portion of the system that uses radio/radar beam, directional and vertical gyro, pitot static and manually induced inputs to the system to automatically control yaw, pitch and roll of the aircraft.
    - автоматического управления расходом топлива (автомат расхода)automatic fuel management system
    - автоматического флюгирования воздушного винтаautomatic propeller feathering system
    - автоматической загрузки (саз)automatic feel system (afs)
    - автоматической отдачи ручки (штурвала) (при выходе на критический угол атаки) — stick (or control wheel) pusher system
    - автоматической регистрации параметров полета (сарпп) — flight data recorder system, flight recorder system (fdr)
    для записи основных параметров полета при помощи самописцев. — used for recording data not related to specific system. lncludes flight recorders.
    - автоматической посадки — automatic banding /autoland/ system (autoland, a/l)
    - автоматической стабилизацииautomatic stabilization system
    - автоматической стабилизации (вертолета) относительно трех осей — three-axis autostabilization system. the helicopter is equipped with a three-axis autostabilization system with the autopilot facilities.
    -, автономная — self-contained system
    доплеровский измеритель путевой скорости и сноса является автономной системой автоматического счисления — doppler navigation system is а self-contained deadreckoning system.
    -, автономная (отдельная) — independent system
    -, автономная масляная — self-contained /independent/ oil system
    каждый двигатель имеет свою автономную масляную систему. — each engine has а self-contained (independent) oil system.
    -, автономная (автоматическая) навигационная (ану) — self-contained dead reckoning (dr) system
    - автономного запуска (двигателя)independent starting system
    бортовая система, обеспечивающая запуск двигателей при отсутствии наземных источников энергопитания, — the apu provides а means for independent starting of the engines with а ground power source unavailable.
    - автопилотаautopilot system
    (подраздел 022-10)autopilot
    -, активная — active system
    бортовая радиоэлектронная система, включающая передающее оборудование, напр., радиоответчик. — in radio and radar, a system which requires transmitting equipment, such as a beacon or transponder, to be carried in the aircraft.
    - активного демпфирования (сад)airframe (oscillation) damping system
    автоматическое демпфирование колебаний крыла и фюзеляжа для облегчения условий работы соответствующих конструктивных элементов.
    - активного ответа (сро)(active) transponder system
    - активного ответа, диспетчерекая — атс transponder system
    взаимодействует е радиола катарами увд.
    -, антенно-фидерная (афс) — antenna-feeder system
    -, астроинерциальная — stellar inertial navigation system (sins)
    -, астроинерциальная, малогабаритная (маис) — stellar inertial navigation system (sins)
    -, астронавигационная — selestial /stellar/ navigation system
    -, астроориентирная — star-tracker system
    - аэродинамических параметров (центральная)(central) air-data computer system
    (высота, вертикальная скорость, скорость, температура, число м)
    -, аэронавигационная, радиоэлектронная — avionics navigation system
    - аэродромного (электрического) питанияexternal electrical power system
    (подраздел 024-40)external power
    эл. сеть ла, служащая для подвода аэродромного питания к бортовой сети ла. — that portion of the system within the aircraft which connects external electrical power to the aircraft's electrical system.
    - (продольной) балансировки (самолета)trim system
    -, безбустерная — unassisted control system
    -, бесплатформенная инерциальная навигационная (бинс на лазерных гироскопах) — gimballes inertial navigation system (ins)
    - бесшумной настройки (рад.) — squelch control system
    - бензопитанияfuel supply system
    -, бленкерная — warning flag movement
    механизм перемещения бленкера (директорного) прибора. — то deflect the flag into or out of view.
    - ближней навигации, радиотехническая (рсбн) — short-range radio navigation system
    - боевого сброса бомбnormal bomb release system
    - блокировкиinterlock(ing) system
    - блокировки и сигнализацииinterlock and warning system
    - бпокировки самолетных систем (по обжатию амортстойки шасси)ground shift system
    для включения/выключения систем ла при обжатой амортстойке шасси, — the ground shift system activates/deactivates some aircraft systems with gear shock strut compressed.
    - блокировки управления двигателем (no реверсу)thrust reverser throttle interlock system
    - блокировки управления двигателем (no руд)engine throttle interlock system
    - ближней навигации по маякам ворvor navigation system
    - бокового канала (управления ла)roll (channel) control system
    включает вычислитель, дус, рм (элеронов).
    -, бортовая — airborne system
    любая система, установленная на борту ла. — the airborne computer system gives track guidance.
    -, бортовая (б/c) — aircraft electrical system, (from aircraft)
    питание ламп напряжением 27 в б/с. — lamps are powered by 27 vdc from aircraft.
    -, бустерная (управления) (рис. 20) — power(ed) control system
    -, бустерная гидравлическая — hydraulic power(ed) control system
    -, бустерная необратимая (рис. 20) — power-operated control system the power-operated control system is irreversible boost system.
    -, бустерная обратимая (рис. 20) — power-boost control system the power-boost control system is a reversible boost system.
    - вентиляцииventilation system
    - вентиляции подкапотного пространства (двиг.) — nacelle ventilation (and cooling) system
    - визуальной индикации глиссады (при заходе на посадку)visual approach slope indicator system (vasis)
    - включена (работает)system on
    - включена (готова к работе)system armed
    - включения готовности (самолетных) систем по обжатию амортстойкиground shift system
    - вкпючения (готовности) управления поворотом передних колес от педалей рн на земле — rudder pedal steering shift system
    - внесения изменений (в документацию)revision system
    -, внешняя (подключенная к данной системе) — coupled system
    - внутрисамолетной радиотрансляцииpassenger address and entertainment system
    (подраздел 023-30)passenger address and entertainment
    радиоаппаратура оповещения и развлечения пассажиров, — that portion of the system used to address and entertain the passengers.
    - внутрисамолетной связи при техобслуживанииground service interphone system
    -, водоканализационная — water/waste system
    (раздел 038) — water/waste
    стационарные устройства и агрегаты для водоснабжения и канализации использованной воды и отбросов, — those fixed units and components which store and deliver for use fresh water, and those fixed components which store and furnish a means for removal of water and waste.
    - водоснабжения и удаления отходов — water/waste system
    - воздухозаборника, противообледенительная — air intake ice protection system, air intake anti-icing system
    (подраздел 030-20)air intakes
    часть пос для предотвращения или удаления обледенения воздухозаборников двигателей, — that portion of the system which is used to eliminate or prevent the formation of ice in or around air intakes. includes power plant antiicing.
    -, воздушная (система, использующая воздух, отбираемый от двигателей для питания системы скв, пос, запуска двигателей) — pneumatic power system (pneu pwr sys)
    - воздушная (разд.036) — pneumatic
    - воздушного винта, противообледенительная — propeller ice protection system, propeller anti-icing system
    (подраздел 030-60) — propellers/rotors
    часть пос для предотвращения образования льда и его удаления с возд. винтов, — that portion of the system which is used to eliminate or prevent the formation of ice on propellers or rotors.
    -, воздушно-тепловая противообледенительная — hot air ice protection system
    - воздушных параметров полетаflight environment data system
    (подраздел 034-10)flight environment data
    устройства, воспринимающие параметры окружающей среды, для использования в целях навигации. включает системы динамического и статического давлений, измерения температуры наружного воздуха, вертикальной и воздушной скорости, высоты и т.п. — that portion of the system which senses environmental conditions and uses the data to influence navigation. lncludes items such as pitot, static, air temperature, rateof-climb, airspeed, high speed warning, altitude, altitude reporting, altimeter correction system, etc.
    - воздушных сигналов (свс)air data computer system (adc)
    - воздушных сигналов, цифровая — digital air data computer system (dads)
    - впрыска водыwater injection system
    (раздел 082)water injection
    система, дозирующая и подающая воду или водную смесь на вход двигателя. — those units and components which furnish, meter and inject water or water mixtures into the induction system.
    - впрыска топливаfuel injection system
    -, впускная (двигателя) — induction system
    система, состоящая из трубопроводов, коллекторов, карбюраторов, воздухозаборинков и агрегатов, для подачи топливовоздушной смеси в двигатель, — the combined system of piping manifolds, carburetor, air scoops, accessories, etc., which are used to supply the engine with a fuel mixture charge.
    - временных измененийtemporary revision system
    - всережимного предельного регулирования температуры (газов за турбиной, впрт) — all-power exhaust gas temperatore control system
    -, вспомогательная — auxiliary system
    -, вспомогательная гидравлическая (для привода второстепенных вспомогательных агрегатов и систем) — utility hydraulic system
    - встречного запуска (двигателя в воздухе), автоматическая — automatic (engine) air relight /restart/ system
    - встроенного контроля (свк) — built-in test system (bits), integral test system
    - встроенного контроля и предупреждения экипажа, обобщенная — integrated built-in test and crew warning system
    -, входящая (имеющая отношение к...) — related system. airframe and related systems.
    - выпуска парашютаparachute deployment system
    - выработки топлива (из баков)(tank) fuel usage system
    - высокого давления, топливная (от насоса-регулятора до форсунок) — high-pressure (hp) fuel system
    -, высотная (вентиляции и герметизации кабин) — air conditioning system
    (раздел 021)air conditioning
    устройства, обеспечивающие наддув, обогрев, охлаждение и увлажнение воздуха, используемого для вентиляции герметичной кабины ла. — those units and components which furnish а means of pressurizing, heating, cooling, moisture controlling and filtering the air used to ventilate the areas of the fuselage within the pressure seals.
    - высотная (жизнеобеспечения, создания искусственного климата в кабине ла) — environmental control system (ecs)
    - высотно-скоростных параметров, информационная (см. комплекс) — flight environment data system (feds)
    -, вытяжная парашютная (впс, для извлечения грузовых платформ из грузовой кабины) — extractor parachute system. то withdraw loads from aircraft cargo compartment in flight.
    -, выхлопная — exhaust system
    (раздел 078)exhaust
    для отвода выходящих газов двигателя в атмосферу, — those units and components which direct the engine exhaust gases overboard.
    - вычисления отношения давлений двигателяengine pressure ratio computer system
    служит для определения режима (тяги) двигателя, — the system is used to determine engine rating for all modes of operation.
    - географических координатgeographic(al) coordinate system
    - геодезических координатgeodetic coordinate system
    - герметизации (кабин)pressurization system
    - герметизации (уплотнения дверей, люков) — (door) sealing (system)
    - герметизации, обогрева и вентиляции (кабин ла) — air conditioning system
    -, гидравлическая (включающая источники и потребители) — hydraulic system
    -, гидравлическая (включающая источники и регуляторы давления) — hydraulic power system
    (раздел 029)hydraulic power
    агрегаты (насосы, регуляторы, краны), обеспечивающие подачу рабочей жидкости под давлением к общей точке (коллектору) для распределения по др. системам, — units and components (pumps, regulators, lines, valves) which furnish hydraulic fluid under pressure to а common point (manifold) for redistribution to other systems.
    - nо. 1, гидравлическая (надпись) — no. 1 hyd sys(t)
    -, гидравлическая аварийная — emergency hydraulic system
    -, гидравлическая аварийная (вспомогательная, дублирующая, резервная) — auxiliary hydraulic system
    -, гидравлическая вспомогательная (дублирующая, резервная) — auxiliary hydraulic system
    -, гидравлическая вспомогательная (для привода вспомогательных агрегатов, систем) — utility hydraulic system
    -, гидравлическая дублирующая (авар., вспомогат., резервн.) — auxiliary hydraulic system
    -, гидравлическая, общая — main hydraulic system
    -, гироинерциальная (с гироплатформой и акселерометрами) — inertial navigation system (ins)
    -, гироинерциальная, малогабаритная (мис) — inertial navigation system (ins)
    -, гироинерциальная с дублированием курса и вертикали — inertial navigation system with attitude and heading reference
    -, гироскопическая — gyro system
    - громкоговорящего оповещенияpassenger address system
    - дальней навигацииlong-range navigation system
    - дальней навигации, радиотехническая (омега) — omega navigation system, omega automatic computerized earth-oriented navigation system
    -, дапьномерная (дме) — distance measuring system (dme)
    - двигателя, противообледенительная — engine anti-icing system
    - двигателя, противопожарная — engine fire extinguishing system
    - двигателя, топливная — engine fuel system
    система, включающая агрегаты и трубопроводы за пожарным (перекрывным) краном. — the system consists of those components downstream of the fuel fire shut-off valve.
    - двойного зажиганияdual ignition system

    an ignition system utilizing two separate and duplicate systems.
    -, двухотказная (сохраняющая работоспособность при одиночном отказе) — fail-operative system
    -, двухочередная противопожарная — two discharge /"two-shot"/ fire extinguishing system
    -, динамическая (манометра) — pressure system
    -, динамическая (приемников возд. давлений, пвд) — pitot (pressure) system
    -, динамическая (пвд), аварийная — auxiliary pitot system (aux pitot)
    -, динамическая (пвд), основная — main pitot system
    - динамического давления рабочего, основного (переключатепь) — normal pitot pressure system (norm pitot)
    -, динамического давления, резервного (переключатель) — auxiliary pitot pressure system (aux pitot)
    -, директорная — flight director (fd) system
    является пилотажно-навигационной системой, обеспечивающей летчиков визуальной индикацией положения самолета в пространстве и курсовой информацией для полета по заданной траектории. — fd system is a navigation aid to assist pilots by presenting visually accurate aircraft attitude and heading information to follow the preselected flight path.
    - директорного управления (сду) — flight director (system), (fd)
    - директорных пилотажных приборовflight director (system)
    система включает пилотажный командный прибор, плановый навигационный прибор, вычислительное устройство, блок сравнения, гировертикаль. — flight director (system) incorporates flight director indicator, course indicator, computer, comparator system, vertical reference gyro unit.
    - дистанционного управленияremote control system
    - для опрыскиванияspraying system
    -, доплеровская — doppler system
    - доплеровская, навигационная — doppler (navigation) system
    система, использующая эффект доплера для получения навигационной информации. — in radar, any system utilizing the doppler effect for obtaining information.
    - доплеровского измерителя (дисс) — doppler navigation /computer/ system (dop)
    система использует зависимость частоты отраженного сигнала от скорости источника излучения (эффект доплеpa) и позволяет определить путевую скорость и угол сноса (рис. 82). — the system provides outputs of velocity along and across heading to а navigation сошputer. ground speed and drift information is computed and displayed.
    - дренажа (слива)drain(age) system
    - дренажа (сообщения с атмосферой)vent system
    - дренажа (слива) топливаfuel drain system
    - дренажа (слива) топливных коллекторовfuel manifold drain system
    -, дренажная (слива) — drainage system
    -, дренажная (сообщения с атмосферой) — vent system
    -, дренажная (двигателя) — engine drainage system
    дренажные устройства двигателя должны располагаться таким образом, чтобы отводимые жидкости (топливо, масло) не создавали опасности возникновения пожара. — the drainage means must be arranged so that no discharged fluid will cause a fire hazard.
    -, дублирующая — alternate system
    общий термин, подразумевающий как вторую равноценную систему, так и систему, способную выполнять ограниченные функции в случае отказа основной. — each alternate system may be а duplicate power portion or а manually operated mechanical system.
    -, дублирующая (вторая равноценная система, напр., пилотажных приборов) — duplicate /duplicating/ system
    система включает пилотажные приборы на рабочем месте летчика и аналогичные приборы на рабочих местах др. членов экипажа, — duplicate instrument system incorporates flight instruments for the pilot, and the same instruments duplicated at other flight crew stations.
    -, дублирующая аварийная — duplicating emergency system
    -, дублирующая (аварийная) гидравлическая — auxiliary hydraulic system
    - единицsystem of units
    - единиц сгс (сантиметр, грамм, секунда) — cgs (centimeter-gram-second) system of units
    система единиц для механич., электрических, магнитных и акустических величин. основн. единицы: сантиметр (ед. длины), грамм (ед. массы) и секунда (ед. времени). — а metric measuring system, sometimes known as the absolute system of measurement where cgs (centimetergram-second) are respectivelу the length units, the weight units, and the time units.
    - (управления), жесткая (при помощи тяг) — push-pull (rod) control system
    - жизнеобеспечения (искуственного климата в кабинах ла)environmental control system (ecs)
    - забора воздухаair induction system
    система забора воздуха должна обеспечивать потребное количество воздуха, подаваемого в двигатель на всех режимах работы. — the air induction system for each engine must supply air required by that engine under each operating condition.
    - загрузки (а системе управления)(artificial) feel system
    - зажиганияignition system
    (раздел 074)ignition
    система, обеспечивающая зажигание топлива или рабочей смеси в камерах сгорания поршневых или газотурбинных двигателей, а также в форсажных камерах гтд. — those units and components which generate, control, furnish, or distribute an electriсаl current to ignite the fuel air mixture in the cylinders of reciprocating engines or in the combustion chambers or thrust augmentors of turbine engines.
    - зажигания продолжительногo режима работыcontinuous ignition system
    работает в полете для предотвращения срыва пламени в камерах сгорания при неблагоприятных условиях. — used in flight to prevent flameout during adverse ambient conditions.
    - зажигания, пусковая (или повторно-кратковременного режима работы) — starting (or intermittent) ignition system

    used in all engine starts, including air relighting.
    - зажигания, экранированная — shielded ignition system
    система, элементы которой заключены в металлические оболочки-экраны для уменьшения радиопомех, создаваемых при работе системы. — complete enclosure of all parts, of the ignition system (spark plugs, wires, magnetos, etc.) in suitable interconnected and grounded metal housings to minimize radio interference.
    - заливки (заливочная)priming system
    устройство для впрыска легкого топлива в цилиндры или патрубки пд для облегчения его запуска. — prior to starting the engine make several strokes of the priming pump plunger to prime the engine.
    -, замкнутая — closed (circuit) system
    в производственный вес nycтого самолета включается только вес жидкостей, содержащихся в замкнутых системах. — the manufacturerss emply weight includes only those fluids contained in closed systems.
    -, замкнутая масляная — closed (circuit) oil system
    - записиrecording system
    - заправки топливом — fueling /refueling/ system
    - заправки топливом под давлениемpressure fueling system
    - заправки топливом, централизованная (под давлением) — single point pressure fueling system
    автоматическая и одновременная заправка всех топливных баков осуществляется посредством системы централизованной заправки. — automatic and simultaneous pressure fueling of all fuel tanks is accomplished by the single point pressure fueling system.
    - запускаstarting system
    (раздел 080)starting
    совокупность деталей и агрегатов силовой установки, служащих для запуска двигателя. — those units, components and associated systems used for starting the engine. includes electrical, inertia, air or other starter systems.
    - запуска, воздушная — air /pneumatic/ starting system
    - запуска двигателяengine starting system
    - запуска двигателя в воздухеengine flight restart system
    - захода на посадку, автоматическая — automatic approach system
    - защитыprotection system
    - защиты воздухозаборника от (попадания) посторонних предметовair intake debris protection system
    - защиты воздухозаборников (двиг.), струйная — engine air intake blowaway jet system
    - защиты лобовых стекол от запотевания — windshield demisting /defogging/system
    - защиты от обледенения и атмосферных осадковice and rain protection system
    (раздел 030)ice and rain protection
    система для предотвращения образования или удаления льда и удаления атмосферных осадков с различных частей ла. — those units and components which provide а means of preventing or disposing of formation of ice and rain on various parts of the aircraft.
    - защиты от опасных (завыщенных оборотов)overspeed protection system
    - защиты стекол от запотевания — window demisting /defogging/ system
    - защиты турбины (несущего) винта от раскрутки (сзтв)main rotor overspeed protection system
    - звуковой информации о высоте полета (автоматическая)(automatic) altitude reporting system
    - избирательного вызова (на связь)selective call(ing) system
    - (внесения) изменений (в документацию)revision system
    - измерения (количества) масла (сим)oil quantity indicating system (oil qty)
    - измерения массы и центровки (симц) — on-board weight /mass/ and balance system
    для определения массы (в кг) и положения центра тяжести (в % сах) при нахождении ла на земле. — the system measures the aircraft gross weight (in kg) and computes cg (in % mac) when the aircraft is on the ground.
    - измерения расхода топлива (ситр)fuel flowmeter system
    при наличии системы измерения расхода топлива, у каждого летчика должен быть предусмотрен канал перепуска. — if а fuel flowmeter system is installed, each metering component must have a means for bypassing the fuel supply.
    - измерения расхода топлива (и суммарного запаса топлива)fuel flow and quantity indicating system
    - измерения температуры (выходящих) газов за турбиной (дв.) — exhaust /turbine/ gas temperature indicating /measuring/ system (egt ind, tgt ind)

    egt is measured by thermocouples.
    - измерения углов атаки и перегрузок (автомат ауасп) — angle of attack and acceleration indicating/warning system
    - измерения уровня масла (сим)oil quantity indicating system
    - измерения частоты вращенияtachometer system
    - имитации автоматического управления (исау)auto flight control simulation system
    - имитации видимости (сив)visibility simulation system
    шторка различной прозрачности для имитации метеоминимумов.
    - имитации визуальной индикацииvisual display simulation system
    - имитации усилий (на органах управления)(artificial) feel system
    - индикации — indication /indicating/ system
    - индикации давления масла (топлива)oil (fuel) pressure indication system
    включает датчики и указатель давления. — includes pressure transmitters and indicators.
    - индикации (оборотов)(rpm) indicating system
    - индикации и контроля пространственного положения лаattitude indicating and monitoring system
    - индикации температуры маслаoil temperature indication system
    - индикации угла атакиangle-of-attack (indicating) system
    - инертной средыinert gas system
    -, инерциальная навигационная — inertial navigation system (ins)
    автономная навигационная система, не связанная с наземными навигационными станциями и радиолокационными системами самолета. система воспринимает и измеряет ускорения действующие на ла. служит для выдачи сигналов места ла, путевой скорости, курса (азимута) и вертикали. — ins provides navigation on self-contained basis, i.e. it do not require any ground based aids, nor relays on radio and/or radar observation from the aircraft. the fundamental principle involved is ability of the system to sense and measure aircraft acceleration.
    - инструментальной посадки (илс/сп) — instrument landing system (ils/cp)
    - (речевой) информации (cообщений и команд)voice warning system
    - информации о безопасности полетаaviation safety reporting system (asrs)
    определяет фактическую или потенциальную опасную ситуацию. — identifies real or potential hazards.
    - (речевой) информации об отказах и неисправностях (магнитофонная сист.) — voice warning system, malfunction reporting system
    - искусственного климата (в кабине ла) (система гepметизации, отопления, вентиляции) — environmental control system (ecs)
    -, исполнительная — actuating /servo/ system
    механическая система, вырабатывающая энергию для привода др. механизмов или систем. — а mechanical system that supplies and transmits energy for operation of other mechanisms or systems.
    - кабинной индикации и сигнализации — cockpit display/warning system
    -, канализационная — waste (disposal) system
    (подраздел 038-30)waste disposal
    система отвода и сброс использованной воды и отбросов. включает умывальники, туалеты (унитазы), систему промывки и смыва и т.п. — the system used for disposal of water and waste. includes wash basins, water closets, flushing system, etc.
    -, каскадная (гтд) — rotor spool
    спарка компрессора и турбины. — compressor and turbine assembly.
    -, кислородная — oxygen system
    (раздел 035)oxygen
    система, обеспечивающая хранение, регулирование и подачу кислорода пассажирам и членам экипажа. — those units and components which store, regulate, and deliver oxygen to the passengers and crew.
    - кислородной подпитки двигателяengine oxygen supply system
    - кольцевания (топливных баков, в магистрали за подкачивающими насосами) — fuel cross-feed system (х-feed)
    - коммутацииswitching system
    -, комплексная — integrated system
    -, комплексная навигационная (состоящая из инерциальной, доплеровской и радиолокационной систем) — integral inertial radar navigation system
    - коммутации и автоматического регулирования громкости — audio integrating system, audio system
    оборудование для регулирования уровня звука и подключения выхода связных и навигационных приемников на наушники и громкоговорители членов экипажа, а также выхода их микрофонов на связные передатчики. — controls the communications and navigation receivers into the flight crew headphones and speakers, and the output of the flight crew microphones into communications transmitters. includes audio selector control panels.
    -, комплексная навигационная (навигационный комплекс) — integrated navigation system (intg nav)
    - комплексная пилотажная (пилотажный комплекс)integrated flight system (intg flt sys)
    состоит из двух комплектов систем директорного управления, включающих кпп, пhп, эвм, приборный усилитель. — the integrated flight system incorporates two independent flight director systems each consisting of fdi, hsi, steering computer and instrument amplifier.
    - комплексной индикацииmulti-function display system (mfds)
    - кондиционирования воздуха (скв)air conditioning system (air cond)
    (раздел 021)air conditioning
    система, обеспечивающая наддув, обогрев, охлаждение, регулирование влажности и очистку воздуха для вентиляции помещений и отсеков ла, находящихся в пределах герметической кабины. — those units and components which furnish a means of pressurizing, heating, cooling, moisture controlling, filtering and treating the air used to ventilate the areas of the fuselage within the pressure seals.
    - контроля (автоматического управления заходом на посадку)monitoring system
    (подраздел 022-40)system monitor
    часть системы автоматического управления, с помощью которой осуществляется контроль режима полета ла при заходе на посадку и при посадке. — that portion of the (auto flight) system that monitors the flight of the aircraft during approach and landing.
    - контроля вибрации (двиг.), бортовая — airborne vibration monitor /indicating/ (avm) system
    - контроля, встроенная (вск) — built-in test system (bit)
    - контроля и индикации работы двигателя — engine monitoring and alert/warning system
    - контроля и индикации, централизованная — master monitor display system (mmd)
    - контроля мощности двигателя (подраздел 077-10)power
    - контроля расхода топлива (расходомеры и средства индикации и сигнализации) — fuel flowmeter and indicating system
    - контроля состояния систем и предупреждающей сигнализации, многофункциональная (комплексная) — multi-function display system/flight warning system (mfds/fws)
    - контроля температуры двигателя (подраздел 77-20)temperature
    - координат — coordinate system /frame/, coordinates, axes, system of coordinates, system of coordinates axes
    система взаимноперпендикулярных осей для определения положения точки в пространстве или на плоскости. — any scheme for the unique identification of each point of а given continuum.
    - координат, главноортодромическая — primary great circle spherical coordinate system
    - координат, небесная — celestial coordinate system
    - координат, неподвижная — fixed coordinate system
    - координат, ортодромическая — transverse-pole spherical coordinate system
    сферическая система координат с произвольным расположением полюса. ортодромические широта и долгота координаты точки. — in this system the poles are deliberately displaced from the geographic north and south poles.
    - координат, ортодромическая, прямоугольная (применяемая при счислении пути с условной плоскостностью земли) — transverse-pole rectangular coordinate system
    - координат, полярная — polar coordinate system
    -, координат, поточная — wind axes
    - координат, прямоугольная — rectangular coordinate system
    - координат, прямоугольная, центр которой связан с объектом (условная с. координат) — rectangular aircraft-centered /vehicle-centered/ coordinate system
    - координат (ла), связанная — body axes

    а system of coordinate axes fixed in the aircraft.
    - координат, связанная с землей — earth axes
    система служит для определения положения самолета и образована тремя взаимноперпендикулярными осями с началом в центре земли: одна ось совпадает с осью вращения земли, вторая - линия пересечения плоскостей экватора и гринвичского меридиана, третья - перпендикулярна первым двум. — set of mutually perpendicular reference axes established with the upright axis (z-axis) pointing to the center of the earth used in describing the position of aircraft in flight. the earth axes may remain fixed or may move with the aircraft.
    - координат (ла), скоростная — wind axes

    а system of coordinate axes with the origin in the aircraft and the direction fixed by that of the relative airflow.
    - координат, сферическая — spherical coordinate system, spherical coordinates, system of spherical coordinates
    - координат, условная (картографическая) — map-grid coordinates
    цвм вычисляет место ла в условных (картографических координатах). — the navigation computer calculates а/с position in шарgrid coordinates
    - координат, условная (ортодромическая, с произвольным полюсом) (рис. 111) — transverse-pole coordinate system
    - координат, частноортодромическая — navigation leg coordinate system
    - коротковолновой связиhf communication system
    - криволинейных координатsystem of curvelinear coordinates
    - курса и вертикали, базовая (бскв) — (integrated) attitude and heading reference system (ahrs)
    для вычисления курса ла и выдачи сигналов курса в др. системы. включает два комплекта инерциальных курсовертикалей (икв) и индукционные датчики (ид). — incorporates two vertical/directional gyro unit (v/d gyro) and flux gates.
    -, курсовая (кс) — compass system (cs)

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > система

  • 4 estar

    1 to be.
    el dólar está a 10 pesos the dollar is at 10 pesos
    están a dos euros el kilo they're two euros a kilo
    está terminado it's finished
    2 to be.
    ¿dónde está la llave? where is the key?
    ¿está María? — no, no está is Maria there? — no, she's not here
    Ella estuvo aburrida She was bored.
    El edificio está en la calle tres The building is on third street.
    3 to be (expresa cualidad, estado).
    los pasteles están ricos the cakes are delicious
    esta calle está sucia this street is dirty
    estar de mudanza to be (in the process of) moving
    estamos de suerte we're in luck
    estar de vacaciones to be on holiday
    estar de viaje to be on a trip
    estar en uso to be in use
    estar en guardia to be on guard
    estamos sin agua we have no water, we're without water
    5 to be.
    están golpeando la puerta they're banging on the door
    6 to stay, to be.
    estaré un par de horas y me iré I'll stay a couple of hours and then I'll go
    7 to be ready (hallarse listo).
    ¿aún no está ese trabajo? is that piece of work still not ready?
    8 to be for.
    Me estuvo difícil el examen The exam was difficult for me.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están.
    Imperfect Indicative
    estaba, estabas, estaba, estábamos, estabais, estaban.
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    estaré, estarás, estará, estaremos, estaréis, estarán.
    estaría, estarías, estaría, estaríamos, estaríais, estarían.
    Present Subjunctive
    esté, estés, esté, estemos, estéis, estén.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    está (tú), esté (él/Vd.), estemos (nos.), estad (vos.), estén (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    - estarse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones estar bien, estar mal, ver la otra entrada.
    1) [indicando situación] to be

    ¿dónde estabas? — where were you?

    -las tijeras están en el cajón -no, aquí no están — "the scissors are in the drawer" - "no, they're not in here"

    -hola, ¿está Carmen? -no, no está — "hello, is Carmen in?" - "no, I'm afraid she isn't"

    está [fuera] — [de casa] she's out; [de la ciudad/en el extranjero] she's away

    [ya que] estamos — while we are at it

    2) [indicando un estado transitorio]
    a) + adj, adv to be

    estar enfermo {o} malo — to be ill

    ¿estás casado o soltero? — are you married or single?

    ¿cómo estamos? — [gen] how are we doing?; [a otra persona] how are you?

    con este frío, aquí no se puede estar — it's unbearably cold here

    ¡qué bueno está este café! — this coffee's really good!

    ¿está libre el baño? — is the bathroom free?

    ¿qué tal {o} cómo estás? — how are you?

    el récord anterior estaba en 33 segundos — the previous record was {o} stood at 33 seconds

    b) + participio to be
    c) + gerundio to be

    venga, ya nos estamos yendo, que es tarde — come on, it's time to go, it's late

    3) (=existir) to be

    [dejar] estar, déjalo estar — just leave him be

    4) [indicando el aspecto de algo] to look

    ¡qué elegante estás! — you're looking really smart!

    estás más delgado — you've lost weight, you look slimmer

    ese tío está muy bueno* that guy's gorgeous *, that guy's a bit of all right *

    5) (=estar listo) to be ready

    ¡ya está! ya sé lo que podemos hacer — that's it! I know what we can do

    ya estoy — I'm done, that's me *

    ¡ya estamos! — [después de hacer algo] that's it!; [dicho con enfado] that's enough!

    ¿estamos? — [al estar listo] ready?; [para pedir conformidad] are we agreed?, right?, OK? *

    ¡ya estuvo! — Méx that's it!

    6) [indicando fecha, distancia, temperatura]

    cuando estemos en verano — when it's summer, in the summer

    7) [en estructuras con preposición]
    estar a

    estamos a 8 de junio — it is 8 June {or} the 8th of June, today is 8 June {o} the 8th of June

    estábamos a 40°C — it was 40°C

    ¿a cuántos estamos? — what's the date?

    ¿a cuánto estamos de Madrid? — how far are we from Madrid?

    las uvas están a 1,60 euros — the grapes are one euro 60 cents

    ¿a cuánto está el kilo de naranjas? — how much are oranges per kilo?

    estar con

    está con la gripe — he's down with flu, he's got the flu

    estuvo con la enfermedad durante dos años — she had {o} suffered from the disease for two years

    estar con [algn], yo estoy con él — I'm with him

    estar de

    está de jefe temporalmente — he is acting as boss, he is the acting boss

    ¡estoy de nervioso! — I'm so nervous!

    estar en

    el problema está en que... — the problem lies in the fact that...

    yo estoy en que... — (=creer) I believe that...

    estar para

    para eso estamos[gen] that's why we're here, that's what we're here for; [respondiendo a gracias] don't mention it

    estar para [hacer] algo — (=a punto de) to be about to do sth, be on the point of doing sth

    [no] estoy para bromas — I'm not in the mood for joking

    si alguien llama, no estoy para nadie — if anyone calls, I'm not in

    estar por (=en favor de) [+ política] to be in favour {o} (EEUU) favor of; [+ persona] to support hueso 1) estar por ({+ infin})

    la historia de ese hallazgo está por escribir — the story of that discovery is still to be written {o} has yet to be written

    está todavía por hacer — it remains to be done, it is still to be done

    yo estoy por dejarlo — I'm for leaving it, I'm in favour of leaving it

    está por llover LAm it's going to rain

    estar sin ({+ infin})

    las camas estaban sin hacer — the beds were unmade, the beds hadn't been made

    ¿todavía estás sin peinar? — haven't you brushed your hair yet?

    estar sobre algn/algo

    hay que estar sobre el arroz para que no se pegue — you need to keep a close eye on the rice to make sure it doesn't stick to the pan

    estar sobre sí — to be in control of o.s.

    8) [en oraciones ponderativas]

    está [que] rabia — * he's hopping mad *, he's furious

    estoy que me caigo de sueño — I'm terribly sleepy, I can't keep my eyes open

    * * *
    I 1.
    1) ( seguido de adjetivos) [ Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser. Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser 1 cópula 1] to be

    qué gordo está! — isn't he fat!, hasn't he got(ten) fat!

    la sopa está deliciosa/muy caliente — the soup is delicious/very hot

    está muy simpático conmigohe's being o he's been so nice to me (recently)

    todo está tan caro!things are o have become so expensive!

    está cansada/furiosa/embarazada — she is tired/furious/pregnant

    2) (con bien, mal, mejor, peor)

    están todos bien, gracias — they're all fine, thanks

    está mal que no se lo perdones — it's wrong of you not to forgive him; ver tb bien, mal, mejor, peor

    estar sentado/echado/arrodillado — to be sitting/lying/kneeling (down)

    estaban abrazados — they had their arms around each other; ver tb verbo auxiliar 2

    ¿a cómo está la uva? — how much are the grapes?

    están de limpieza/viaje — they're spring-cleaning/on a trip

    estar con alguien — ( estar de acuerdo) to agree with somebody; ( apoyar) to support somebody, be on somebody's side

    estar en algo: no lo hemos solucionado pero estamos en ello or eso — we haven't solved it but we're working on it

    estar vi
    edificio/pueblo ( estar ubicado) to be

    ¿dónde está Chiapas? — where's Chiapas?

    a) persona/objeto ( hallarse en cierto momento) to be

    ¿sabes dónde está Pedro? — do you know where Pedro is?

    ¿a qué hora tienes que estar allí? — what time do you have to be there?

    ¿dónde estábamos la clase pasada? — where did we get to in the last class?

    b) ( figurar) to be

    yo no estaba en la lista — I wasn't on the list, my name didn't appear on the list

    ¿está Rodrigo? — is Rodrigo in?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    a) (quedarse, permanecer)

    ¿cuánto tiempo estarás en Londres? — how long are you going to be in London (for)?

    b) ( vivir)

    ahora estamos en Socawe're in o we live in Soca now

    ¿a qué (día) estamos? — what day is it today?

    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? — what's the date today?

    estamos a 28 de mayoit's May 28th (AmE) o (BrE) the 28th of May

    ¿en qué mes estamos? — what month are we in o is it?

    6) (existir, haber)

    y después está el problema de... — and then there's the problem of...

    luego están los niños, hay que pensar en ellos — then there are the children to think about

    7) (tener como función, cometido)

    estar para algo: para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for; estamos para ayudarlos — we're here to help them

    8) ( radicar)

    estar en algo: en eso está el problema that's where the problem lies; todo está en que él quiera — it all depends on whether he wants to or not

    9) (estar listo, terminado)

    que no vuelva a suceder ¿estamos? — don't let it happen again, understand? o (colloq) got it?


    ya que estamos/estás — while we're/you're at it

    12) (Esp) ( quedar) (+ me/te/le etc) (+ compl)

    te está grande/pequeña — it's too big/too small for you

    estar v aux

    ya está hecho un hombrecito — he's a proper young man now; ver tb estar cópula 4)

    estarse v pron
    1) (enf) ( permanecer) to stay

    ¿no te puedes estar quieto? — can't you stay o keep still?

    2) (enf) ( llegar) to be
    masculino (esp AmL) living room
    * * *
    = be, become, live with.
    Ex. Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.
    Ex. Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
    Ex. Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * ahí está la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * creer que estar bien = feel + right.
    * creer que estar mal = feel + wrong.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * esperanza + estar = hope + lie.
    * estando de acuerdo = approvingly.
    * estando de servicio = while on the job.
    * estando sentado = from a seated position.
    * estar a años de distancia = be years away.
    * estar abierto a = be open to.
    * estar abocado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar absorto en = be wrapped up in.
    * estar aburridísimo = be bored stiff, be bored to death, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar aburrido como una ostra = be bored stiff.
    * estar a caballo entre = stand + midway between, straddle (between).
    * estar a caballo entre... y... = lie + midway between... and..., tread + a fine line between... and, tread + the thin line between... and, tread + a delicate line between... and.
    * estar acabando con = eat away at.
    * estar acabándose = be on the way out, be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a + Cantidad + de distancia = Cantidad + distant from.
    * estar a cargo de = man, be the responsibility of.
    * estar accesible = be up.
    * estar accesible en línea = go + online.
    * estar accesible en red = go + online.
    * estar acertado = be right on track.
    * estar acostumbrado a = be familiar with, be no stranger to, be used to.
    * estar acostumbrado a + Infinitivo = be accustomed to + Gerundio.
    * estar a dos velas = not have a bean.
    * estar a + Expresión Numérica + de distancia = be + Número + away.
    * estar a favor de = be for, be in favour (of), come down in + favour of.
    * estar a favor de una idea = favour + idea.
    * estar a favor o en contra = be for or against.
    * estar agobiado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar agradecido = be thankful.
    * estar a la alerta de = be wary of.
    * estar a la altura de = live up to, be equal to.
    * estar a la altura de la circunstancias = make + the cut.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = come up with + the goods.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = rise (up) to + challenge.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, be equal to the occasion, rise (up) to + the occasion, deliver + the goods, measure up (to), be up to snuff.
    * estar a la altura de las expectativas = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la altura de las posibilidades = live up to + Posesivo + potential.
    * estar a la altura de lo que se espera = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la baja = be down.
    * estar al acecho = lie in + wait.
    * estar a la entera disposición de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + feet.
    * estar al alcance de la mano = be at hand.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar a la orden del día = be the order of the day.
    * estar a la par de = rank with.
    * estar a la vuelta de la esquina = be just around the corner.
    * estar al borde de = teeter + on the edge of.
    * estar al completo = overbook.
    * estar al corriente = monitor + developments.
    * estar al día = monitor + developments, stay on top of + the game, stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar alejado + Expresión Numérica = be + Número + away.
    * estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar al loro de = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al máximo = overstretch.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar al tanto = monitor + developments.
    * estar al tanto de = be on the lookout for, keep + track of, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar a mano = be on hand, be around.
    * estar a medio camino entre... y... = lie + midway between... and....
    * estar a merced de = be at the mercy of.
    * estar ansioso por = be eager to.
    * estar ante = be faced with.
    * estar apagado = be off.
    * estar a punto de = be poised to, be about to, be on the point of, stand + poised, come + very close to.
    * estar a punto de cascarlas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * estar a punto de + Infinitivo = be about + Infinitivo.
    * estar aquí ya = be upon us.
    * estar a resultas de = keep + track of.
    * estar arraigado en = be rooted in.
    * estar arrestado = be under arrest.
    * estar arriba = sit on + top.
    * estar a salvo = be in safe hands.
    * estar asociado a = be associated with, be bound up with.
    * estar atado a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar atareado = be tied up.
    * estar atento a = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar aterrorizado = be petrified of, be frightened to death, be scared stiff, be terrified.
    * estar a tope = overstretch.
    * estar atrancado = be stuck.
    * estar atrasado en el pago = be in arrears.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.
    * estár aún más alejados = be one step further removed.
    * estar aún por llegar = be yet to come.
    * estar ausente = lack.
    * estar ausente de = be absent (from).
    * estar avanzado = be well under way.
    * estar avergonzado = be ashamed.
    * estar averiado = be out of order.
    * estar aviado = be (in) a mess.
    * estar bajo arresto = be under arrest.
    * estar bajo la tutela de = fall under + the auspices of.
    * estar bastante acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar bastante alejado = be a distance apart.
    * estar bien = be okay, be in good shape, be in good health.
    * estar bien de salud = be in good health.
    * estar bien encaminado = be on the right track.
    * estar bien pensado = be carefully thought out.
    * estar borracho = be drunk, see + double.
    * estar callado = keep + quiet.
    * estar cansado de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar capacitado para = be qualified to.
    * estar casi finalizado = near + completion.
    * estar casi terminado = be nearing completion, reach + near completion.
    * estar castigado = be in the doghouse.
    * estar cerca = be at hand, be on hand, be around.
    * estar cerca de = be close to.
    * estar chalado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar chupado = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a snap, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * estar clarísimo = be patently clear.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * estar colado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar como una cabra = be a real nutter.
    * estar completamente borracho = be drunk and incapable.
    * estar completamente de acuerdo con = agree + wholeheartedly with.
    * estar completamente equivocado = be way off.
    * estar comprometido a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar comprometido a + Infinitivo = be committed to + Gerundio.
    * estar con amigos en la calle pasando el rato sin hacer nada = hang out + on the street.
    * estar condenado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar conectado = be on.
    * estar con el alma en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar con el tema = be on the topic.
    * estar confinado = be confined.
    * estar confuso = blur, be at sixes and sevens with, be at a nonplus, be all at sea.
    * estar congelado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar con la espalda contra la pared = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar contentísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar contraindicado = be contraindicated.
    * estar contra las cuertas = be against the ropes.
    * estar convencido = there + be + strong feeling.
    * estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.
    * estar convirtiéndose rápidamente = be fast becoming.
    * estar correcto = be correct.
    * estar correlacionado con = be correlated with.
    * estar de acorde con = be commensurate with.
    * estar de acuerdo = approve, be in agreement, concur (with), be agreed.
    * estar de acuerdo con = accord with, conform to, fit, go along with, fit with, be in conformity with, mesh with, see + eye to eye (with/on), jive with.
    * estar de acuerdo (con/en) = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * estar de acuerdo con una idea = subscribe to + idea.
    * estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo = agree to + disagree.
    * estar de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * estar de acuerdo unánimemente = agree on + all hands.
    * estar de baja = be off work.
    * estar de baja por enfermedad = be off work sick.
    * estar debatiéndose = be under discussion.
    * estar de brazos cruzados = stand + idle, sit + idle.
    * estar de buen humor = be high.
    * estar de camino a = be on the road to.
    * estar de capa caída = be in the doldrums.
    * estar de cháchara = chinwag.
    * estar decidido a = be determined to, be of a mind to, be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar decidido a continuar = be set to continue.
    * estar decidido a + Infinitivo = be set to + Infinitivo.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * estar de moda = be in.
    * estar densamente poblado de = be dense with.
    * estar dentro de = fall within/into.
    * estar dentro de la competencia = be the province of.
    * estar dentro de las posibilidades de uno = lie within + Posesivo + power.
    * estar de palique = chinwag.
    * estar de parloteo = chinwag.
    * estar de pie = stand.
    * estar de pie por encima de = stand over.
    * estar desacertado = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * estar desacreditado = hold in + disrepute.
    * estar desapareciendo = be on the way out.
    * estar desasosegado = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar desbordado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar desbordante de = spill over with.
    * estar descaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar descontento con = express + dissatisfaction with.
    * estar deseoso de = be anxious to, be more than ready for.
    * estar desesperado = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar desocupado = stand + idle.
    * estar desordenado = be out of order.
    * estar desquiciado = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar destinado a = be intended for/to.
    * estar destrozado = be + wreck, be a shambles.
    * estar de suerte = be in luck.
    * estar detenido = be under arrest.
    * estar de vacaciones = be on vacation, be off on vacation.
    * estar de vuelta = be back.
    * estar de vuelta dentro de = be back in + Expresión Temporal.
    * estar directamente relacionado con = be directly correlated to.
    * estar disgustado por = feel deeply about.
    * estar disperso = lie + scattered.
    * estar disponible = be available, be forthcoming, be at hand.
    * estar dispuestísimo a = be more than willing to.
    * estar dispuesto = be game.
    * estar dispuesto a = be keen to, be prepared to, be willing to, be of a mind to, be willing and able to, be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto y deseoso a = be willing and able to.
    * estar dominado por Alguien = be under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * estar ducho en = be adept at.
    * estar dudoso = be doubtful.
    * estar embarazada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar emocionado = be thrilled.
    * estar empachado = have + indigestion.
    * estar empeorando = be in decline.
    * estar en = be in the course of.
    * estar en alza = be up.
    * estar enamorado de = carry + a torch for + Nombre, have + a crush on.
    * estar en apuros = be in trouble, be in a fix.
    * estar en ascuas = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en auge = go + strong.
    * estar en Babia = be in cloud cuckoo land, live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en barbecho = lie + fallow.
    * estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.
    * estar encaminado a = be on the road to.
    * estar en camino de = be on the way to.
    * estar encantadísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar encantado = be thrilled.
    * estar encantado de Hacer Algo = be more than happy to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en casa = be in.
    * estar en celo = be on heat, be in heat.
    * estar encendido = be on.
    * estar enchufado = be on.
    * estar encinta = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en consonancia con = be consonant with, attune to, align + Reflexivo + with.
    * estar en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), be in touch (with).
    * estar en contra de = be against.
    * estar en debate = be under discussion.
    * estar en decadencia = be in decline, be in retreat.
    * estar en declive = be in decline.
    * estar en desacuerdo = be at variance, disagree, quarrel with, beg to differ, be at sixes and sevens with each other.
    * estar en desacuerdo con = be at odds with, be at loggerheads with.
    * estar en desacuerdo sobre = be at odds over.
    * estar en desigualdad = be under par.
    * estar en desventaja = be disadvantaged, be at a disadvantage.
    * estar en deuda = be in debt.
    * estar en deuda con = be beholden to.
    * estar endeudado = be in debt.
    * estar en dificultades = be in trouble.
    * estar en duda = be in question.
    * estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar indicado en el momento indicado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar oportuno en el momento oportuno = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el séptimo cielo = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en el sitio justo en el momento preciso = be on the spot.
    * estar enemistados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en estado = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de buena esperanza = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar enfermo de amor = be lovesick.
    * estar en flor = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en floración = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en forma = be in shape, be in good shape.
    * estar enfrascado en Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar enfrentados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en funcionamiento = be up.
    * estar en función de = be a function of.
    * estar en guardia = be on guard (against), be on + Posesivo + guard.
    * estar en guerra con = be at war with.
    * estar en igualdad de condiciones con = be on (an) equal footing with.
    * estar en inferioridad de condiciones = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * estar en juego = be at stake.
    * estar en la gloria = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en la inopia = live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en la mejor posición para = be best positioned to.
    * estar en la misma categoria que = rank with.
    * estar en la onda = attune to + wavelength.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar en las últimas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar en lo cierto = hit + the truth.
    * estar en manos privadas = hold in + private hands.
    * estar en marcha = tick over.
    * estar en mayoría = be in the majority.
    * estar en medio de = caught in the middle.
    * estar en minoría = be in the minority.
    * estar en misa y repicando = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar enojado = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle.
    * estar en paz = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * estar en peligro = be in jeopardy, be in question, be endangered, be at risk, be at stake.
    * estar en peligro (de) = be in danger (of).
    * estar en posición de = be in a position to.
    * estar en proceso de = be on the way to, be in the process of, be in the course of.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de + Infinitivo = be on to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en retirada = be in retreat.
    * estar en ruinas = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar en sintonía con = attune to.
    * estar en situación de = be in a position to.
    * estar en suspense = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en tensión = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar en trance de = be in the process of.
    * estar entre = fall between.
    * estar entre la espada y la pared = be on the horns of a dilemma.
    * estar entre los primeros = stay on top.
    * estar entre rejas = be behind bars.
    * estar entusiasmado = be thrilled.
    * estar en un aprieto = be in a fix.
    * estar en una situación diferente = be on a different track.
    * estar en un berenjenal = be (in) a mess.
    * estar en un mar de dudas = feel at + sea, be all at sea.
    * estar en un momento clave = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un momento decisivo = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un sinvivir = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar en venta = be up for sale.
    * estar en vías de = be on the road to, be in the process of.
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * estar en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar equivoado = miss + the point.
    * estar equivocado = be mistaken, be wide of the mark, be wrong, be in error, miss + the mark, be in the wrong.
    * estar equivocado en + Número + cosas = be wrong on + Número + count(s).
    * estar erróneo = be in error.
    * estar esparcido = lie + scattered.
    * estar estrechamente ligado a = be closely tied to.
    * estar estropeado = be kaput.
    * estar estropeándose = be on the way out.
    * estar exento de pagar impuestos = write off.
    * estar falto de = be short of.
    * estar falto de práctica = get + rusty.
    * estar familiarizado con = have + familiarity with.
    * estar firmemente convencido = strongly held opinion.
    * estar frenético = be furious.
    * estar frito de sed = be parched, spit + feathers, be parched with thirst.
    * estar fuera = be out.
    * estar fuera con los amigos = be out with the guys.
    * estar fuera de contienda = be out of contention.
    * estar fuera del alcance = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera de las posibilidades de Alguien = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * estar fuera del interés = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera del interés de uno = lie beyond + concern.
    * estar fuera de lugar = be out of place, be out of order.
    * estar fuera de quicio = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.
    * estar fuera de secuencia = be out of order.
    * estar fuera de sí = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar funcionando = be in place.
    * estar furioso = fume.
    * estar + Gerundio = be on the way to.
    * estar hablando del tema = be on the topic.
    * estar haciendo = be up to.
    * estar haciendo Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar haciendo algo que no se debe = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * estar hambriento = starve.
    * estar harto = have had enough.
    * estar harto de = be all too familiar with, be sick and tired of.
    * estar hasta la coronilla de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar hecho a escala = be to scale.
    * estar hecho con la intención de = be intended for/to.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar hecho para = be geared to, be intended for/to, mean, be cut out for.
    * estar hecho polvo = be + wreck.
    * estar hecho un desastre = look like + a wreck, be a shambles, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus, look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, be (in) a mess.
    * estar hecho un esqueleto = be a bag of bones.
    * estar hecho un flan = shake like + a leaf, tremble like + a leaf.
    * estar hecho un lío = be at sixes and sevens with.
    * estar hecho un perla = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un pinta = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un prenda = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar helado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar implícito en = run through.
    * estar inactivo = lie + fallow, lie + dormant.
    * estar incluido = be embedded.
    * estar indeciso = be hesitant (to).
    * estar indeciso entre... o... = be torn between... and....
    * estar inerte = lie + fallow.
    * estar informado puntualmente sobre = monitor + information on.
    * estar inmune a = be immune against.
    * estar inquieto = be disturbed.
    * estar interesado en = be interested in, be keen to.
    * estar inundado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar junto a = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar juntos = be together, stand + together.
    * estar justo en medio de = stand + squarely in.
    * estar la mar de contento = be over the moon.
    * estar lejos de (ser) + Infinitivo = be far from + Gerundio.
    * estar levantado = be up.
    * estar libre de = be free from.
    * estar ligado a = be bound up with.
    * estar listo = stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar listo para = be poised to, stand + poised, be all set to.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * estar localizable = be locatable.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * estar majareta = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar mal = be wrong, feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * estar mal comunicado con = have + poor connections with.
    * estar mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar mal visto = frown on/upon.
    * estar manga por hombro = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar marcado por = be pockmarked with.
    * estar mareado de tanto trabajo = be reeling.
    * estar mejor = be better off, be better served by.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar molesto = be displeased, get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, put off.
    * estar motivado = be motivated, have + motivation.
    * estar moviéndose en terreno seguro = be on secure ground.
    * estar muerto de asco = be bored to death, be bored stiff, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar muerto de frío = be frozen stiff.
    * estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.
    * estar muerto de miedo = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified.
    * estar muerto de sed = spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar muy acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar muy agradecido a = be indebted to.
    * estar muy alejado de = be a long way from.
    * estar muy arraigado en = be well embedded in.
    * estar muy bajo = be way down.
    * estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.
    * estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.
    * estar muy emocionado con/por = be excited about.
    * estar muy esparcido = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * estar muy lejano = be far off.
    * estar muy lejos = be far off, be a long way off.
    * estar muy por delante de = be way out ahead of.
    * estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.
    * estar muy puesto = stay on top of + the game, stay on top.
    * estar muy separado = set + far apart.
    * estar muy usado = be well thumbed.
    * estar nervioso = be in a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * estar oculto = lie + hidden.
    * estar ocupado = busyness, be engaged, be tied up.
    * estar ordenado en forma circular = be on a wheel.
    * estar orgulloso de = be proud (of/to).
    * estar orientado a/para = be geared to.
    * estar orientado hacia = target.
    * estar orientado hacia + Nombre = be + Nombre + driven.
    * estar patas arriba = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar pendiente de = be on the lookout for, pay + attention to, keep + an eye on, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + league, be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head, be all at sea.
    * estar permitido = be permissible.
    * estar plagado de = be rife with.
    * estar plenamente convencido de Algo = feel (it) in + Posesivo + bones.
    * estar pluriempleado = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * estar pluriempleado, tener un segundo trabajo, tener un segundo empleo = work + a second job.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar por delante de = be ahead of.
    * estar por demostrar = be unproven.
    * estar por detrás = be behind.
    * estar por encima de = overlay, overlie.
    * estar por las nubes = be through the roof.
    * estar por ver = be an open question.
    * estar poseído por los espíritus = haunt.
    * estar precavido = be on + Posesivo + guard, be on guard (against).
    * estar predestinado a = be predestined to.
    * estar predispuesto = feel + partial.
    * estar predispuesto a = be predisposed to/toward(s).
    * estar preñada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar preocupadísimo = be worried stiff (about), be worried sick.
    * estar preocupado por = be anxious to.
    * estar preparado = be readied, stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar preparado para = be geared up for/to, stand + poised.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a = be willing and able to.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar presente = be manifest, be present, be in evidence.
    * estar presionado = be under the gun.
    * estar propuesto a = be intent on.
    * estar próximo = be at hand.
    * estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).
    * estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * estar realizándose = underway [under way], be in progress, be in hand.
    * estar rebosante de = spill over with.
    * estar rebosante de salud = fit as a fiddle.
    * estar relacionado con = be associated with, regard.
    * estar relacionado con el trabajo = be work related.
    * estar resentido = carry + a chip on + Posesivo + shoulder.
    * estar resfriado = have + a cold.
    * estar respaldado por Alguien = have + Nombre + behind + Pronombre.
    * estar restringido = be constrained.
    * estar resuelto a = be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar saliendo con alguien = be in a dating relationship.
    * estar salpicado de = be dotted with.
    * estar sano y salvo = be alive and well.
    * estar satisfecho (de) = be satisfied (with).
    * estar saturado de trabajo = work to + capacity.
    * estar sediento = be thirsty, spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar seguro = be sure, make + sure, set + your watch by.
    * estar seguro de = be certain (of), be confident about, feel + confident.
    * estar seguro de que = be confident that.
    * estar sentado sin hacer o decir nada = sit by.
    * estar separado = set + apart.
    * estar separado de = be remote from.
    * estar sesgado = bias, slant.
    * estar siempre + Adjetivo = be ever + Adjetivo.
    * estar siempre buscando = be on the lookout for.
    * estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar = be always willing to assist.
    * estar siendo + Participio = be in process of + Nombre.
    * estar sin blanca = not have a bean.
    * estar sin hacer nada = sit + idle, stand + idle.
    * estar sin trabajo = stay out of + work.
    * estar sin una pela = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un centavo = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un céntimo = not have a bean.
    * * *
    I 1.
    1) ( seguido de adjetivos) [ Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser. Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser 1 cópula 1] to be

    qué gordo está! — isn't he fat!, hasn't he got(ten) fat!

    la sopa está deliciosa/muy caliente — the soup is delicious/very hot

    está muy simpático conmigohe's being o he's been so nice to me (recently)

    todo está tan caro!things are o have become so expensive!

    está cansada/furiosa/embarazada — she is tired/furious/pregnant

    2) (con bien, mal, mejor, peor)

    están todos bien, gracias — they're all fine, thanks

    está mal que no se lo perdones — it's wrong of you not to forgive him; ver tb bien, mal, mejor, peor

    estar sentado/echado/arrodillado — to be sitting/lying/kneeling (down)

    estaban abrazados — they had their arms around each other; ver tb verbo auxiliar 2

    ¿a cómo está la uva? — how much are the grapes?

    están de limpieza/viaje — they're spring-cleaning/on a trip

    estar con alguien — ( estar de acuerdo) to agree with somebody; ( apoyar) to support somebody, be on somebody's side

    estar en algo: no lo hemos solucionado pero estamos en ello or eso — we haven't solved it but we're working on it

    estar vi
    edificio/pueblo ( estar ubicado) to be

    ¿dónde está Chiapas? — where's Chiapas?

    a) persona/objeto ( hallarse en cierto momento) to be

    ¿sabes dónde está Pedro? — do you know where Pedro is?

    ¿a qué hora tienes que estar allí? — what time do you have to be there?

    ¿dónde estábamos la clase pasada? — where did we get to in the last class?

    b) ( figurar) to be

    yo no estaba en la lista — I wasn't on the list, my name didn't appear on the list

    ¿está Rodrigo? — is Rodrigo in?

    ¿estamos todos? — are we all here?

    a) (quedarse, permanecer)

    ¿cuánto tiempo estarás en Londres? — how long are you going to be in London (for)?

    b) ( vivir)

    ahora estamos en Socawe're in o we live in Soca now

    ¿a qué (día) estamos? — what day is it today?

    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? — what's the date today?

    estamos a 28 de mayoit's May 28th (AmE) o (BrE) the 28th of May

    ¿en qué mes estamos? — what month are we in o is it?

    6) (existir, haber)

    y después está el problema de... — and then there's the problem of...

    luego están los niños, hay que pensar en ellos — then there are the children to think about

    7) (tener como función, cometido)

    estar para algo: para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for; estamos para ayudarlos — we're here to help them

    8) ( radicar)

    estar en algo: en eso está el problema that's where the problem lies; todo está en que él quiera — it all depends on whether he wants to or not

    9) (estar listo, terminado)

    que no vuelva a suceder ¿estamos? — don't let it happen again, understand? o (colloq) got it?


    ya que estamos/estás — while we're/you're at it

    12) (Esp) ( quedar) (+ me/te/le etc) (+ compl)

    te está grande/pequeña — it's too big/too small for you

    estar v aux

    ya está hecho un hombrecito — he's a proper young man now; ver tb estar cópula 4)

    estarse v pron
    1) (enf) ( permanecer) to stay

    ¿no te puedes estar quieto? — can't you stay o keep still?

    2) (enf) ( llegar) to be
    masculino (esp AmL) living room
    * * *
    = be, become, live with.

    Ex: Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.

    Ex: Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
    Ex: Medical advances are improving the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS, while prevention remains the key to stopping the spread of this disease.
    * ¡cómo se nota que no está el jefe! = while the cat's away, the mice will play.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * ahí está la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * creer que estar bien = feel + right.
    * creer que estar mal = feel + wrong.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dejar como + estar = leave + untouched.
    * dejar las cosas como están = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.
    * el diablo está en los detalles = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquina = the future + be + just around the corner.
    * esperanza + estar = hope + lie.
    * estando de acuerdo = approvingly.
    * estando de servicio = while on the job.
    * estando sentado = from a seated position.
    * estar a años de distancia = be years away.
    * estar abierto a = be open to.
    * estar abocado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar absorto en = be wrapped up in.
    * estar aburridísimo = be bored stiff, be bored to death, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar aburrido como una ostra = be bored stiff.
    * estar a caballo entre = stand + midway between, straddle (between).
    * estar a caballo entre... y... = lie + midway between... and..., tread + a fine line between... and, tread + the thin line between... and, tread + a delicate line between... and.
    * estar acabando con = eat away at.
    * estar acabándose = be on the way out, be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a + Cantidad + de distancia = Cantidad + distant from.
    * estar a cargo de = man, be the responsibility of.
    * estar accesible = be up.
    * estar accesible en línea = go + online.
    * estar accesible en red = go + online.
    * estar acertado = be right on track.
    * estar acostumbrado a = be familiar with, be no stranger to, be used to.
    * estar acostumbrado a + Infinitivo = be accustomed to + Gerundio.
    * estar a dos velas = not have a bean.
    * estar a + Expresión Numérica + de distancia = be + Número + away.
    * estar a favor de = be for, be in favour (of), come down in + favour of.
    * estar a favor de una idea = favour + idea.
    * estar a favor o en contra = be for or against.
    * estar agobiado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar agradecido = be thankful.
    * estar a la alerta de = be wary of.
    * estar a la altura de = live up to, be equal to.
    * estar a la altura de la circunstancias = make + the cut.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = come up with + the goods.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = rise (up) to + challenge.
    * estar a la altura de las circunstancias = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, be equal to the occasion, rise (up) to + the occasion, deliver + the goods, measure up (to), be up to snuff.
    * estar a la altura de las expectativas = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la altura de las posibilidades = live up to + Posesivo + potential.
    * estar a la altura de lo que se espera = live up to + Posesivo + expectations.
    * estar a la baja = be down.
    * estar al acecho = lie in + wait.
    * estar a la entera disposición de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + feet.
    * estar al alcance de la mano = be at hand.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar a la orden del día = be the order of the day.
    * estar a la par de = rank with.
    * estar a la vuelta de la esquina = be just around the corner.
    * estar al borde de = teeter + on the edge of.
    * estar al completo = overbook.
    * estar al corriente = monitor + developments.
    * estar al día = monitor + developments, stay on top of + the game, stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar alejado + Expresión Numérica = be + Número + away.
    * estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar al loro de = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al máximo = overstretch.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar al tanto = monitor + developments.
    * estar al tanto de = be on the lookout for, keep + track of, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar a mano = be on hand, be around.
    * estar a medio camino entre... y... = lie + midway between... and....
    * estar a merced de = be at the mercy of.
    * estar ansioso por = be eager to.
    * estar ante = be faced with.
    * estar apagado = be off.
    * estar a punto de = be poised to, be about to, be on the point of, stand + poised, come + very close to.
    * estar a punto de cascarlas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar a punto de decir = be on the tip of + Posesivo + tongue to say.
    * estar a punto de + Infinitivo = be about + Infinitivo.
    * estar aquí ya = be upon us.
    * estar a resultas de = keep + track of.
    * estar arraigado en = be rooted in.
    * estar arrestado = be under arrest.
    * estar arriba = sit on + top.
    * estar a salvo = be in safe hands.
    * estar asociado a = be associated with, be bound up with.
    * estar atado a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar atareado = be tied up.
    * estar atento a = be on the lookout for, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar aterrorizado = be petrified of, be frightened to death, be scared stiff, be terrified.
    * estar a tope = overstretch.
    * estar atrancado = be stuck.
    * estar atrasado en el pago = be in arrears.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.
    * estár aún más alejados = be one step further removed.
    * estar aún por llegar = be yet to come.
    * estar ausente = lack.
    * estar ausente de = be absent (from).
    * estar avanzado = be well under way.
    * estar avergonzado = be ashamed.
    * estar averiado = be out of order.
    * estar aviado = be (in) a mess.
    * estar bajo arresto = be under arrest.
    * estar bajo la tutela de = fall under + the auspices of.
    * estar bastante acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar bastante alejado = be a distance apart.
    * estar bien = be okay, be in good shape, be in good health.
    * estar bien de salud = be in good health.
    * estar bien encaminado = be on the right track.
    * estar bien pensado = be carefully thought out.
    * estar borracho = be drunk, see + double.
    * estar callado = keep + quiet.
    * estar cansado de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar capacitado para = be qualified to.
    * estar casi finalizado = near + completion.
    * estar casi terminado = be nearing completion, reach + near completion.
    * estar castigado = be in the doghouse.
    * estar cerca = be at hand, be on hand, be around.
    * estar cerca de = be close to.
    * estar chalado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar chiflado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar chupado = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a snap, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * estar clarísimo = be patently clear.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * estar colado por = have + a crush on.
    * estar como una cabra = be a real nutter.
    * estar completamente borracho = be drunk and incapable.
    * estar completamente de acuerdo con = agree + wholeheartedly with.
    * estar completamente equivocado = be way off.
    * estar comprometido a = hold + hostage to.
    * estar comprometido a + Infinitivo = be committed to + Gerundio.
    * estar con amigos en la calle pasando el rato sin hacer nada = hang out + on the street.
    * estar condenado a ser = be doomed.
    * estar conectado = be on.
    * estar con el alma en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar con el tema = be on the topic.
    * estar confinado = be confined.
    * estar confuso = blur, be at sixes and sevens with, be at a nonplus, be all at sea.
    * estar congelado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar con la espalda contra la pared = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar contentísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar contraindicado = be contraindicated.
    * estar contra las cuertas = be against the ropes.
    * estar convencido = there + be + strong feeling.
    * estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.
    * estar convirtiéndose rápidamente = be fast becoming.
    * estar correcto = be correct.
    * estar correlacionado con = be correlated with.
    * estar de acorde con = be commensurate with.
    * estar de acuerdo = approve, be in agreement, concur (with), be agreed.
    * estar de acuerdo con = accord with, conform to, fit, go along with, fit with, be in conformity with, mesh with, see + eye to eye (with/on), jive with.
    * estar de acuerdo (con/en) = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * estar de acuerdo con una idea = subscribe to + idea.
    * estar de acuerdo en que no + estar + de acuerdo = agree to + disagree.
    * estar de acuerdo sobre = agree (on/upon).
    * estar de acuerdo unánimemente = agree on + all hands.
    * estar de baja = be off work.
    * estar de baja por enfermedad = be off work sick.
    * estar debatiéndose = be under discussion.
    * estar de brazos cruzados = stand + idle, sit + idle.
    * estar de buen humor = be high.
    * estar de camino a = be on the road to.
    * estar de capa caída = be in the doldrums.
    * estar de cháchara = chinwag.
    * estar decidido a = be determined to, be of a mind to, be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar decidido a continuar = be set to continue.
    * estar decidido a + Infinitivo = be set to + Infinitivo.
    * estar demasiado representado = overrepresent.
    * estar de moda = be in.
    * estar densamente poblado de = be dense with.
    * estar dentro de = fall within/into.
    * estar dentro de la competencia = be the province of.
    * estar dentro de las posibilidades de uno = lie within + Posesivo + power.
    * estar de palique = chinwag.
    * estar de parloteo = chinwag.
    * estar de pie = stand.
    * estar de pie por encima de = stand over.
    * estar desacertado = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * estar desacreditado = hold in + disrepute.
    * estar desapareciendo = be on the way out.
    * estar desasosegado = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar desbordado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar desbordante de = spill over with.
    * estar descaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar descontento con = express + dissatisfaction with.
    * estar deseoso de = be anxious to, be more than ready for.
    * estar desesperado = Posesivo + back + be + against the wall.
    * estar desocupado = stand + idle.
    * estar desordenado = be out of order.
    * estar desquiciado = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar destinado a = be intended for/to.
    * estar destrozado = be + wreck, be a shambles.
    * estar de suerte = be in luck.
    * estar detenido = be under arrest.
    * estar de vacaciones = be on vacation, be off on vacation.
    * estar de vuelta = be back.
    * estar de vuelta dentro de = be back in + Expresión Temporal.
    * estar directamente relacionado con = be directly correlated to.
    * estar disgustado por = feel deeply about.
    * estar disperso = lie + scattered.
    * estar disponible = be available, be forthcoming, be at hand.
    * estar dispuestísimo a = be more than willing to.
    * estar dispuesto = be game.
    * estar dispuesto a = be keen to, be prepared to, be willing to, be of a mind to, be willing and able to, be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar dispuesto y deseoso a = be willing and able to.
    * estar dominado por Alguien = be under + Posesivo + thumb.
    * estar ducho en = be adept at.
    * estar dudoso = be doubtful.
    * estar embarazada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar emocionado = be thrilled.
    * estar empachado = have + indigestion.
    * estar empeorando = be in decline.
    * estar en = be in the course of.
    * estar en alza = be up.
    * estar enamorado de = carry + a torch for + Nombre, have + a crush on.
    * estar en apuros = be in trouble, be in a fix.
    * estar en ascuas = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en auge = go + strong.
    * estar en Babia = be in cloud cuckoo land, live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en barbecho = lie + fallow.
    * estar en buenas manos = be in safe hands.
    * estar encaminado a = be on the road to.
    * estar en camino de = be on the way to.
    * estar encantadísimo = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar encantado = be thrilled.
    * estar encantado de Hacer Algo = be more than happy to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en casa = be in.
    * estar en celo = be on heat, be in heat.
    * estar encendido = be on.
    * estar enchufado = be on.
    * estar encinta = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en consonancia con = be consonant with, attune to, align + Reflexivo + with.
    * estar en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), be in touch (with).
    * estar en contra de = be against.
    * estar en debate = be under discussion.
    * estar en decadencia = be in decline, be in retreat.
    * estar en declive = be in decline.
    * estar en desacuerdo = be at variance, disagree, quarrel with, beg to differ, be at sixes and sevens with each other.
    * estar en desacuerdo con = be at odds with, be at loggerheads with.
    * estar en desacuerdo sobre = be at odds over.
    * estar en desigualdad = be under par.
    * estar en desventaja = be disadvantaged, be at a disadvantage.
    * estar en deuda = be in debt.
    * estar en deuda con = be beholden to.
    * estar endeudado = be in debt.
    * estar en dificultades = be in trouble.
    * estar en duda = be in question.
    * estar en el lugar adecuado en el momento adecuado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar indicado en el momento indicado = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el lugar oportuno en el momento oportuno = be in the right place at the right time.
    * estar en el séptimo cielo = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en el sitio justo en el momento preciso = be on the spot.
    * estar enemistados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en estado = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de buena esperanza = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar enfermo de amor = be lovesick.
    * estar en flor = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en floración = be in bloom, be in flower.
    * estar en forma = be in shape, be in good shape.
    * estar enfrascado en Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar enfrentados = be at loggerheads.
    * estar en funcionamiento = be up.
    * estar en función de = be a function of.
    * estar en guardia = be on guard (against), be on + Posesivo + guard.
    * estar en guerra con = be at war with.
    * estar en igualdad de condiciones con = be on (an) equal footing with.
    * estar en inferioridad de condiciones = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * estar en juego = be at stake.
    * estar en la gloria = be on cloud nine, float on + air.
    * estar en la inopia = live in + cloud cuckoo land.
    * estar en la mejor posición para = be best positioned to.
    * estar en la misma categoria que = rank with.
    * estar en la onda = attune to + wavelength.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar en las últimas = be on + Posesivo + last legs.
    * estar en lo cierto = hit + the truth.
    * estar en manos privadas = hold in + private hands.
    * estar en marcha = tick over.
    * estar en mayoría = be in the majority.
    * estar en medio de = caught in the middle.
    * estar en minoría = be in the minority.
    * estar en misa y repicando = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar enojado = get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle.
    * estar en paz = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * estar en peligro = be in jeopardy, be in question, be endangered, be at risk, be at stake.
    * estar en peligro (de) = be in danger (of).
    * estar en posición de = be in a position to.
    * estar en proceso de = be on the way to, be in the process of, be in the course of.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de + Infinitivo = be on to + Infinitivo.
    * estar en retirada = be in retreat.
    * estar en ruinas = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar en sintonía con = attune to.
    * estar en situación de = be in a position to.
    * estar en suspense = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en tensión = sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar en trance de = be in the process of.
    * estar entre = fall between.
    * estar entre la espada y la pared = be on the horns of a dilemma.
    * estar entre los primeros = stay on top.
    * estar entre rejas = be behind bars.
    * estar entusiasmado = be thrilled.
    * estar en un aprieto = be in a fix.
    * estar en una situación diferente = be on a different track.
    * estar en un berenjenal = be (in) a mess.
    * estar en un mar de dudas = feel at + sea, be all at sea.
    * estar en un momento clave = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un momento decisivo = be at a watershed.
    * estar en un sinvivir = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold.
    * estar en venta = be up for sale.
    * estar en vías de = be on the road to, be in the process of.
    * estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.
    * estar en vilo = put + Posesivo + life on hold, Posesivo + life + be + on hold, sit on + the edge of + Posesivo + seat.
    * estar equivoado = miss + the point.
    * estar equivocado = be mistaken, be wide of the mark, be wrong, be in error, miss + the mark, be in the wrong.
    * estar equivocado en + Número + cosas = be wrong on + Número + count(s).
    * estar erróneo = be in error.
    * estar esparcido = lie + scattered.
    * estar estrechamente ligado a = be closely tied to.
    * estar estropeado = be kaput.
    * estar estropeándose = be on the way out.
    * estar exento de pagar impuestos = write off.
    * estar falto de = be short of.
    * estar falto de práctica = get + rusty.
    * estar familiarizado con = have + familiarity with.
    * estar firmemente convencido = strongly held opinion.
    * estar frenético = be furious.
    * estar frito de sed = be parched, spit + feathers, be parched with thirst.
    * estar fuera = be out.
    * estar fuera con los amigos = be out with the guys.
    * estar fuera de contienda = be out of contention.
    * estar fuera del alcance = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera de las posibilidades de Alguien = be out of + Posesivo + league.
    * estar fuera del interés = lie outside + the scope of.
    * estar fuera del interés de uno = lie beyond + concern.
    * estar fuera de lugar = be out of place, be out of order.
    * estar fuera de quicio = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar fuera de rumbo = be off course.
    * estar fuera de secuencia = be out of order.
    * estar fuera de sí = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * estar funcionando = be in place.
    * estar furioso = fume.
    * estar + Gerundio = be on the way to.
    * estar hablando del tema = be on the topic.
    * estar haciendo = be up to.
    * estar haciendo Algo = have + Nombre + on the go.
    * estar haciendo algo que no se debe = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * estar hambriento = starve.
    * estar harto = have had enough.
    * estar harto de = be all too familiar with, be sick and tired of.
    * estar hasta la coronilla de = be sick and tired of.
    * estar hecho a escala = be to scale.
    * estar hecho con la intención de = be intended for/to.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar hecho para = be geared to, be intended for/to, mean, be cut out for.
    * estar hecho polvo = be + wreck.
    * estar hecho un desastre = look like + a wreck, be a shambles, look like + the wreck of the Hesperus, look like + drag + through a hedge backwards, be (in) a mess.
    * estar hecho un esqueleto = be a bag of bones.
    * estar hecho un flan = shake like + a leaf, tremble like + a leaf.
    * estar hecho un lío = be at sixes and sevens with.
    * estar hecho un perla = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un pinta = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar hecho un prenda = be a bit of a lad.
    * estar helado = be frozen stiff.
    * estar implícito en = run through.
    * estar inactivo = lie + fallow, lie + dormant.
    * estar incluido = be embedded.
    * estar indeciso = be hesitant (to).
    * estar indeciso entre... o... = be torn between... and....
    * estar inerte = lie + fallow.
    * estar informado puntualmente sobre = monitor + information on.
    * estar inmune a = be immune against.
    * estar inquieto = be disturbed.
    * estar interesado en = be interested in, be keen to.
    * estar inundado de = be snowed under with.
    * estar junto a = stand by + Lugar.
    * estar juntos = be together, stand + together.
    * estar justo en medio de = stand + squarely in.
    * estar la mar de contento = be over the moon.
    * estar lejos de (ser) + Infinitivo = be far from + Gerundio.
    * estar levantado = be up.
    * estar libre de = be free from.
    * estar ligado a = be bound up with.
    * estar listo = stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar listo para = be poised to, stand + poised, be all set to.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * estar localizable = be locatable.
    * estar loco = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar loco de alegría = be chuffed to bits, thrill + Nombre + to bits, be tickled pink.
    * estar loco de contento = be beside + Reflexivo + with joy, be over the moon, be over the moon.
    * estar loco de remate = be a real nutter.
    * estar loco por = have + a crush on.
    * estar majareta = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * estar mal = be wrong, feel under + the weather, be under the weather.
    * estar mal comunicado con = have + poor connections with.
    * estar mal encaminado = be on the wrong track, be headed down the wrong track.
    * estar mal visto = frown on/upon.
    * estar manga por hombro = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar marcado por = be pockmarked with.
    * estar mareado de tanto trabajo = be reeling.
    * estar mejor = be better off, be better served by.
    * estar metido en todo = have + a finger in every pie.
    * estar molesto = be displeased, get + Posesivo + knickers in a twist, get + Posesivo + knickers in a bundle, get + Posesivo + panties in a bundle, put off.
    * estar motivado = be motivated, have + motivation.
    * estar moviéndose en terreno seguro = be on secure ground.
    * estar muerto de asco = be bored to death, be bored stiff, be bored to tears, be bored out of + Posesivo + mind.
    * estar muerto de frío = be frozen stiff.
    * estar muerto de hambre = be starving to death.
    * estar muerto de miedo = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified.
    * estar muerto de sed = spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar muy acostumbrado a = be all too familiar with.
    * estar muy agradecido a = be indebted to.
    * estar muy alejado de = be a long way from.
    * estar muy arraigado en = be well embedded in.
    * estar muy bajo = be way down.
    * estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.
    * estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.
    * estar muy emocionado con/por = be excited about.
    * estar muy esparcido = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * estar muy lejano = be far off.
    * estar muy lejos = be far off, be a long way off.
    * estar muy por delante de = be way out ahead of.
    * estar muy por delante de su tiempo = be years ahead of + Posesivo + time.
    * estar muy puesto = stay on top of + the game, stay on top.
    * estar muy separado = set + far apart.
    * estar muy usado = be well thumbed.
    * estar nervioso = be in a tizz(y), have + butterflies in + Posesivo + stomach.
    * estar oculto = lie + hidden.
    * estar ocupado = busyness, be engaged, be tied up.
    * estar ordenado en forma circular = be on a wheel.
    * estar orgulloso de = be proud (of/to).
    * estar orientado a/para = be geared to.
    * estar orientado hacia = target.
    * estar orientado hacia + Nombre = be + Nombre + driven.
    * estar patas arriba = be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * estar pendiente de = be on the lookout for, pay + attention to, keep + an eye on, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * estar pendiente de todo = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * estar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + league, be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head, be all at sea.
    * estar permitido = be permissible.
    * estar plagado de = be rife with.
    * estar plenamente convencido de Algo = feel (it) in + Posesivo + bones.
    * estar pluriempleado = moonlight, work + a second job.
    * estar pluriempleado, tener un segundo trabajo, tener un segundo empleo = work + a second job.
    * estar poco dispuesto = be reluctant.
    * estar poco representado = underrepresent [under-represent].
    * estar por delante de = be ahead of.
    * estar por demostrar = be unproven.
    * estar por detrás = be behind.
    * estar por encima de = overlay, overlie.
    * estar por las nubes = be through the roof.
    * estar por ver = be an open question.
    * estar poseído por los espíritus = haunt.
    * estar precavido = be on + Posesivo + guard, be on guard (against).
    * estar predestinado a = be predestined to.
    * estar predispuesto = feel + partial.
    * estar predispuesto a = be predisposed to/toward(s).
    * estar preñada = be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.
    * estar preocupadísimo = be worried stiff (about), be worried sick.
    * estar preocupado por = be anxious to.
    * estar preparado = be readied, stand + ready, be ready.
    * estar preparado para = be geared up for/to, stand + poised.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a = be willing and able to.
    * estar preparado y dispuesto a todo = be ready, willing and able.
    * estar presente = be manifest, be present, be in evidence.
    * estar presionado = be under the gun.
    * estar propuesto a = be intent on.
    * estar próximo = be at hand.
    * estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).
    * estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * estar realizándose = underway [under way], be in progress, be in hand.
    * estar rebosante de = spill over with.
    * estar rebosante de salud = fit as a fiddle.
    * estar relacionado con = be associated with, regard.
    * estar relacionado con el trabajo = be work related.
    * estar resentido = carry + a chip on + Posesivo + shoulder.
    * estar resfriado = have + a cold.
    * estar respaldado por Alguien = have + Nombre + behind + Pronombre.
    * estar restringido = be constrained.
    * estar resuelto a = be intent on, be all set to.
    * estar saliendo con alguien = be in a dating relationship.
    * estar salpicado de = be dotted with.
    * estar sano y salvo = be alive and well.
    * estar satisfecho (de) = be satisfied (with).
    * estar saturado de trabajo = work to + capacity.
    * estar sediento = be thirsty, spit + feathers, be parched, be parched with thirst.
    * estar seguro = be sure, make + sure, set + your watch by.
    * estar seguro de = be certain (of), be confident about, feel + confident.
    * estar seguro de que = be confident that.
    * estar sentado sin hacer o decir nada = sit by.
    * estar separado = set + apart.
    * estar separado de = be remote from.
    * estar sesgado = bias, slant.
    * estar siempre + Adjetivo = be ever + Adjetivo.
    * estar siempre buscando = be on the lookout for.
    * estar siempre dispuesto a ayudar = be always willing to assist.
    * estar siendo + Participio = be in process of + Nombre.
    * estar sin blanca = not have a bean.
    * estar sin hacer nada = sit + idle, stand + idle.
    * estar sin trabajo = stay out of + work.
    * estar sin una pela = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un centavo = not have a bean.
    * estar sin un céntimo = not have a bean

    * * *
    estar1 [ A27 ]
    ■ estar (cópula)
    A seguido de adjetivos
    B estar bien, mal, mejor, peor
    C hablando de estado civil
    D seguido de participios
    E con preposición + predicado
    F con que + predicado
    ■ estar (verbo intransitivo)
    A quedar ubicado
    1 hallarse en cierto momento
    2 figurar
    1 hallarse en determinado lugar
    2 acudir
    1 quedarse, permanecer
    2 vivir
    Sentido II en el tiempo
    A existir, haber
    B tener como función etc
    C radicar
    D estar listo, terminado
    E quedar entendido
    F quedar grande, pequeño etc
    G Derecho
    ■ estar (verbo auxiliar)
    A con gerundio
    B con participio
    ■ estarse (verbo pronominal)
    A permanecer
    B acudir
    A (seguido de adjetivos) [ Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser1 (↑ ser (1)) . Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser1 (↑ ser (1)) ] to be
    ¡qué gordo está! isn't he fat!, hasn't he got(ten) fat! o put on a lot of weight!
    ¡qué alto está Ignacio! isn't Ignacio tall now!, hasn't Ignacio got(ten) tall o grown!
    ¡pobre abuelo! está viejo poor grandpa! he's really aged
    el rape está delicioso ¿qué le has puesto? the monkfish is delicious, how did you cook it?
    está muy simpático con nosotros ¿qué querrá? he's being o he's been so nice to us (recently), what do you think he's after?
    no estuvo grosero contigo — sí, lo estuvo he wasn't rude to you — yes, he was
    estás muy callado ¿qué te pasa? you're very quiet, what's the matter?
    ¡pero tú estás casi calvo! but you're almost bald, but you've gone almost bald o you've lost almost all your hair!
    ¿no me oyes? ¿estás sorda? can't you hear me? are you deaf?
    ¿está muerto/vivo? is he dead/alive?
    está cansada/furiosa/embarazada she is tired/furious/pregnant
    ¿cómo están por tu casa? — están todos bien, gracias how's everybody at home? — they're all fine, thanks
    ¡qué bien estás en esta foto! you look great in this photo!
    está mal que no se lo perdones it's wrong of you not to forgive him
    está casada con un primo mío she's married to a cousin of mine
    sus padres están divorciados her parents are divorced
    (seguido de participios): estaba sentado/echado en la cama he was sitting/lying on the bed
    está colgado de una rama it's hanging from a branch
    estaban abrazados they had their arms around each other
    estaba arrodillada she was kneeling (down)
    ver tb estar1 v aux B.
    estoy a régimen I'm on a diet
    ¿a cómo está la uva? how much are the grapes?
    estamos como al principio we're back to where we started
    está con el sarampión she has (the) measles
    estoy con muchas ganas de empezar I'm really looking forward to starting
    siempre está con lo mismo/con que es un incomprendido he's always going on about the same thing/about how nobody understands him
    estaba de luto/de uniforme he was in mourning/uniform
    hoy está de mejor humor she's in a better mood today
    están de limpieza/viaje they're spring-cleaning/on a trip
    estoy de cocinera hasta que vuelva mi madre I'm doing the cooking until my mother comes back
    estuvo de secretaria en una empresa internacional she worked as a secretary in an international company
    estás en un error you're mistaken
    no estoy para fiestas/bromas I'm not in the mood for parties/joking
    estamos sin electricidad we don't have any electricity at the moment, the electricity is off at the moment
    éste está sin pintar this one hasn't been painted yet
    estar con algn (estar de acuerdo) to agree with sb; (apoyar) to support sb, be on sb's side
    yo estoy contigo, creo que ella está equivocada I agree with you o ( colloq) I'm with you, I think she's mistaken
    nuestro partido está con el pueblo our party supports o is on the side of the people
    el pueblo está con nosotros the people are with us
    estar en algo: todavía no hemos solucionado el problema, pero estamos en ello or eso we still haven't solved the problem, but we're working on it
    estar por algn ( Esp fam); to be sweet o keen on sb ( colloq)
    está que no hay quien lo aguante he's (being) unbearable
    el agua está que pela the water's scalding hot
    A «edificio/pueblo» (quedar, estar ubicado) ; to be
    la agencia está en el centro the agency is in the center
    ¿dónde está Camagüey? where's Camagüey?
    el pueblo está a 20 kilómetros de aquí the town's 20 kilometers from here
    1 «persona/objeto» (hallarse en cierto momento) to be
    ¿a qué hora tienes que estar allí? what time do you have to be there?
    estando allí conoció a Micaela he met Micaela while he was there
    ¿dónde estábamos la clase pasada? where did we get to o had we got(ten) to in the last class?
    2 (figurar) to be
    esa palabra no está en el diccionario that word isn't in the dictionary
    yo no estaba en la lista I wasn't on the list, my name didn't appear on the list
    (hallarse en determinado lugar): fui a verla pero no estaba I went to see her but she wasn't there
    ¿está Rodrigo? is Rodrigo in?
    ¿estamos todos? are we all here?, is everyone here?
    (Col, RPl) (acudir): el médico había estado a verla the doctor had been to see her
    (quedarse, permanecer): sólo estaré unos días I'll only be staying a few days, I'll only be here/there a few days
    ¿cuánto tiempo estuviste en Londres? how long were you in London?
    (vivir): ya no vivimos allí, ahora estamos en Soca we don't live there anymore, we're in o we live in Soca now
    de momento estoy con mi hermana at the moment I'm staying with my sister
    (en el tiempo): ¿a qué (día) estamos? what day is it today?
    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? what's the date today o today's date?, what date is it today?
    estamos a 28 de mayo it's May 28th ( AmE) o ( BrE) the 28th of May
    estamos a mediados de mes we're halfway through the month
    estamos en primavera it's spring, spring has come
    ¿en qué mes estamos? what month are we in o is it?
    ellos están en primavera ahora it's spring for them now, it's their spring now
    (existir, haber): y después está el problema de la financiación and then there's the problem of finance
    B (tener como función, cometido) estar PARA algo:
    para eso estamos that's what we're here for
    para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for
    ya que estamos/estás while we're/you're at it o ( BrE) about it
    (radicar): ahí está el quid del asunto that's the crux of the matter
    estar EN algo:
    la dificultad está en hacerlo sin mirar the difficult thing is to do it o the difficulty lies in doing it without looking
    todo está en que él quiera ayudarnos it all depends on whether he wants to help us or not
    (estar listo, terminado): la carne todavía no está the meat's not ready yet
    lo atas con un nudo aquí y ya está you tie a knot in it here and that's it o there you are
    enseguida estoy I'll be with you in a minute o in a second, I'll be right with you
    ¡ya está! ¡ya sé lo que podemos hacer! I've got it! I know what we can do!
    ¡ahí está! that's it!
    (quedar entendido): quiero que estés de vuelta a las diez ¿estamos? or (Ur) ¿está? I want you to be back by ten, all right?
    que no vuelva a suceder ¿estamos? don't let it happen again, understand? o is that understood? o ( colloq) got it?
    ( Esp) (quedar) (+ me/te/le etc), (+ compl): esa falda te está grande/pequeña that skirt's too big/too small for you
    la 46 te está mejor the 46 fits you better
    G ( frml) ( Derecho) estar A algo:
    se estará a lo estipulado en la cláusula 20 the stipulations of clause 20 will apply
    (con gerundio): está lloviendo it's raining
    no hagas ruido, están durmiendo don't make any noise, they're asleep
    se está afeitando/duchando or está afeitándose/duchándose he's shaving/taking a shower
    estuve un rato hablando con él I was talking o I talked to him for a while
    ¿qué estará pensando? I wonder what she's thinking
    ya estoy viendo que va a ser imposible I'm beginning to see that it's going to be impossible
    ya te estás quitando de ahí, que ése es mi lugar ( fam); OK, out of there/off there, that's my place ( colloq)
    (con participio): ¿esta ropa está planchada? have these clothes been ironed?, are these clothes ironed?
    la foto estaba tomada desde muy lejos the photo had been taken from a long way away o from a great distance
    ese asiento está ocupado that seat is taken
    ya está hecho un hombrecito he's a proper young man now
    está hecha una vaga she's got(ten) o become lazy
    A ( enf) (permanecer) to stay
    se estuvo horas ahí sentado sin moverse he remained sitting there for hours without moving, he sat there for hours without moving
    ¿no te puedes estar quieto un momento? can't you stay o keep still for a minute?
    estése tranquilo don't worry
    B ( enf) ( RPl) (acudir) to be
    estáte allí media hora antes be there o arrive half an hour before
    living room
    * * *


    estar 1 ( conjugate estar) cópula

    Estar denotes a changed condition or state as opposed to identity or nature, which is normally expressed by ser. Estar is also used when the emphasis is on the speaker's perception of things, of their appearance, taste, etc. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in ser 1 cópula 1 to be;

    estás más gordo you've put on weight;
    estoy cansada I'm tired;
    está muy simpático conmigo he's being o he's been so nice to me (recently);
    ¡todo está tan caro! things are o have become so expensive!
    b) ( con

    bien, mal, mejor, peor): están todos bien, gracias they're all fine, thanks;

    ¡qué bien estás en esta foto! you look great in this photo!;
    está mal que no se lo perdones it's wrong of you not to forgive him;
    ver tb bien, mal, mejor, peor
    2 ( hablando de estado civil) to be;

    3 ( seguido de participios)

    estaban abrazados they had their arms around each other;
    ver tb v aux 2
    4 ( seguido de preposición) to be;
    (para más ejemplos ver tb la preposición o el nombre correspondiente);

    ¿a cómo está la uva? how much are the grapes?;
    está con el sarampión she has (the) measles;
    estoy de cocinera I'm doing the cooking;
    estamos sin electricidad the electricity is off at the moment;
    está sin pintar it hasn't been painted yet
    verbo intransitivo
    1 ( en un lugar) to be;
    ¿dónde está Chiapas? where's Chiapas?;

    está a 20 kilómetros de aquí it's 20 kilometers from here;
    ¿sabes dónde está Pedro? do you know where Pedro is?;
    ¿está Rodrigo? is Rodrigo in?;
    solo estaré unos días I'll only be staying a few days;
    ¿cuánto tiempo estarás en Londres? how long are you going to be in London (for)?
    2 ( en el tiempo):
    ¿a qué (día) estamos? what day is it today?;

    ¿a cuánto estamos hoy? what's the date today?;
    estamos a 28 de mayo it's May 28th (AmE) o (BrE) the 28th of May;
    estamos en primavera it's spring
    a) (tener como función, cometido):

    estamos para ayudarlos we're here to help them

    4 (estar listo, terminado):

    lo atas con un nudo y ya está you tie a knot in it and that's it o there you are;
    enseguida estoy I'll be right with you
    5 (Esp) ( quedar) (+ me/te/le etc) (+ compl):

    la 46 te está mejor the 46 fits you better
    estar v aux
    1 ( con gerundio):

    estoy viendo que va a ser imposible I'm beginning to see that it's going to be impossible
    2 ( con participio):

    ya está hecho un hombrecito he's a proper young man now;
    ver tb estar cópula 3
    estarse verbo pronominal ( enf) ( permanecer) to stay;
    ¿no te puedes estar quieto? can't you stay o keep still?;

    estese tranquilo don't worry
    estar 2 sustantivo masculino (esp AmL) living room
    estar verbo intransitivo
    1 (existir, hallarse) to be: está al norte, it is to the north
    ¿estarás en casa?, will you be at home?
    no está en ningún lado, it isn't anywhere
    estamos aquí para servirle, we are at your service
    su pedido aún no está, your order isn't ready yet
    2 (permanecer) to stay: estos días estoy en casa de mis padres, these days I'm staying at my parents' place
    estoy en la oficina de ocho a dos, I'm at the office from eight to two
    quiero que estés aquí un minuto, ahora vuelvo, stay here, I'll be right back
    3 (tener una situación actual determinada: con adjetivo o participio) estaba blanco como la cera, he had turned as white as a sheet
    está dormido, he's asleep
    está teñida de rubio, her hair's dyed blonde
    (con gerundio) está estudiando, he is studying
    estaba preparando la comida, I was cooking
    (con adverbio) estoy tan lejos, I'm so far away
    está muy mal, (enfermo) he is very ill
    4 (quedar, sentar) el jersey me está pequeño, the sweater is too small for me
    5 (para indicar precio, grados, fecha) (+ a: fecha) to be: ¿a qué día estamos?, what's the date?
    estamos a 1 de Julio, it is the first of July
    (: precio) to be at: ¿a cómo/cuánto están las manzanas?, how much are the apples?
    están a setenta pesetas el kilo, they're seventy pesetas a kilo
    (: grados) en Madrid estamos a cuarenta grados, it's forty degrees in Madrid
    ♦ Locuciones: ¿estamos?, agreed?
    estar a disposición de, to be at the disposal of
    estar a la que salta, to be ready to take advantage of an opportunity
    estar a las duras y a las maduras, to take the bad with the good
    estar al caer, to be just round the corner
    estar en baja, to be waning
    estar en todo, to be on top of everything
    estaría bueno, whatever next
    ESTAR CON: (de acuerdo con) estoy con María, I agree with Mary
    ESTAR DE: estoy de broma, I'm joking
    está de camarero, he's working as a waiter
    estaba de Dios que las cosas sucedieran así, it was God's will that things turned out this way, está de vacaciones, he's on holiday
    me voy a marchar porque está claro que aquí estoy de más, I'm going to go because it's obvious that I'm in the way
    ESTAR ENCIMA: su madre siempre está encima de él, his mother is always on top of him
    ESTAR PARA: no estamos para bromas, we are in no mood for jokes
    esa ropa está para planchar, these clothes are ready to be ironed
    cuando estaba para salir, me llamaron, when I was just about to leave, they called me
    ESTAR POR: la casa está por construir, the house has still to be built
    estuve por decirle lo que pensaba, I was tempted to tell him what I thought
    estoy por la igualdad de derechos, I'm for equal rights
    ESTAR QUE: está que no puede con su alma, he is exhausted
    familiar está que trina, he's hopping mad
    ESTAR TRAS: está tras el ascenso, he is after promotion
    estoy tras una blusa blanca, I'm looking for a white blouse
    El uso del verbo to stay como traducción de estar en un lugar es incorrecto, a menos que quieras expresar lo contrario de irse o marcharse (no me voy a la playa, estaré en casa todo el verano, I'm not going to the beach, I'm staying at home all summer) o te refieras a alojarse: Estoy en el Palace. I'm staying at the Palace.

    ' estar' also found in these entries:
    - acatarrada
    - acatarrado
    - acecho
    - acomplejada
    - acomplejado
    - acostada
    - acostado
    - acostumbrada
    - acostumbrado
    - activa
    - activo
    - afónica
    - afónico
    - agradecer
    - agua
    - aire
    - ajo
    - ala
    - alero
    - alerta
    - amiga
    - amigo
    - andar
    - antena
    - apañada
    - apañado
    - apogeo
    - ascua
    - atar
    - aviar
    - azotea
    - Babia
    - baja
    - bandera
    - banquillo
    - barco
    - blanca
    - bordear
    - borracha
    - borracho
    - bote
    - braga
    - brecha
    - brete
    - buena
    - bueno
    - cabal
    - cabeza
    - cabo
    - accustom
    - action
    - agree
    - agreement
    - ahead
    - air
    - alert
    - alive
    - alone
    - aloof
    - amenable
    - amiss
    - antsy
    - anxious
    - approve
    - associate
    - attend
    - away
    - back
    - ball
    - barbecue
    - be
    - bean
    - beck
    - beg
    - behind
    - believe in
    - beside
    - best
    - board
    - boil
    - book
    - boom
    - bored
    - brain
    - breath
    - bristle with
    - broke
    - brown
    - bulge
    - burn
    - by
    - cake
    - call
    - change
    - charge
    - cheese off
    - clash
    - close
    * * *
    1. [hallarse] to be;
    ¿dónde está la llave? where is the key?;
    ¿está María? – no, no está is Maria there? – no, she's not here
    2. [con fechas]
    ¿a qué estamos hoy? what's the date today?;
    hoy estamos a martes/a 15 de julio today is Tuesday/15 July;
    estábamos en octubre it was October;
    estamos en invierno it's winter
    3. [quedarse] to stay, to be;
    estaré un par de horas y me iré I'll stay a couple of hours and then I'll go;
    ¿cuánto tiempo piensas estar? how long do you plan on staying?;
    estuvimos una semana en su casa we stayed with her for a week, we spent a week at her place
    4. (antes de “a”) [expresa valores, grados]
    estamos a 20 grados it's 20 degrees here;
    el dólar está a 10 pesos the dollar is at 10 pesos;
    están a dos euros el kilo they're two euros a kilo
    5. [hallarse listo] to be ready;
    ¿aún no está ese trabajo? is that piece of work still not ready?;
    ¿ya estás? pues, vámonos are you ready? let's go then
    6. [servir]
    estar para to be (there) for;
    para eso están los amigos that's what friends are for;
    para eso estoy that's what I'm here for;
    la vida está para vivirla life is for living;
    no tires eso al suelo, que las papeleras están para algo don't throw that on the floor, the wastepaper bins are there for a reason
    7. (antes de gerundio) [expresa duración] to be;
    están golpeando la puerta they're banging on the door
    8. (antes de “sin” + infinitivo) [expresa negación]
    estoy sin dormir desde ayer I haven't slept since yesterday;
    está sin acabar it's not finished;
    estuve sin voz dos días I had no voice o I lost my voice for two days
    9. [faltar]
    eso está aún por escribir that has yet to be written;
    eso está por ver that remains to be seen;
    todavía está por hacer it hasn't been done yet
    10. [consistir]
    estar en to be, to lie in;
    el problema está en la fecha the problem is the date;
    el truco está en no mirar nunca al suelo the trick o secret is not to look at the ground
    11. [hallarse a punto de]
    estar al llegar o [m5] caer [persona] to be about to arrive;
    [acontecimiento] to be about to happen;
    estar por hacer algo to be on the verge of doing sth;
    estuve por pegarle I was on the verge of hitting him;
    estoy por no ir I'm not so sure I want to go;
    estuve por llamarte I was about to phone you, I was just going to phone you
    12. [expresa disposición]
    estar para algo to be in the mood for sth;
    no estoy para bromas I'm not in the mood for jokes;
    el enfermo no está para ver a nadie the patient is in no condition to see anyone
    13. [ser favorable]
    estar por to be in favour of;
    estoy por la libertad de expresión I'm in favour of o for freedom of speech
    14. [hallarse embarazada]
    está de cinco meses she's five months pregnant
    15. RP [ir]
    estuve a verlo en el hospital I went to see him in hospital;
    estuvieron a visitarlo they went to visit him
    v copulativo
    1. (antes de adj) [expresa cualidad, estado] to be;
    los pasteles están ricos the cakes are delicious;
    esta calle está sucia this street is dirty;
    ¡qué alta estás! you've really grown!;
    estoy cansado/enfadado I'm tired/angry;
    ¿qué tal estás? how are you?;
    está muy irritable últimamente she's been very irritable lately;
    está divorciado he's divorced;
    estoy enfermo/mareado I am ill/I feel sick;
    cuando estaba chiquito when I was little
    2. (antes de “con” o “sin” + sustantivo) [expresa estado] to be;
    estamos sin agua we have no water, we're without water;
    estoy sin blanca I'm broke, Br I'm skint
    3. [expresa situación, acción]
    estar de vacaciones to be on holiday;
    estar de viaje to be on a trip;
    estar de mudanza to be (in the process of) moving;
    estamos de suerte we're in luck;
    estar de mal humor to be in a (bad) mood;
    ¿has cambiado la rueda? – estoy en ello have you changed the tyre? – I'm working on it o I'm doing it right now;
    ¡ya está bien! that's enough (of that)!
    4. [expresa permanencia]
    estar en uso to be in use;
    estar en guardia to be on guard
    5. [expresa apoyo, predilección]
    estoy contigo I'm on your side
    6. [expresa ocupación]
    estar como o [m5]de to be;
    está como o [m5] de cajera she's a checkout girl;
    yo he estado de portero toda la primera parte I've been in goal all of the first half
    7. Esp [ropa]
    este traje te está bien this suit looks good on you;
    esa falda te está corta that skirt's too short for you;
    ¿cómo me está? how does this look?
    8. (antes de “que” + verbo) [expresa actitud]
    está que muerde porque ha suspendido he's furious because he failed
    v aux
    1. (antes de gerundio) to be;
    estuvo nevando it was snowing;
    se está peinando she's brushing her hair;
    estuvieron discutiendo durante toda la reunión they spent the whole meeting arguing, they were arguing throughout the whole meeting;
    mañana a estas horas estaré bañándome en la playa this time tomorrow I'll be swimming at the beach
    2. (antes de participio)
    está terminado it's finished;
    está organizado por el ayuntamiento it's organized by the town council
    * * *
    ¿cómo está Vd.? how are you?;
    estoy mejor I’m (feeling) better;
    estoy bien/mal I’m fine/I’m not feeling too great;
    estar de tres meses be three months pregnant;
    estar sin dinero have no money;
    ¡ya estoy! I’m ready!
    ¿está Javier? is Javier in?;
    mi padre no está my father isn’t here;
    ¡ahí está! there it is!;
    ahora estoy con Vd. I’ll be with you in just a moment;
    ¿dónde estábamos? where were we?
    estar haciendo algo be doing sth;
    estoy leyendo I’m reading
    4 ( sentar)
    te está grande it's too big for you;
    el vestido te está bien the dress suits you
    estar de ocupación work as, be;
    está de camarero he’s working as a waiter
    6 ( padecer de)
    estar del corazón/estómago have heart/stomach problems
    estamos a 3 de enero it’s January 3rd;
    el kilo está a un peso they’re one peso a kilo
    estar con alguien agree with s.o.; ( apoyar) support s.o.;
    estar a bien/mal con alguien be on good/bad terms with s.o.;
    estar en algo be working on sth;
    estar para hacer algo be about to do sth;
    no estar para algo not be in a mood for sth;
    estar por algo be in favor of sth;
    está por hacer it hasn’t been done yet;
    ¡ya está! that’s it!
    * * *
    estar {34} v aux
    : to be
    estoy aprendiendo inglés: I'm learning English
    está terminado: it's finished
    estar vi
    está muy alto: he's so tall, he's gotten very tall
    ¿ya estás mejor?: are you feeling better now?
    estoy casado: I'm married
    están en la mesa: they're on the table
    estamos en la página 2: we're on page 2
    3) : to be at home
    ¿está María?: is Maria in?
    4) : to remain
    estaré aquí 5 días: I'll be here for 5 days
    5) : to be ready, to be done
    estará para las diez: it will be ready by ten o'clock
    6) : to agree
    ¿estamos?: are we in agreement?
    estoy contigo: I'm with you
    ¿cómo estás? : how are you?
    ¡está bien! : all right!, that's fine!
    estar a : to cost
    estar a : to be
    ¿a qué dia estamos?: what's today's date?
    estar con : to have
    está con fiebre: she has a fever
    estar de : to be
    estoy de vacaciones: I'm on vacation
    está de director hoy: he's acting as director today
    estar bien (mal) : to be well (sick)
    estar para : to be in the mood for
    estar por : to be in favor of
    estar por : to be about to
    está por cerrar: it's on the verge of closing
    estar de más : to be unnecessary
    estar que : to be (in a state or condition)
    está que echa chispas: he's hopping mad
    * * *
    estar vb
    1. (en general) to be
    ¿estás cansada? are you tired?
    3. (en casa, en el trabajo) to be in / to be there / to be here
    ¿está Pepe? is Pepe in? / is Pepe there?
    ¿está tu madre en casa? is your mother in?
    4. (listo, preparado) to be ready
    5. (aspecto) to look
    ¡qué guapo estás! you look very smart!
    estar a... to be...
    ¿a cuánto están los tomates? how much are the tomatoes?
    estar de... to be...

    Spanish-English dictionary > estar

  • 5 que

    1 that.
    es importante que me escuches it's important that you listen to me
    que haya pérdidas no es un problema insuperable the fact that we've suffered losses isn't an insurmountable problem
    2 that.
    me ha confesado que me quiere he has told me that he loves me
    3 than.
    es más rápido que tú he's quicker than you
    antes morir que vivir la guerra I'd rather die than live through a war
    tanto me lo pidió que se lo di he asked me for it so insistently that I gave it to him
    5 so (that).
    ven aquí que te vea come over here so (that) I can see you
    quiero que lo hagas I want you to do it
    espero que te diviertas I hope (that) you have fun
    7 if.
    que no quieres hacerlo, pues no pasa nada it doesn't matter if you don't want to do it
    8 or.
    quieras que no, harás lo que yo mando you'll do what I tell you, whether you like it or not
    1 who, that (person).
    la mujer que me saluda the woman (who o that is) waving to me
    el que me lo compró the one who bought it from me
    la moto que me gusta the motorbike (that) I like
    el hombre, que decía llamarse Simón, era bastante sospechoso the man, who said he was called Simón, seemed rather suspicious
    el que más y el que menos every last one of us, all of us without exception
    2 who, whom (person).
    el hombre que conociste ayer the man (who o whom) you met yesterday
    la persona/el lugar que estás buscando the person/the place you're looking for
    ese libro es el que me quiero comprar that book is the one (that o which) I want to buy
    * * *
    1 that
    3 (deseo, mandato)
    ¡que esperes un momento! wait a moment!
    ¡que te diviertas! enjoy yourself!
    4 (duda, extrañeza)
    ¿que no te hicieron pagar nada? (you say) they didn't make you pay anything?
    5 (causal, consecutiva)
    ¡arriba, que ya son las ocho! get up, it's eight o'clock!
    6 (tanto si... como si...) whether... or not...
    que llueva que no llueva, iremos de excursión whether it rains or not, we're going on a trip
    8 (final) so that
    que te gusta, te lo quedas; que no te gusta, lo cambias if you like it, keep it; if you don't, you can change it
    justicia pido, que no gracia I want justice, not mercy
    ¿a que no? / ¿a que sí? right?, isn't that right?
    ¿a que no...? I bet you can't...!
    ¡con lo que...! you know how much...
    ¡con lo que le gusta el queso y se lo han prohibido! you know how much he likes cheese, and now he's not allowed to have any!
    que si esto que si lo otro what with one thing and the other
    que si esto, que si lo otro, total que no lo ha traído what with one thing and another, in the end he didn't bring it
    hace un frío que para qué it's really cold, it's so cold, it's freezing cold
    que yo sepa as far as I know
    yo que tú... if I were you...
    1 (sujeto, persona) who, that; (cosa) that, which
    este árbol, que parecía muerto en invierno, está rebrotando this tree, which looked dead in winter, is sprouting
    2 (complemento, persona) whom, who; (cosa) that, which
    la pistola con que le hirieron era nuestra the gun with which he was wounded was ours, the gun he was wounded with was ours
    4 def art + que the one which, the one that
    * * *
    1. pron.
    1) that
    2) who
    4) whom
    2. conj.
    1) that, than
    2) let
    * * *
    1) [refiriéndose a personas]
    a) [como sujeto] who, that

    el hombre que vino ayerthe man who o that came yesterday

    b) [como complemento: a menudo se omite] that
    2) [refiriéndose a cosas]
    a) [como sujeto] that, which
    b) [como complemento: a menudo se omite] that, which

    el coche que compréthe car (that o which) I bought

    el libro del que te habléthe book (that o which) I spoke to you about

    el día que ella nacióthe day (when o that) she was born

    la cama en que pasé la noche — the bed in which I spent the night, the bed I spent the night in


    el/la/los/las que — ver el 8)


    lo que ver lo I, 3)

    1) [en subordinada sustantiva: a menudo se omite]
    a) + indic that
    b) + subjun that
    claro 2., 4)
    2) [en comparaciones]

    eres igual que mi padre — you're just like my father

    más que — more than

    menos que — less than

    prefiero estar aquí que en mi casa — I'd rather be here than at home

    yo que tú — if I were you

    yo que tú, iría — I'd go, if I were you

    3) [expresando resultado]
    a) [a menudo se omite] that

    tan... que, es tan grande que no lo puedo levantar — it's so big (that) I can't lift it

    tanto... que, las manos le temblaban tanto que apenas podía escribir — her hands were shaking so much (that) she could hardly write

    bendición 2), primor 2)
    4) [expresando causa]

    llévate un paraguas, que está lloviendo — take an umbrella, it's raining

    no lo derroches, que es muy caro — don't waste it, it's very expensive

    ¡vamos, que cierro! — come on now, I'm closing!

    ¡cuidado, que te caes! — careful or you'll fall!, mind you don't fall!

    ¡suélteme, que voy a gritar! — let go or I'll scream!

    5) [expresando reiteración o insistencia]

    ¡que !, -es verde -¡que no! -¡que sí! — "it's green" - "no it isn't!" - "yes it is!"

    -no funciona -que sí, es que lo haces mal — "it doesn't work" - "yes it does, you're just doing it wrong"

    6) [sin antecedente expreso]
    a) [expresando mandato]

    ¡que lo haga él! — let him do it!, he can do it himself!

    ¡que entre! — send him in!, let him come in!

    b) [expresando deseo]

    ¡que venga pronto! — let's hope he comes soon!

    ¡que te mejores! — get well soon!

    ¡que os guste la película! — enjoy the film!

    c) [expresando sorpresa]

    ¿que no estabas allí? — (are you telling me) you weren't there?


    el que — + subjun (=el hecho de que) the fact that

    * * *
    1) (introduciendo complemento, sujeto)

    que + INDIC — that

    ¿cuántos años crees que tiene? — how old do you think she is?

    eso de que estaba enfermo es mentira — (fam) this business about him being ill is a lie


    que + SUBJ: quiero que vengas I want you to come; lamento que no puedas quedarte I'm sorry (that) you can't stay; dice que no vayas she says you're not to go; ve a que te ayude tu padre go and get your father to help you; (el) que sea el jefe no significa... just because he's the boss doesn't mean...; es importante que quede claro it's important that it should be clear; sería una lástima que no vinieras — it would be a shame if you didn't come


    es que: es que hoy no voy a poder I'm afraid (that) I won't be able to today; es que no tengo dinero the trouble is I don't have any money; ¿es que eres sordo? — are you deaf or something?


    ¿que se casa? — she's getting married?

    ¿cómo que no vas a ir? — what do you mean, you're not going?

    que no, que no voy! — no! I'm not going!

    que sueltes, te digo! — I said, let go!

    ¿que dónde estaba? pues aquí — where was I? right here

    ¿que cómo me llamo? — what's my name?


    escóndete, que te van a ver — hide or they'll see you

    ven, que te peino — come here and let me comb your hair


    los que viajan, que esperen aquí — those who are traveling, wait here

    es la/el que manda aquí — she's/he's the one who gives the orders here

    el paciente del que te habléthe patient (that o who) I spoke to you about

    2) (refiriéndose a cosas, asuntos, etc)
    a) (sujeto) that, which

    la forma/el lugar en que ocurrió — the way/the place (in which) it happened

    ¿sabes lo difícil que fue? — do you know how hard it was?; ver tb lo I 2), 3)

    * * *
    = than, what, which, which, who, that.
    Ex. A synthetic scheme needs less categories or headings than an equivalent enumerative scheme.
    Ex. Before examining the two main means of constructing classification schedules it is as well to consider what the objective of the designer of a classification scheme should be.
    Ex. There are a number of features of a catalogue or index which benefit from some standardisation.
    Ex. There are a number of features of a catalogue or index which benefit from some standardisation.
    Ex. This started in 1980, and has around forty members who receive some support to cover telephone charges.
    Ex. The (F) operator specifies that terms must be in the same field of the same record, in any order.
    * ¿para qué sirve... ? = what's the use of... ?.
    * ¿qué sentido tiene = what is/was the point of...?.
    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * de los que = whereof.
    * de qué se trata = what it's all about.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el que = the one.
    * el que no se aventura no cruza el mar = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * en qué momento = at what point.
    * en qué punto = at what point.
    * hasta qué punto = the extent to which.
    * la que = the one.
    * lo que es más = what's more.
    * más... que... = more... than....
    * menos... que... = less... than....
    * no saber qué hacer = be at a nonplus.
    * o qué sé yo = or whatever.
    * por qué = why.
    * puesto que = for.
    * que abarca = girdling.
    * que actúa de apoyo = supporting.
    * que actúa de soporte = supporting.
    * que afecta a = surrounding.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a varias generaciones = cross-generational.
    * que ahorran dinero = dollar-saving.
    * que amplia los horizontes = expansive.
    * que apoya moralmente = supportive.
    * que aquí presentamos = present.
    * que arde lentamente = smouldering [smoldering, -USA].
    * que atraviesa la ciudad = cross-town.
    * que avanza lentamente = crawling.
    * que avanza rápidamente = fast-moving, fast-developing.
    * que ayuda a recordar = memory-jogging.
    * que ayuda a refrescar la memoria = memory-jogging.
    * que baja los humos = humbling.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que bota bien = bouncy [bouncier -comp., bounciest -sup.].
    * que busca el beneficio propio = self-serving.
    * que cambia con el tiempo = ever-changing [ever changing], time-variant, ever-shifting.
    * que cambia la vida = life-changing, life-altering.
    * que cambia rápidamente = rapid-fire.
    * que combina diferentes enseñanzas = multi-track [multitrack].
    * que combina diferentes tipos de recursos = multi-source [multi source].
    * que concede becas = grant-making.
    * que concede subsidios = grant-making.
    * que concierne a = surrounding.
    * que confiere cierto estatus social = status-conferring.
    * que confunde = confounding.
    * que conlleva = attendant, associated with.
    * que conserva su encanto natural = unspoilt [unspoiled, -USA].
    * que conserva su estado natural = unspoilt [unspoiled, -USA].
    * que consta de tres puntos = three-point.
    * que constituye un reto = challenging.
    * que consume mucha CPU = CPU intensive.
    * que consume mucha energía = energy-intensive, power-hungry.
    * que consume tiempo = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * que contengan los caracteres = hit by.
    * que contiene = therein.
    * que contiene muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * que contribuye a la predisposición = predisposing.
    * que coocurre = co-occurring.
    * que corroe por dentro = gnawing.
    * que crea adicción = addictive.
    * que crea hábito = addictive.
    * que crece despacio = slowly growing.
    * que crece hacia dentro = ingrown.
    * que cruza fronteras = boundary spanning.
    * que cubre hasta la rodilla = knee deep.
    * que cubre hasta los tobillos = ankle deep.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que cuelga = hanging.
    * que cumple los requisitos = qualifying.
    * que da agua = leaking, leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup].
    * que da miedo = scary [scarier -comp., scariest -sup.].
    * que da que pensar = sobering.
    * que da susto = scary [scarier -comp., scariest -sup.].
    * que da vida = life-giving.
    * que deja mucho al azar = hit-or-miss.
    * ¿qué demonios...? = what on (this) earth...?.
    * ¿qué demonios...? = What the heck...?.
    * que demuestra desequilibrio de carácter = off-balance.
    * que depende del tiempo = time-dependent.
    * que desee(n) = of + Posesivo + choice, of + Posesivo + choosing.
    * que desempata = tie-breaking [tiebreaking].
    * ¿qué diablos...? = Heck!, What the heck...?.
    * que diferencia entre mayúscula y minúscula = case-sensitive.
    * que distingue entre mayúscula y minúscula = case-sensitive.
    * que distrae la atención = distracting.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que el agua disuelve = water-fugitive.
    * ¿qué elegir? = which way to go?.
    * que encompasa = girdling.
    * que entran en juego = at play.
    * que era común anteriormente = once-common.
    * qué es cada cosa = what is what.
    * que escapan a + Posesivo + control = beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * que escuece = itchy [itchier -comp., itchiest -sup.].
    * que espera demasiado = over expectant.
    * que está creciendo = growing.
    * que está en constante evolución = ever-evolving.
    * que están apareciendo = emerging.
    * que estrope el paisaje = eyesore.
    * que exalta los ánimos = inflammatory.
    * que excede + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.
    * que expresa dos puntos de vista opuestos = bipolar [bi-polar].
    * que falta = missing.
    * que faltan = wanting.
    * que florece en primavera = spring-flowering.
    * ¡qué follón! = what a palaver!.
    * que fomenta = conducive (to).
    * que forma parte de la cultura = culturally-embedded.
    * que fue = one-time.
    * que fue común antes = once-common.
    * que fuera = once.
    * que fuerza los músculos = muscle-straining.
    * que funciona = working.
    * que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.
    * que funciona con electricidad = electrically-powered, electrically-operated.
    * que funciona con energía eólica = wind-powered.
    * que funciona con monedas = coin-operated, coin-op.
    * que funciona con pilas = battery-operated, battery-powered.
    * que funciona con vapor = steam-powered.
    * que funciona manualmente = manually operated.
    * ¡que gane el mejor! = may the best man win!, may the best man win!.
    * que genera polémica = confrontational.
    * que gotea = leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup], leaking.
    * que guarde relación con = in keeping with.
    * que habla bien = elocuted.
    * que habla en voz baja = quietly spoken.
    * que hace entrar en calor = warming, warming.
    * que hace época = epoch-making.
    * que hace historia = history-making.
    * que hace la boca agua = mouth-watering.
    * qué hacer con (algo) = disposition, disposition.
    * que hacer reflexionar = provocative of.
    * ¿Qué ha dicho? = I beg your pardon?.
    * que ha sobrevivido = surviving.
    * que hay que dar muchas vueltas = circuitous.
    * que hay que dedicarle mucho tiempo = time-intensive.
    * que hizo época = epochal.
    * que huele a lugar cerrado = fusty.
    * que incita a la reflexión = provocative of.
    * que induce a confusión = confounding.
    * que intervienen = at play.
    * que intimida = forbidding.
    * que invita a la reflexión = thought-provoking.
    * ¡qué jaleo! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡qué lástima! = what a pity!, what a pity!.
    * que le afecta a todo = crosscutting [cross cutting].
    * que le gusta arriesgarse = risk-taking.
    * que le gusta la mecánica = mechanically minded.
    * que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.
    * que levanta el ánimo = uplifting.
    * que levanta el espíritu = uplifting.
    * ¡qué lío! = what a palaver!.
    * que llega = incoming.
    * que llega hasta la cintura = waist high, waist deep, waist length.
    * que llega hasta los hombres = shoulder-length.
    * que lleva tiempo en cartelera = long-running.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo hace uno mismo = do-it-yourself (DIY).
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * que marca época = landmark.
    * que marca un hito = epoch-making.
    * qué más = what else.
    * qué me dices de... = what about....
    * que mejora el estatus social = status-enhancing.
    * que mejora la calidad de vida = life-enhancing.
    * que merece la pena = worthwhile.
    * que mezcla sensaciones = synesthetic, cross-sensory.
    * que mira al sur = south facing.
    * que nace de = born out of.
    * ¿qué narices...? = What the heck...?.
    * que necesita bastante dedicación de personal = labour-intensive [labour intensive], staff-intensive [staff intensive].
    * que necesita bastante mano de obra = labour-intensive [labour intensive].
    * que necesita de un trabajo intelectual previo = knowledge-intensive.
    * que necesita la información = information-dependent.
    * que ni ama ni es amado = loveless.
    * que no absorbe el agua o la humedad = non-hygroscopic.
    * que no admite reserva = unreserved.
    * que no ajusta bien = ill-fitting.
    * que no aparece en primer lugar = nonfirst [non-first].
    * que no ayuda a distinguir = nondistinctive.
    * que no causa dolor = painless.
    * que no cierra bien = leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup], leaking.
    * que no conduce a nada = circuitous.
    * que no cuadra = unreconciled.
    * que no da más de sí = overstretched.
    * que no daña el medio ambiente = environmentally friendly, environmentally sound, eco-friendly.
    * que no desaparece = lingering.
    * que no es de fiar = untrustworthy.
    * que no es de la India = non-Indic.
    * que no es libro de texto = non-textbook.
    * que no está en papel = non-paper [non paper].
    * que no es texto = non-text.
    * que no excluye otras posibilidades = non-exclusive.
    * que no fuma = non-smoking.
    * que no haya noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * que no llama la atención = inconspicuous.
    * que no ofrece doctorado = non-doctoral granting.
    * que no perdona = unforgiving.
    * que no perjudica el medio ambiente = environmentally friendly, environmentally sound.
    * que no perjudica el medio ambiente = eco-friendly.
    * que no pertenece a una confesión religiosa concreta = nondenominational [non-denominational].
    * que no pertenece a un sindicato = non-unionised.
    * que no posee ninguna conexión = disjoint.
    * que no queda bien = ill-fitting.
    * que no recibe enseñanza formal = out-of-school.
    * que no representa reto = unchallenging.
    * que no sea(n) = other than.
    * que no se hace añicos = shatterproof.
    * que no se ha cuestionado = unquestioned, unscrutinised [unscrutinized, -USA].
    * que no se ha puesto en duda = unquestioned, unscrutinised [unscrutinized, -USA].
    * que no se le puede dar un nombre = unnameable.
    * que no se puede comparar = incomparable.
    * que no se puede conseguir = unobtainable.
    * que no se puede entregar = undeliverable.
    * que no se puede hacer cumplir = unenforceable.
    * que no se puede identificar con un término = unnameable.
    * que no se puede sacar en préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * que no se puede uno perder = unmissable.
    * que no se rompe en mil pedazos = shatterproof.
    * que no se utiliza = unused.
    * que nos rodea = ambient.
    * que no tiene compensación = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * que no tienen que rendir cuentas a nadie = unaccountable.
    * que no tiene precio = priceless.
    * que no tiene que ver con el tema debatido = off-topic.
    * que no viene a cuento = off-topic.
    * que obstruye = obstructive.
    * que ocupa la mejor posición = best-positioned.
    * que ocupa mucho espacio = space-consuming.
    * que ocupa poco espacio = space-saving.
    * que ocupa un puesto de mayor responsabilidad = senior.
    * ¿qué ocurre si... ? = what if... ?.
    * qué otra cosa = what else.
    * que padece de cólicos = colicky newborn.
    * que padece de peritonitis = peritonitic.
    * ¡qué palabras son esas! = watch your language!.
    * que parece dudoso = dubious-sounding.
    * que parece sospechoso = dubious-sounding.
    * que participan = at play.
    * ¿Qué pasa? = What's up?, What's up?.
    * que pasaba = passing.
    * que pasa de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.
    * que pasa desapercibido = inconspicuous, unobserved.
    * que pasa inadvertido = inconspicuous.
    * ¿qué pasará a continuación? = What's next?, What's next?, What next?, What next?.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * que pela = piping hot, baking hot.
    * que perdura = lingering.
    * que permite desarrollar menús de consulta = menu-making.
    * que pica = itchy [itchier -comp., itchiest -sup.].
    * que pierde agua = leaking, leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup].
    * que pincha = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * qué poco común = how odd.
    * que pone a Uno en su sitio = humbling.
    * que pone la vida en peligro = life threatening.
    * que pone obstáculos = obstructive.
    * que prefiere(n) = of + Posesivo + choosing, of + Posesivo + choice.
    * que procede del exterior = inbound.
    * que produce ansiedad = anxiety-producing.
    * que progresa rápidamente = fast-moving.
    * que + Pronombre + recordar = to the best of + Posesivo + recollection.
    * que puede causar detención = arrestable.
    * que puede demostrarse = demonstrably.
    * que puede salir en préstamo = loanable.
    * que puede ser apilado = stacking.
    * que puede ser usado a través de la web = web-compliant.
    * que puede volver a cerrarse herméticamente = resealable.
    * que queda = left-over [left over], surviving.
    * que queda mal = ill-fitting.
    * que quede entre nosotros = between you and me, between ourselves.
    * que quiere(n) = of + Posesivo + choosing, of + Posesivo + choice.
    * ¡qué raro! = how strange!.
    * que raya = jarring.
    * que rebota bien = bouncy [bouncier -comp., bounciest -sup.].
    * que reduce el estrés = stress-reducing.
    * que resulta irreconocible = out of all recognition.
    * que retiene el calor = heat absorbing.
    * que reúne las condiciones = qualified.
    * que rodea = surrounding.
    * ¡qué rollo macabeo! = what a palaver!.
    * que rompe la armonía = eyesore.
    * que sabe lo que = who knows what.
    * que sale de = off.
    * que se abrocha por atrás = back-buttoning.
    * que se acerca = oncoming.
    * que se acumula = accruable.
    * que se alaba a uno mismo = self-congratulatory.
    * que se alquila = rentable.
    * que se aproxima = oncoming.
    * que se atiene a una norma = compliant (with).
    * que se autoperpetúa = self-perpetuating.
    * que se avecina = oncoming.
    * que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.
    * que se coloca en lo alto del televisor = set-top.
    * que se compra = priced.
    * que se concede en función de las necesidades económicas = means-tested.
    * que se congratula a sí mismo = self-congratulating.
    * que se contradice a sí mismo = self-contradicting.
    * que se cuentan por millones = numbered in millions.
    * que se denomina a si mismo = self-proclaimed.
    * que se derrama = overflowing.
    * que se derrite en la boca = mellow [mellower -comp., mellowest -sup.].
    * que se desarrollan = at play.
    * que se descompone en migajas = crumby.
    * que se desmenuza fácilmente = crumbly [crumblier -comp., crumbliest -sup.].
    * que se desmigaja fácilmente = crumbly [crumblier -comp., crumbliest -sup.].
    * que se encuentra en la naturaleza = naturally-occurring.
    * que se enrolla = roll-up [rollup].
    * que se entrecruzan = intertwined.
    * que se está desarrollando = evolving.
    * que se está descascarillando = flaking.
    * que se está desintegrando = crumbling, disintegrating.
    * que se está examinando = under review.
    * que se está hundiendo = sinking.
    * que se está investigando = under investigation.
    * que se está pelando = flaking.
    * que se explica por sí mismo = self-explanatory [self explanatory/selfexplanatory].
    * que se expresa bien = articulate.
    * que se gestiona a sí mismo = self-managed.
    * que se guía por sí mismo = self-guiding.
    * que se inicie la contienda = let battle commence.
    * que se le puede dar un nombre = nameable.
    * que se lleva gestando hace tiempo = long-simmering.
    * (que se menciona) a continuación = below.
    * que se necesita urgentemente = sorely needed.
    * que se organiza a sí mismo = self-organising [self-organizing, -USA].
    * que se percibe desde hace mucho tiempo = long-felt.
    * que se piensa = perceived.
    * que se puede aplicar a rajatabla = hard and fast, ironclad [iron-clad].
    * que se puede arreglar = fixable.
    * que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * que se puede cambiar de tamaño = resizeable [re-sizeable].
    * que se puede clasificar = classifiable.
    * que se puede compartir = shareable.
    * que se puede conocer = knowable.
    * que se puede consultar = queriable.
    * que se puede contestar = answerable.
    * que se puede copiar = downloadable.
    * que se puede distribuir = redistributable.
    * que se puede enviar = deliverable.
    * que se puede escuchar = playable.
    * que se puede especificar = specifiable.
    * que se puede evitar = avoidable.
    * que se puede hacer cumplir = enforceable.
    * que se puede identicar con un término = nameable.
    * que se puede imprimir = printable.
    * que se puede lavar con lejía = bleachable.
    * que se puede obtener = obtainable.
    * que se puede quitar = detachable, removable.
    * que se puede reservar = bookable.
    * que se puede responder = answerable.
    * que se puede separar = detachable.
    * que se recuerde = in living memory.
    * que se repite = repetitious.
    * que se repite una y otra vez = recurring.
    * que se solapan = overlapping.
    * que se toma las cosas con calma = laid-back.
    * que se vende = priced.
    * que siempre va a la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * que sienta precedente = landmark.
    * que sigue = ensuing.
    * que sigue la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * que sigue una norma = compliant (with).
    * que siguió = ensuing.
    * ¿qué si no...? = what else but...?.
    * que sobrepasa + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.
    * que sobresale = protruding.
    * que sólo se hace una vez = once-off.
    * que suena = ringing.
    * ¡Qué suerte! = What luck!, What luck!.
    * que supone = associated with.
    * que surge de = born out of.
    * qué te parece que... = what about....
    * que tiene el cenizo = jinxed.
    * que tiene el gafe = jinxed.
    * que tiene lugar una vez a la semana = once-weekly.
    * que tiene precio = priced.
    * que tiene sentido = meaningful.
    * que trabaja desde casa = home-based.
    * que trabajan para él = in its employ.
    * que transmite información = information-bearing.
    * que trata de = surrounding.
    * que tuvo lugar a continuación = ensuing.
    * que uno sigue a su propio ritmo = self-paced, self-guided.
    * que usa el estándar MIME = MIME-compliant.
    * que utiliza el tiempo como variable = time-dependent.
    * que utiliza muchos recursos = resource-intensive.
    * que vale la pena = worthwhile.
    * que van dirigidos hacia el exterior = outbound.
    * ¡qué verdad que es! = how true!.
    * que viene = incoming, next + Expresión Temporal.
    * que viene de largo = long-running.
    * que viene el lobo = crying wolf.
    * que vuela bajo = low-flying.
    * ¡que + Pronombre + zurcir! = be damned!.
    * quién sabe lo que = who knows what.
    * quién sabe qué = who knows what.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * tal que = such that.
    * un no sé qué = a je ne sais quoi.
    * ¿Y ahora qué? = What's next?, What next?.
    * ya que = for, in that.
    * y Dios sabe qué más = and Heaven knows what else.
    * ¡y qué más da! = so what!.
    * * *
    1) (introduciendo complemento, sujeto)

    que + INDIC — that

    ¿cuántos años crees que tiene? — how old do you think she is?

    eso de que estaba enfermo es mentira — (fam) this business about him being ill is a lie


    que + SUBJ: quiero que vengas I want you to come; lamento que no puedas quedarte I'm sorry (that) you can't stay; dice que no vayas she says you're not to go; ve a que te ayude tu padre go and get your father to help you; (el) que sea el jefe no significa... just because he's the boss doesn't mean...; es importante que quede claro it's important that it should be clear; sería una lástima que no vinieras — it would be a shame if you didn't come


    es que: es que hoy no voy a poder I'm afraid (that) I won't be able to today; es que no tengo dinero the trouble is I don't have any money; ¿es que eres sordo? — are you deaf or something?


    ¿que se casa? — she's getting married?

    ¿cómo que no vas a ir? — what do you mean, you're not going?

    que no, que no voy! — no! I'm not going!

    que sueltes, te digo! — I said, let go!

    ¿que dónde estaba? pues aquí — where was I? right here

    ¿que cómo me llamo? — what's my name?


    escóndete, que te van a ver — hide or they'll see you

    ven, que te peino — come here and let me comb your hair


    los que viajan, que esperen aquí — those who are traveling, wait here

    es la/el que manda aquí — she's/he's the one who gives the orders here

    el paciente del que te habléthe patient (that o who) I spoke to you about

    2) (refiriéndose a cosas, asuntos, etc)
    a) (sujeto) that, which

    la forma/el lugar en que ocurrió — the way/the place (in which) it happened

    ¿sabes lo difícil que fue? — do you know how hard it was?; ver tb lo I 2), 3)

    * * *
    = than, what, which, which, who, that.

    Ex: A synthetic scheme needs less categories or headings than an equivalent enumerative scheme.

    Ex: Before examining the two main means of constructing classification schedules it is as well to consider what the objective of the designer of a classification scheme should be.
    Ex: There are a number of features of a catalogue or index which benefit from some standardisation.
    Ex: There are a number of features of a catalogue or index which benefit from some standardisation.
    Ex: This started in 1980, and has around forty members who receive some support to cover telephone charges.
    Ex: The (F) operator specifies that terms must be in the same field of the same record, in any order.
    * ¿para qué sirve... ? = what's the use of... ?.
    * ¿qué sentido tiene = what is/was the point of...?.
    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * de los que = whereof.
    * de qué se trata = what it's all about.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el que = the one.
    * el que no se aventura no cruza el mar = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * en qué momento = at what point.
    * en qué punto = at what point.
    * hasta qué punto = the extent to which.
    * la que = the one.
    * lo que es más = what's more.
    * más... que... = more... than....
    * menos... que... = less... than....
    * no saber qué hacer = be at a nonplus.
    * o qué sé yo = or whatever.
    * por qué = why.
    * puesto que = for.
    * que abarca = girdling.
    * que actúa de apoyo = supporting.
    * que actúa de soporte = supporting.
    * que afecta a = surrounding.
    * que afecta a toda la empresa = enterprise-wide.
    * que afecta a toda la sociedad = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a todas las culturas = culture-wide.
    * que afecta a varias generaciones = cross-generational.
    * que ahorran dinero = dollar-saving.
    * que amplia los horizontes = expansive.
    * que apoya moralmente = supportive.
    * que aquí presentamos = present.
    * que arde lentamente = smouldering [smoldering, -USA].
    * que atraviesa la ciudad = cross-town.
    * que avanza lentamente = crawling.
    * que avanza rápidamente = fast-moving, fast-developing.
    * que ayuda a recordar = memory-jogging.
    * que ayuda a refrescar la memoria = memory-jogging.
    * que baja los humos = humbling.
    * que bate todos los récords = record breaking.
    * que bota bien = bouncy [bouncier -comp., bounciest -sup.].
    * que busca el beneficio propio = self-serving.
    * que cambia con el tiempo = ever-changing [ever changing], time-variant, ever-shifting.
    * que cambia la vida = life-changing, life-altering.
    * que cambia rápidamente = rapid-fire.
    * que combina diferentes enseñanzas = multi-track [multitrack].
    * que combina diferentes tipos de recursos = multi-source [multi source].
    * que concede becas = grant-making.
    * que concede subsidios = grant-making.
    * que concierne a = surrounding.
    * que confiere cierto estatus social = status-conferring.
    * que confunde = confounding.
    * que conlleva = attendant, associated with.
    * que conserva su encanto natural = unspoilt [unspoiled, -USA].
    * que conserva su estado natural = unspoilt [unspoiled, -USA].
    * que consta de tres puntos = three-point.
    * que constituye un reto = challenging.
    * que consume mucha CPU = CPU intensive.
    * que consume mucha energía = energy-intensive, power-hungry.
    * que consume tiempo = time-consuming [time consuming].
    * que contengan los caracteres = hit by.
    * que contiene = therein.
    * que contiene muchas imágenes = image intensive.
    * que contribuye a la predisposición = predisposing.
    * que coocurre = co-occurring.
    * que corroe por dentro = gnawing.
    * que crea adicción = addictive.
    * que crea hábito = addictive.
    * que crece despacio = slowly growing.
    * que crece hacia dentro = ingrown.
    * que cruza fronteras = boundary spanning.
    * que cubre hasta la rodilla = knee deep.
    * que cubre hasta los tobillos = ankle deep.
    * que cubre todo el cuerpo = head to toe.
    * que cuelga = hanging.
    * que cumple los requisitos = qualifying.
    * que da agua = leaking, leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup].
    * que da miedo = scary [scarier -comp., scariest -sup.].
    * que da que pensar = sobering.
    * que da susto = scary [scarier -comp., scariest -sup.].
    * que da vida = life-giving.
    * que deja mucho al azar = hit-or-miss.
    * ¿qué demonios...? = what on (this) earth...?.
    * ¿qué demonios...? = What the heck...?.
    * que demuestra desequilibrio de carácter = off-balance.
    * que depende del tiempo = time-dependent.
    * que desee(n) = of + Posesivo + choice, of + Posesivo + choosing.
    * que desempata = tie-breaking [tiebreaking].
    * ¿qué diablos...? = Heck!, What the heck...?.
    * que diferencia entre mayúscula y minúscula = case-sensitive.
    * que distingue entre mayúscula y minúscula = case-sensitive.
    * que distrae la atención = distracting.
    * que dura todo el año = year-round.
    * que el agua disuelve = water-fugitive.
    * ¿qué elegir? = which way to go?.
    * que encompasa = girdling.
    * que entran en juego = at play.
    * que era común anteriormente = once-common.
    * qué es cada cosa = what is what.
    * que escapan a + Posesivo + control = beyond + Posesivo + control.
    * que escuece = itchy [itchier -comp., itchiest -sup.].
    * que espera demasiado = over expectant.
    * que está creciendo = growing.
    * que está en constante evolución = ever-evolving.
    * que están apareciendo = emerging.
    * que estrope el paisaje = eyesore.
    * que exalta los ánimos = inflammatory.
    * que excede + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.
    * que expresa dos puntos de vista opuestos = bipolar [bi-polar].
    * que falta = missing.
    * que faltan = wanting.
    * que florece en primavera = spring-flowering.
    * ¡qué follón! = what a palaver!.
    * que fomenta = conducive (to).
    * que forma parte de la cultura = culturally-embedded.
    * que fue = one-time.
    * que fue común antes = once-common.
    * que fuera = once.
    * que fuerza los músculos = muscle-straining.
    * que funciona = working.
    * que funciona a base de órdenes = command-driven.
    * que funciona con electricidad = electrically-powered, electrically-operated.
    * que funciona con energía eólica = wind-powered.
    * que funciona con monedas = coin-operated, coin-op.
    * que funciona con pilas = battery-operated, battery-powered.
    * que funciona con vapor = steam-powered.
    * que funciona manualmente = manually operated.
    * ¡que gane el mejor! = may the best man win!, may the best man win!.
    * que genera polémica = confrontational.
    * que gotea = leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup], leaking.
    * que guarde relación con = in keeping with.
    * que habla bien = elocuted.
    * que habla en voz baja = quietly spoken.
    * que hace entrar en calor = warming, warming.
    * que hace época = epoch-making.
    * que hace historia = history-making.
    * que hace la boca agua = mouth-watering.
    * qué hacer con (algo) = disposition, disposition.
    * que hacer reflexionar = provocative of.
    * ¿Qué ha dicho? = I beg your pardon?.
    * que ha sobrevivido = surviving.
    * que hay que dar muchas vueltas = circuitous.
    * que hay que dedicarle mucho tiempo = time-intensive.
    * que hizo época = epochal.
    * que huele a lugar cerrado = fusty.
    * que incita a la reflexión = provocative of.
    * que induce a confusión = confounding.
    * que intervienen = at play.
    * que intimida = forbidding.
    * que invita a la reflexión = thought-provoking.
    * ¡qué jaleo! = what a palaver!.
    * ¡qué lástima! = what a pity!, what a pity!.
    * que le afecta a todo = crosscutting [cross cutting].
    * que le gusta arriesgarse = risk-taking.
    * que le gusta la mecánica = mechanically minded.
    * que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.
    * que levanta el ánimo = uplifting.
    * que levanta el espíritu = uplifting.
    * ¡qué lío! = what a palaver!.
    * que llega = incoming.
    * que llega hasta la cintura = waist high, waist deep, waist length.
    * que llega hasta los hombres = shoulder-length.
    * que lleva tiempo en cartelera = long-running.
    * que lo abarca todo = all-embracing.
    * que lo hace uno mismo = do-it-yourself (DIY).
    * que lo incluye todo = all-embracing.
    * que marca época = landmark.
    * que marca un hito = epoch-making.
    * qué más = what else.
    * qué me dices de... = what about....
    * que mejora el estatus social = status-enhancing.
    * que mejora la calidad de vida = life-enhancing.
    * que merece la pena = worthwhile.
    * que mezcla sensaciones = synesthetic, cross-sensory.
    * que mira al sur = south facing.
    * que nace de = born out of.
    * ¿qué narices...? = What the heck...?.
    * que necesita bastante dedicación de personal = labour-intensive [labour intensive], staff-intensive [staff intensive].
    * que necesita bastante mano de obra = labour-intensive [labour intensive].
    * que necesita de un trabajo intelectual previo = knowledge-intensive.
    * que necesita la información = information-dependent.
    * que ni ama ni es amado = loveless.
    * que no absorbe el agua o la humedad = non-hygroscopic.
    * que no admite reserva = unreserved.
    * que no ajusta bien = ill-fitting.
    * que no aparece en primer lugar = nonfirst [non-first].
    * que no ayuda a distinguir = nondistinctive.
    * que no causa dolor = painless.
    * que no cierra bien = leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup], leaking.
    * que no conduce a nada = circuitous.
    * que no cuadra = unreconciled.
    * que no da más de sí = overstretched.
    * que no daña el medio ambiente = environmentally friendly, environmentally sound, eco-friendly.
    * que no desaparece = lingering.
    * que no es de fiar = untrustworthy.
    * que no es de la India = non-Indic.
    * que no es libro de texto = non-textbook.
    * que no está en papel = non-paper [non paper].
    * que no es texto = non-text.
    * que no excluye otras posibilidades = non-exclusive.
    * que no fuma = non-smoking.
    * que no haya noticias es buena señal = no news is good news.
    * que no llama la atención = inconspicuous.
    * que no ofrece doctorado = non-doctoral granting.
    * que no perdona = unforgiving.
    * que no perjudica el medio ambiente = environmentally friendly, environmentally sound.
    * que no perjudica el medio ambiente = eco-friendly.
    * que no pertenece a una confesión religiosa concreta = nondenominational [non-denominational].
    * que no pertenece a un sindicato = non-unionised.
    * que no posee ninguna conexión = disjoint.
    * que no queda bien = ill-fitting.
    * que no recibe enseñanza formal = out-of-school.
    * que no representa reto = unchallenging.
    * que no sea(n) = other than.
    * que no se hace añicos = shatterproof.
    * que no se ha cuestionado = unquestioned, unscrutinised [unscrutinized, -USA].
    * que no se ha puesto en duda = unquestioned, unscrutinised [unscrutinized, -USA].
    * que no se le puede dar un nombre = unnameable.
    * que no se puede comparar = incomparable.
    * que no se puede conseguir = unobtainable.
    * que no se puede entregar = undeliverable.
    * que no se puede hacer cumplir = unenforceable.
    * que no se puede identificar con un término = unnameable.
    * que no se puede sacar en préstamo = non-circulating [noncirculating].
    * que no se puede uno perder = unmissable.
    * que no se rompe en mil pedazos = shatterproof.
    * que no se utiliza = unused.
    * que nos rodea = ambient.
    * que no tiene compensación = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * que no tienen que rendir cuentas a nadie = unaccountable.
    * que no tiene precio = priceless.
    * que no tiene que ver con el tema debatido = off-topic.
    * que no viene a cuento = off-topic.
    * que obstruye = obstructive.
    * que ocupa la mejor posición = best-positioned.
    * que ocupa mucho espacio = space-consuming.
    * que ocupa poco espacio = space-saving.
    * que ocupa un puesto de mayor responsabilidad = senior.
    * ¿qué ocurre si... ? = what if... ?.
    * qué otra cosa = what else.
    * que padece de cólicos = colicky newborn.
    * que padece de peritonitis = peritonitic.
    * ¡qué palabras son esas! = watch your language!.
    * que parece dudoso = dubious-sounding.
    * que parece sospechoso = dubious-sounding.
    * que participan = at play.
    * ¿Qué pasa? = What's up?, What's up?.
    * que pasaba = passing.
    * que pasa de + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.
    * que pasa desapercibido = inconspicuous, unobserved.
    * que pasa inadvertido = inconspicuous.
    * ¿qué pasará a continuación? = What's next?, What's next?, What next?, What next?.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * que pela = piping hot, baking hot.
    * que perdura = lingering.
    * que permite desarrollar menús de consulta = menu-making.
    * que pica = itchy [itchier -comp., itchiest -sup.].
    * que pierde agua = leaking, leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup].
    * que pincha = stubbly [stubblier -comp., stubbliest -sup.].
    * qué poco común = how odd.
    * que pone a Uno en su sitio = humbling.
    * que pone la vida en peligro = life threatening.
    * que pone obstáculos = obstructive.
    * que prefiere(n) = of + Posesivo + choosing, of + Posesivo + choice.
    * que procede del exterior = inbound.
    * que produce ansiedad = anxiety-producing.
    * que progresa rápidamente = fast-moving.
    * que + Pronombre + recordar = to the best of + Posesivo + recollection.
    * que puede causar detención = arrestable.
    * que puede demostrarse = demonstrably.
    * que puede salir en préstamo = loanable.
    * que puede ser apilado = stacking.
    * que puede ser usado a través de la web = web-compliant.
    * que puede volver a cerrarse herméticamente = resealable.
    * que queda = left-over [left over], surviving.
    * que queda mal = ill-fitting.
    * que quede entre nosotros = between you and me, between ourselves.
    * que quiere(n) = of + Posesivo + choosing, of + Posesivo + choice.
    * ¡qué raro! = how strange!.
    * que raya = jarring.
    * que rebota bien = bouncy [bouncier -comp., bounciest -sup.].
    * que reduce el estrés = stress-reducing.
    * que resulta irreconocible = out of all recognition.
    * que retiene el calor = heat absorbing.
    * que reúne las condiciones = qualified.
    * que rodea = surrounding.
    * ¡qué rollo macabeo! = what a palaver!.
    * que rompe la armonía = eyesore.
    * que sabe lo que = who knows what.
    * que sale de = off.
    * que se abrocha por atrás = back-buttoning.
    * que se acerca = oncoming.
    * que se acumula = accruable.
    * que se alaba a uno mismo = self-congratulatory.
    * que se alquila = rentable.
    * que se aproxima = oncoming.
    * que se atiene a una norma = compliant (with).
    * que se autoperpetúa = self-perpetuating.
    * que se avecina = oncoming.
    * que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.
    * que se coloca en lo alto del televisor = set-top.
    * que se compra = priced.
    * que se concede en función de las necesidades económicas = means-tested.
    * que se congratula a sí mismo = self-congratulating.
    * que se contradice a sí mismo = self-contradicting.
    * que se cuentan por millones = numbered in millions.
    * que se denomina a si mismo = self-proclaimed.
    * que se derrama = overflowing.
    * que se derrite en la boca = mellow [mellower -comp., mellowest -sup.].
    * que se desarrollan = at play.
    * que se descompone en migajas = crumby.
    * que se desmenuza fácilmente = crumbly [crumblier -comp., crumbliest -sup.].
    * que se desmigaja fácilmente = crumbly [crumblier -comp., crumbliest -sup.].
    * que se encuentra en la naturaleza = naturally-occurring.
    * que se enrolla = roll-up [rollup].
    * que se entrecruzan = intertwined.
    * que se está desarrollando = evolving.
    * que se está descascarillando = flaking.
    * que se está desintegrando = crumbling, disintegrating.
    * que se está examinando = under review.
    * que se está hundiendo = sinking.
    * que se está investigando = under investigation.
    * que se está pelando = flaking.
    * que se explica por sí mismo = self-explanatory [self explanatory/selfexplanatory].
    * que se expresa bien = articulate.
    * que se gestiona a sí mismo = self-managed.
    * que se guía por sí mismo = self-guiding.
    * que se inicie la contienda = let battle commence.
    * que se le puede dar un nombre = nameable.
    * que se lleva gestando hace tiempo = long-simmering.
    * (que se menciona) a continuación = below.
    * que se necesita urgentemente = sorely needed.
    * que se organiza a sí mismo = self-organising [self-organizing, -USA].
    * que se percibe desde hace mucho tiempo = long-felt.
    * que se piensa = perceived.
    * que se puede aplicar a rajatabla = hard and fast, ironclad [iron-clad].
    * que se puede arreglar = fixable.
    * que se puede buscar = searchable.
    * que se puede cambiar de tamaño = resizeable [re-sizeable].
    * que se puede clasificar = classifiable.
    * que se puede compartir = shareable.
    * que se puede conocer = knowable.
    * que se puede consultar = queriable.
    * que se puede contestar = answerable.
    * que se puede copiar = downloadable.
    * que se puede distribuir = redistributable.
    * que se puede enviar = deliverable.
    * que se puede escuchar = playable.
    * que se puede especificar = specifiable.
    * que se puede evitar = avoidable.
    * que se puede hacer cumplir = enforceable.
    * que se puede identicar con un término = nameable.
    * que se puede imprimir = printable.
    * que se puede lavar con lejía = bleachable.
    * que se puede obtener = obtainable.
    * que se puede quitar = detachable, removable.
    * que se puede reservar = bookable.
    * que se puede responder = answerable.
    * que se puede separar = detachable.
    * que se recuerde = in living memory.
    * que se repite = repetitious.
    * que se repite una y otra vez = recurring.
    * que se solapan = overlapping.
    * que se toma las cosas con calma = laid-back.
    * que se vende = priced.
    * que siempre va a la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * que sienta precedente = landmark.
    * que sigue = ensuing.
    * que sigue la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * que sigue una norma = compliant (with).
    * que siguió = ensuing.
    * ¿qué si no...? = what else but...?.
    * que sobrepasa + Cantidad = in excess of + Cantidad.
    * que sobresale = protruding.
    * que sólo se hace una vez = once-off.
    * que suena = ringing.
    * ¡Qué suerte! = What luck!, What luck!.
    * que supone = associated with.
    * que surge de = born out of.
    * qué te parece que... = what about....
    * que tiene el cenizo = jinxed.
    * que tiene el gafe = jinxed.
    * que tiene lugar una vez a la semana = once-weekly.
    * que tiene precio = priced.
    * que tiene sentido = meaningful.
    * que trabaja desde casa = home-based.
    * que trabajan para él = in its employ.
    * que transmite información = information-bearing.
    * que trata de = surrounding.
    * que tuvo lugar a continuación = ensuing.
    * que uno sigue a su propio ritmo = self-paced, self-guided.
    * que usa el estándar MIME = MIME-compliant.
    * que utiliza el tiempo como variable = time-dependent.
    * que utiliza muchos recursos = resource-intensive.
    * que vale la pena = worthwhile.
    * que van dirigidos hacia el exterior = outbound.
    * ¡qué verdad que es! = how true!.
    * que viene = incoming, next + Expresión Temporal.
    * que viene de largo = long-running.
    * que viene el lobo = crying wolf.
    * que vuela bajo = low-flying.
    * ¡que + Pronombre + zurcir! = be damned!.
    * quién sabe lo que = who knows what.
    * quién sabe qué = who knows what.
    * sin importar qué = no matter what/which.
    * sin saber qué decir = nonplussed [nonplused].
    * tal que = such that.
    * un no sé qué = a je ne sais quoi.
    * ¿Y ahora qué? = What's next?, What next?.
    * ya que = for, in that.
    * y Dios sabe qué más = and Heaven knows what else.
    * ¡y qué más da! = so what!.

    * * *
    ¿puede demostrar que estuvo allí? can you prove (that) you were there?
    creemos que ésta es la única solución viable we believe that this is the only viable solution, we believe this to be the only viable solution
    estoy seguro de que vendrá I'm sure she'll come
    ¿cuántos años crees que tiene? how old do you think she is?
    me preguntó que quién era yo he asked me who I was
    dice Javier que dónde está la tijera Javier wants to know where the scissors are, Javier says where are the scissors? ( colloq)
    lo raro que lo pronuncia the strange way he pronounces it
    que + SUBJ:
    quiero que vengas I want you to come
    lamento que no puedas quedarte I'm sorry (that) you can't stay
    dice que apagues la luz he says you're to turn the light off
    que yo sepa aún no han llegado as far as I know they still haven't arrived
    ve a que te ayude tu padre go and get your father to help you
    está claro que no te gusta it's obvious that you don't like it, you obviously don't like it
    eso de que estaba enfermo es mentira ( fam); this business about him being ill is a lie
    que + SUBJ:
    (el) que sea el jefe no significa … the fact that he's the boss doesn't mean …, just because he's the boss doesn't mean …
    lo más importante es que quede claro the most important thing is for it to be clear o is that it should be clear
    sería una pena que no pudieses venir it would be a pity if you couldn't come
    es que: es que hoy no voy a poder the thing is o I'm afraid (that) I won't be able to today
    me gustaría ir, pero es que no tengo dinero I'd like to go, the trouble is I don't have any money
    pero ¿es que eres sordo? are you deaf or something?
    (en expresiones de deseo, advertencia): ¡que te mejores! I hope you feel better soon
    ¡que se diviertan! have a good time!
    por mí que se muera he can drop dead for all I care
    y que no tenga que repetírtelo and I don't want to have to tell you again
    (en expresiones de mandato): ¡que te calles! shut up! ( colloq)
    ¡que pase el siguiente! next please!
    (en expresiones de concesión, permiso): si quiere, que se quede let him stay if he wants to, he can stay if he wants to
    (en expresiones de sorpresa): ¿que se casa? she's getting married?
    ¿cómo que no vas a ir? what do you mean, you're not going?
    (en expresiones de indignación): ¡que tengamos que aguantarle esto! to think we have to put up with this from him!
    (reafirmando algo): ¡que no, que no voy! no, I tell you, I'm not going!, no! I'm not going!
    ¡que sueltes, te digo! I said, let go!
    (respondiendo a una pregunta): ¿que dónde estaba? pues aquí, no me he movido de casa where was I? right here, I haven't left the house
    ¿que qué hago yo aquí? ¡pero si ésta es mi casa! what do you mean, what am I doing here? this is my house!
    (indicando persistencia): estuvimos todo el día corre que te corre we spent the whole day rushing around
    (introduciendo una razón): escóndete, que te van a ver hide or they'll see you, hide, they'll see you
    ven, que te peino come here and let me comb your hair
    se parecen tanto que apenas los distingo they're so alike (that) I can hardly tell them apart
    canta que da gusto she sings beautifully
    está que da pena verlo he's in a sorry state
    (en comparaciones): su casa es más grande que la mía his house is bigger than mine
    tengo la misma edad que tú I'm the same age as you
    quiera que no, deberá reconocerlo like it or not, he'll have to accept it, he'll have to accept it, whether he likes it o not
    yo que tú no lo haría I wouldn't do it if I were you
    G ( arc)
    (expresando contraste): justicia pido, que no favores I ask for justice, not for favors
    1 ( sujeto) who
    los que estén cansados, que esperen aquí those who are tired o anyone who's tired, wait here
    los niños, que estaban cansados, se quedaron the children, who were tired, stayed behind
    no conozco a nadie que tenga piscina I don't know anyone who has a swimming pool
    el hombre que está sentado en la arena the man (who's) sitting on the sand
    ésa es Cecilia, la que acaba de entrar that's Cecilia, the one who's just come in
    todo el que no esté de acuerdo, que lo diga anyone who disagrees should say so, if anyone disagrees, please say so
    aquí la que manda es mi madre my mother's the one who gives the orders here
    todas las chicas que entrevistamos all the girls (that o who) we interviewed, all the girls whom we interviewed ( frml)
    es el único al que no le han pagado he's the only one who hasn't been paid
    la sentaron al lado de Rodrigo, al que detestaba they sat her next to Rodrigo who o ( frml) whom she hated
    el paciente del que te hablé the patient (that o who) I spoke to you about
    B (refiriéndose a cosas, asuntos etc)
    1 ( sujeto) that, which
    la pieza que se rompió the part that o which broke
    eso es lo que me preocupa that's what worries me
    me contaron lo que pasó they told me what happened
    el disco que le regalé the record (which o that) I gave her
    tiene mucha flema, como buen inglés que es he's very phlegmatic, good Englishman that he is
    ¿sabes lo difícil que fue? do you know how hard it was?
    ver tb lo1 art B. (↑ lo (1)), que1 conj C. (↑ que (1))
    me dormí de tan cansada que estaba I was so tired (that) I fell asleep o I fell asleep, I was so tired
    la forma en que lo dijo the way (that o in which) she said it
    el día (en) que llegaron the day (that o on which) they arrived
    la época en (la) que ocurrió the period in which it took place, the period (that) it took place in
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    que conjunción
    1 ( oraciones subordinadas)
    a) that;

    estoy seguro de que vendrá I'm sure (that) she'll come;
    ¿cuántos años crees que tiene? how old do you think she is?;
    eso de que estaba enfermo es mentira (fam) this business about him being ill is a lie;
    quiero que vengas I want you to come;
    dice que no vayas she says you're not to go;
    es importante que quede claro it's important that it should be clear;
    sería una lástima que no vinieras it would be a shame if you didn't come

    es que: es que hoy no voy a poder I'm afraid (that) I won't be able to today;

    es que no tengo dinero the trouble is I don't have any money

    ¡que te mejores! I hope you feel better soon;

    ¡que se diviertan! have a good time!;
    ver tb ir v aux 2

    ¡que te calles! shut up! (colloq);

    ¡que no! I said no!

    ¿que se casa? she's getting married?;

    ¿cómo que no vas a ir? what do you mean, you're not going?

    y aquí llueve que llueve and over here it just rains and rains
    3 ( introduciendo una consecuencia) that;

    4 ( en comparaciones):

    tengo la misma edad que tú I'm the same age as you
    5 (fam) ( en oraciones condicionales) if;

    ■ pronombre
    1 ( refiriéndose a personas)
    a) ( sujeto) who;

    es la que manda aquí she's the one who gives the orders here

    las chicas que entrevistamos the girls (that o who) we interviewed;
    el único al que no le han pagado the only one who hasn't been paid;
    la persona de la que te hablé the person (that o who) I spoke to you about
    2 (refiriéndose a cosas, asuntos, etc)
    a) ( sujeto) that, which;

    la pieza que se rompió the part that o which broke;

    eso es lo que me preocupa that's what worries me

    el disco que le regalé the record (which o that) I gave her;

    la casa en que vivo the house (that) I live in;
    ¿sabes lo difícil que fue? do you know how hard it was?;
    ver tb lo art 2 b
    qué pronombre
    1 ( interrogativo)
    a) what;

    ¿que es eso? what's that?;

    ¿y que? so what?;
    ¿de que habló? what did she talk about?;
    ¿sabes que? you know what o something?;
    no sé que hacer I don't know what to do

    ¿qué? what?

    c) ( en saludos):

    ¿que tal? how are you?;

    ¿que es de tu vida? how's life?
    2 ( en exclamaciones):
    ¡que va a ser abogado ese! him, a lawyer?;

    ver tb ir V 1
    ■ adjetivo
    1 ( interrogativo) what, which;
    ¿que color quieres? what o which color do you want?

    2 ( en exclamaciones) what;
    ¡que noche! what a night!

    ■ adverbio:
    ¡que lindo! how lovely!;

    ¡que inteligente eres! aren't you clever!;
    ¡que bien (que) se está aquí! it's so nice here!;
    ¡que bien! great!, good!
    I pron rel
    1 (de persona) (como sujeto) who: la mujer que vendió el coche, the woman who sold the car
    (como objeto de relativo) who, frml whom: su esposa, a la que admiraba, era muy amable, his wife, whom I admired, was very kind
    la niña con la que juega, the girl (that o who o se omite) she plays with
    el hombre del que hablé, the man of whom I spoke
    2 (de cosa) (como sujeto) that, which
    lo que, what: esto es lo que ocurrió, this is what happened
    la casa que se incendió, the house (which o that) was burned down
    (como complemento) el reloj que compró, the watch (which o that) he bought
    la casa en la que vive ahora, the house where he lives now
    II conj
    1 (introducción de sujeto o complemento) (se omite o that) creo que va a llover, I think (that) it's going to rain
    2 (expresión de deseo, mandato, etc) (se omite) que tengas un buen día, have a nice day
    3 (consecución) (se omite o that) hacía tanto frío que me quedé en casa, it was so cold (that) I stayed at home
    4 (comparación) than: su coche es mejor que el mío, his car is better than mine
    5 (condicional) yo que tú iría, if I were you, I would go
    6 (uso enfático) que sí, que iré al cine contigo, of course I'll go to the cinema with you
    I adjetivo
    1 (pron interrogativo) what, which: ¿qué has comprado?, what have you bought?
    ¿qué color prefieres?, which colour do you prefer?
    2 (pron excl) what, how: ¡qué de gente!, what a lot of people!
    ¡qué suerte tienes! how lucky you are!
    ¡qué vergüenza!, what a disgrace!
    II adv excl so: ¡qué buenas que son!, they are so good!

    ' que' also found in these entries:
    - abalanzarse
    - abandonar
    - abarcar
    - abaratarse
    - ablandar
    - abonarse
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - abrirse
    - absoluta
    - absolutamente
    - absoluto
    - abundar
    - aburrida
    - aburrido
    - aburrimiento
    - acabar
    - acabose
    - acaparador
    - acaparadora
    - acariciar
    - acarrear
    - acercarse
    - acholada
    - acholado
    - achuchar
    - aclimatarse
    - acompañar
    - acopio
    - actuación
    - actual
    - actualizar
    - acuerdo
    - adelante
    - adelgazar
    - adentro
    - adicta
    - adicto
    - adivinar
    - administración
    - admitir
    - adorno
    - advertir
    - aferrarse
    - afín
    - aflojar
    - agradar
    - agrado
    - aguatera
    - aback
    - ablaze
    - abortion
    - about
    - absent
    - accept
    - acceptable
    - accordance
    - account
    - account for
    - accountable
    - accustom
    - acknowledge
    - action
    - actual
    - actually
    - ad-lib
    - adapt
    - add on
    - address
    - adjust
    - admit
    - admittedly
    - advise
    - affirmative
    - afraid
    - afresh
    - after
    - agenda
    - agree
    - ahead
    - aid
    - alive
    - all
    - allege
    - allow
    - allow for
    - allowance
    - alone
    - aloud
    - alphabetically
    - already
    - also
    - alter
    - alternative
    - ambit
    - amenities
    - amicable
    - amiss
    * * *
    pron relativo
    1. (sujeto) [persona] who, that;
    [cosa] that, which;
    la mujer que me saluda the woman (who o that is) waving to me;
    el que me lo compró the one o person who bought it from me;
    el hombre, que decía llamarse Simón, era bastante sospechoso the man, who said he was called Simón, seemed rather suspicious;
    ¿hay alguien que tenga un encendedor? does anyone have a lighter?;
    la moto que me gusta the motorbike (that) I like;
    hace natación, que es muy sano she swims, which is very good for your health;
    la salsa fue lo que más me gustó the sauce was the bit I liked best;
    el que más y el que menos every last one of us/them, all of us/them without exception
    2. (complemento directo) (se puede omitir en inglés) [persona] who, Formal whom;
    [cosa] that, which;
    el hombre que conociste ayer the man (who o whom) you met yesterday;
    la persona/el lugar que estás buscando the person/the place you're looking for;
    eres de los pocos a los que invitaron you're one of the few people (who) they invited;
    esa casa es la que o [m5] esa es la casa que me quiero comprar that house is the one (that) I want to buy, that's the house (that) I want to buy;
    eso es todo lo que sé that's all o everything I know
    3. (complemento indirecto) (se puede omitir en inglés)
    al que, a la que, a los/las que (to) who, Formal (to) whom;
    ese es el chico al que presté dinero that's the boy (who) I lent some money to, that's the boy (to) whom I lent some money
    4. (complemento circunstancial)
    la playa a la que fui the beach where I went, the beach I went to;
    la mujer con/de la que hablas the woman (who) you are talking to/about;
    la mesa en la que escribes the table on which you are writing, the table you are writing on;
    la manera o [m5] forma en que lo dijo the way (in which) she said it;
    (en) que [indicando tiempo] when;
    el día (en) que me fui the day (when) I left;
    el año (en) que nos conocimos the year (when) we first met
    5. [en frases]
    en lo que tú te arreglas, yo recojo la cocina I'll tidy the kitchen up while you're getting ready
    1. (con oraciones de sujeto) that;
    es importante que me escuches it's important that you listen to me, it's important for you to listen to me;
    que haya pérdidas no significa que vaya a haber despidos the fact that we've suffered losses doesn't mean anyone is going to lose their job;
    sería mejor que no se lo dijeras it would be better if you didn't tell her;
    se suponía que era un secreto it was supposed to be a secret
    2. (con oraciones de complemento directo) that;
    me ha confesado que me quiere he has told me that he loves me;
    creo que no iré I don't think (that) I'll go;
    procura que no se te escape el perro try and make sure (that) the dog doesn't get away from you;
    intentamos que todos estén contentos we try to keep everybody happy;
    me dijeron que me quedara en casa they told me to stay at home;
    me dijeron que dónde iba they asked me where I was going
    3. (después de preposición)
    estoy convencido de que es cierto I'm convinced (that) it's true;
    con que esté listo el jueves es suficiente as long as it's ready by Thursday, that'll be fine;
    estoy en contra de que siga en el cargo I'm opposed to him continuing in his job;
    sin que nadie se entere without anyone realizing;
    el hecho de que… the fact that…
    4. (comparativo) than;
    es más rápido que tú he's quicker than you;
    alcanza la misma velocidad que un tren convencional it can go as fast as a conventional train;
    trabaja el doble de horas que yo she works twice as many hours as me;
    antes morir que vivir la guerra otra vez I'd rather die than live through the war again
    5. [indica causa, motivo]
    hemos de esperar, que todavía no es la hora we'll have to wait, (as) it isn't time yet;
    no quiero café, que luego no duermo I won't have any coffee, it stops me from sleeping;
    baja la voz, que nos van a oír lower your voice or they'll hear us;
    el dólar ha subido, que lo oí en la radio the dollar has gone up, I heard it on the radio
    6. [indica consecuencia] that;
    tanto me lo pidió que se lo di he asked me for it so insistently that I gave it to him;
    ¡esta habitación huele que apesta! this room stinks!;
    mira si es grande que no cabe por la puerta it's so big it won't go through the door
    7. [indica finalidad] so (that);
    ven aquí que te vea come over here so (that) I can see you
    8. [indica deseo, mandato] that;
    espero que te diviertas I hope (that) you have fun;
    ¡que te diviertas! have fun!;
    quiero que lo hagas I want you to do it;
    ¡que se vaya a la porra! she can go to hell!;
    por favor, que nadie se mueva de aquí please don't anybody go away from here;
    ¡que llamen a un médico! get them to call a doctor!
    9. [para reiterar, hacer hincapié]
    ¡que te doy un bofetón! do that again and I'll slap you!;
    ¿no vas a venir? – ¡que sí! aren't you coming? – of course I am!;
    ¿pero de verdad no quieres venir? – ¡que no! but do you really not want to come? – definitely not!;
    ¡que me dejes! just leave me alone!;
    ¡que pases te digo! but do come in, please!
    10. [para expresar contrariedad, enfado]
    ¡que tenga una que hacer estas cosas a sus años! that she should have to do such things at her age!
    11. (en oraciones interrogativas) [para expresar reacción a lo dicho]
    ¿que quiere venir? pues que venga so she wants to come? then let her;
    ¿que te han despedido? [con tono de incredulidad] you're telling me they've sacked you?;
    ¿cómo que dónde está? ¡donde siempre! what do you mean where is it? it's where it always is!
    12. [para explicar]
    es que… the thing is (that)…, it's just (that)…;
    es que yo ya tengo perro the thing is (that) o it's just (that) I already have a dog;
    ¿es que te da vergüenza? are you embarrassed (or what)?, is it that you're embarrassed?
    13. [indica hipótesis] if;
    que no quieres hacerlo, pues no pasa nada it doesn't matter if you don't want to do it;
    ¿que llueve? nos quedamos en casa if it rains, we'll just stay at home;
    ¿tú que él qué harías? what would you do if you were him o (if you were) in his shoes?
    14. [indica disyunción] or;
    quieras que no, harás lo que yo mando you'll do what I tell you, whether you like it or not;
    han tenido algún problema que otro they've had the odd problem
    15. [indica reiteración]
    estuvieron charla que te charla toda la mañana they were chatting o esp Br nattering away all morning;
    se pasó el día llora que te llora she cried and cried all day, she didn't stop crying all day
    * * *
    I pron rel sujeto: persona who, that; cosa which, that; complemento: persona that, whom fml ; cosa that, which;
    el coche que ves the car you can see, the car that o which you can see;
    el que the one that;
    la que the one that;
    lo que what
    II conj that;
    lo mismo que tú the same as you;
    ¡que entre! tell him to come in;
    ¡que descanses! sleep well;
    ¡que sí! I said yes;
    ¡que no! I said no;
    es que … the thing is …;
    yo que tú if I were you;
    ¡que no se repita! make sure it doesn’t happen again!;
    ¡que me pase esto a mí! I can’t believe this is happening to me!;
    eso sí que no definitely not!;
    * * *
    qué adv
    : how, what
    ¡qué bonito!: how pretty!
    qué adj
    : what, which
    ¿qué hora es?: what time is it?
    qué pron
    : what
    ¿qué quieres?: what do you want?
    que conj
    1) : that
    dice que está listo: he says that he's ready
    espero que lo haga: I hope that he does it
    2) : than
    más que nada: more than anything
    ¡que entre!: send him in!
    ¡que te vaya bien!: I wish you well!
    ¡cuidado, que te caes!: be careful, you're about to fall!
    no provoques al perro, que te va a morder: don't provoke the dog or (else) he'll bite
    es que : the thing is that, I'm afraid that
    yo que tú : if I were you
    que pron
    1) : who, that
    la niña que viene: the girl who is coming
    2) : whom, that
    los alumnos que enseñé: the students that I taught
    3) : that, which
    el carro que me gusta: the car that I like
    el (la, lo, las, los) que el, la, lo, los
    * * *
    que1 conj
    En las exclamaciones y algunas otras construcciones, que no se traduce
    ¡que lo pases bien! enjoy yourself! / have a good time!
    ahora no voy, que es demasiado tarde I'm not going now, it's too late
    dame la chaqueta, que te la cuelgue give me your jacket, I'll hang it up for you
    ¿a que...? I bet...
    ¿a que no sabes a quién vi ayer? I bet you don't know who I saw yesterday
    que2 pron
    el ganador, que tiene 25 años, es periodista the winner, who is 25, is a journalist who puede omitirse cuando va seguido del sujeto de un verbo
    la casa, que estaba vacía, se quemó the house, which was empty, burnt down which puede omitirse cuando va seguido del sujeto de un verbo

    Spanish-English dictionary > que

  • 6 have

    have [hæv]
    verbe auxiliaire1 avoir1, 2A (a)-(c), 2B (b)-(e), 2C (a), 2C (b), 2F (a), 2F (d), 2F (h), 2F (i) être1 posséder2A (a) disposer de2A (b) prendre2B (c) passer2B (d) recevoir2C (a), 2C (b) vouloir2C (c), 2F (f) tenir2D (a) faire faire2E (b), 2E (c) placer2F (b) devoir2G (a), 2G (b) concerner2G (c)
    ⓘ GRAM Les formes négatives, haven't et hasn't, s'écrivent have not and has not dans un style plus soutenu.
    ⓘ GRAM Most French verbs will conjugate with avoir to form the perfect tense. However, all reflexive verbs and many intransitive verbs - mainly of motion - will conjugate with être.
    (3rd pers sing pres has [hæz], pt & pp had [hæd])
    to have finished avoir fini;
    to have left être parti;
    to have sat down s'être assis;
    to have been/had avoir été/eu;
    has she slept? a-t-elle dormi?;
    have they arrived? sont-ils arrivés?;
    he has been ill il a été malade;
    when you've calmed down quand vous vous serez calmé;
    I will have forgotten by next week j'aurai oublié d'ici la semaine prochaine;
    the children will have gone to bed by the time we arrive les enfants seront couchés quand nous arriverons;
    you were silly not to have accepted tu es bête de ne pas avoir accepté;
    after or when you have finished, you may leave quand vous aurez fini, vous pourrez partir;
    she was ashamed of having lied elle avait honte d'avoir menti;
    she felt she couldn't change her mind, having already agreed to go elle sentait qu'elle ne pouvait pas changer d'avis, étant donné qu'elle avait dit être d'accord pour y aller;
    I have been thinking j'ai réfléchi;
    he has been working here for two months il travaille ici depuis deux mois, il y a deux mois qu'il travaille ici;
    I have known her for three years/since childhood je la connais depuis trois ans/depuis mon enfance;
    I had known her for years cela faisait des années que je la connaissais, je la connaissais depuis des années;
    she claimed she hadn't heard the news elle a prétendu ne pas avoir entendu la nouvelle;
    I had already gone to bed when he arrived j'étais déjà couché quand il est arrivé;
    we had gone to bed early nous nous étions couchés de bonne heure;
    when he had given his speech, I left une fois qu'il eut terminé son discours, je partis;
    had I known, I wouldn't have insisted si j'avais su, je n'aurais pas insisté;
    if I had known, I wouldn't have said anything si j'avais su, je n'aurais rien dit;
    they would have been happy if it hadn't been for the war ils auraient vécu heureux si la guerre n'était pas survenue;
    why don't you just leave him and have done with it? pourquoi donc est-ce que vous ne le quittez pas, pour en finir?;
    I'd as soon not j'aimerais mieux pas;
    he'd rather or sooner stay at home than go out dancing il aimerait mieux rester ou il préférerait rester à la maison qu'aller danser;
    familiar he's had it (is in trouble) il est fichu ou foutu; (is worn out) il est à bout;
    familiar I've had it with all your complaining! j'en ai jusque-là de tes jérémiades!;
    familiar I've had it up to here with him j'en ai jusque-là de ce type-là;
    familiar the car has just about had it la voiture va bientôt rendre l'âme;
    familiar this plant has had it cette plante est fichue
    have you ever had the measles? - yes, I have/no, I haven't avez-vous eu la rougeole? - oui/non;
    she hasn't finished - yes, she has! elle n'a pas fini - (mais) si!;
    you've forgotten his birthday - no, I haven't! tu as oublié son anniversaire - mais non!;
    have you ever considered going into politics? if you have.../if you haven't… avez-vous déjà envisagé de rentrer dans la vie politique? si oui…/si non…;
    you've forgotten your gloves - so I have! vous avez oublié vos gants - en effet! ou tiens, c'est vrai!
    you've read 'Hamlet', haven't you? vous avez lu 'Hamlet', n'est-ce pas?;
    he hasn't arrived, has he? il n'est pas arrivé, si?;
    so she's got a new job, has she? elle a changé de travail alors?
    (a) (be in possession of, own) avoir, posséder;
    do you have or have you got a car? avez-vous une voiture?;
    they have (got) a lot of friends/money ils ont beaucoup d'amis/d'argent;
    they don't have or they haven't got any more ils n'en ont plus;
    she shares everything she has (got) with them elle partage tout ce qu'elle a avec eux;
    he has (got) £10 left il lui reste 10 livres;
    we have (got) six of them left il nous en reste six;
    do you have or have you got any children? if you have... avez-vous des enfants? si vous en avez ou si oui...;
    they have (got) a 50 percent interest in the business ils ont ou détiennent 50 pour cent des intérêts dans l'affaire;
    I have (got) a lot of work to finish j'ai beaucoup de travail à finir;
    do we have or have we got any milk in the house? est-ce qu'on a du lait ou est-ce qu'il y a du lait à la maison?;
    she has (got) a baker's shop/bookshop elle tient une boulangerie/librairie;
    do you have or have you got the time? avez-vous l'heure?;
    he doesn't have or hasn't got a job il n'a pas de travail, il est sans travail;
    we have (got) a deadline to meet nous avons un délai à respecter;
    I've got it! ça y est, j'ai trouvé ou j'y suis!;
    paper, envelopes and what have you du papier, des enveloppes et je ne sais quoi encore;
    proverb you can't have your cake and eat it on ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre;
    familiar give it all you have or all you've got! mets-y le paquet!
    (b) (enjoy the use of) avoir, disposer de;
    we had a couple of hours to do our errands nous disposions de ou nous avions quelques heures pour faire nos courses;
    I don't have time or I haven't got time to stop for lunch je n'ai pas le temps de m'arrêter pour déjeuner;
    he has (got) a month to finish il a un mois pour finir;
    he hasn't (got) long to live il ne lui reste pas longtemps à vivre;
    do you have or have you (got) a minute (to spare)? tu as une minute?;
    she had the house to herself elle avait la maison pour elle toute seule;
    such questions have an important place in our lives ce genre de questions occupe une place importante dans notre vie;
    he has (got) nothing to do/to read il n'a rien à faire/à lire
    she has (got) red hair elle a les cheveux roux, elle est rousse;
    you have (got) beautiful eyes tu as de beaux yeux;
    the ticket has (got) a name on it il y a un nom sur le billet;
    to have good taste avoir bon goût;
    to have a bad temper avoir mauvais caractère;
    she has (got) a reputation for being difficult elle a la réputation d'être difficile;
    the house has (got) a beautiful view of the mountains de la maison, on a une belle vue sur les montagnes;
    she has (got) what it takes or she has it in her to succeed elle a ce qu'il faut pour réussir;
    you've never had it so good! vous n'avez jamais eu la vie si belle!;
    familiar he really has it bad for Emma il a complètement craqué pour Emma
    do you have or have you got any experience of teaching? avez-vous déjà enseigné?;
    she has (got) a clear sense of what matters elle sait très bien ce qui est important;
    he has some Greek and Latin il connaît un peu le grec et le latin;
    I have a little Spanish je parle un peu espagnol
    to have a dream/nightmare faire un rêve/cauchemar;
    I have no regrets je n'ai aucun regret ou pas de regrets;
    I didn't have any trouble in finding it je n'ai eu aucune peine à le trouver;
    we have (got) nothing or we don't have anything against dogs on n'a rien contre les chiens;
    I've had my appendix out je me suis fait opérer de l'appendicite;
    he had all his money stolen il s'est fait voler ou on lui a volé tout son argent;
    I love having my back rubbed j'adore qu'on me frotte le dos;
    they had some strange things happen to them il leur est arrivé de drôles de choses
    (b) (be infected with, suffer from) avoir;
    to have a cold avoir un rhume, être enrhumé;
    do you have or have you got a headache? avez-vous mal à la tête?;
    he has (got) problems with his back il a des problèmes de dos
    (c) (perform, take part in → bath, lesson) prendre; (→ meeting) avoir;
    we had our first argument last night nous nous sommes disputés hier soir pour la première fois;
    to have a stroll se promener, faire un tour;
    I want to have a think about it je veux y réfléchir;
    to have a party (organize) organiser une fête; (celebrate) faire la fête;
    I'll have no part in it je refuse de m'en mêler
    (d) (pass, spend) passer, avoir;
    I had a horrible day at work j'ai passé une journée atroce au travail;
    have a nice day! bonne journée!;
    to have a good time s'amuser;
    did you have a good time? c'était bien?, tu t'es bien amusé?;
    a good time was had by all tout le monde s'est bien amusé;
    she's had a hard time of it lately elle vient de traverser une mauvaise passe
    (e) (exhibit, show) avoir, montrer;
    have mercy on us! ayez pitié de nous!;
    he had the nerve to refuse il a eu le culot de refuser;
    he didn't even have the decency to apologize il n'a même pas eu la décence de s'excuser
    (a) (obtain, receive) avoir, recevoir;
    I'd like him to have this picture j'aimerais lui donner cette photo;
    I'd like to have your advice on something j'aimerais que vous me donniez un conseil à propos de quelque chose;
    we had a phone call from the mayor nous avons reçu ou eu un coup de fil du maire;
    they've still had no news of the lost plane ils n'ont toujours pas de nouvelles de l'avion (qui a) disparu;
    I have it on good authority je le tiens de bonne source;
    I must have your answer by tomorrow il me faut votre réponse pour demain;
    let me have your answer by next week donnez-moi votre réponse avant la semaine prochaine;
    let me have your keys donne-moi tes clefs;
    let me have the book back when you've finished rends-moi le livre quand tu auras fini;
    she let them have the wardrobe for £300 elle leur a laissé ou cédé l'armoire pour 300 livres;
    there are plenty of flats to be had il y a plein d'appartements;
    familiar I let him have it (attacked him) je lui ai réglé son compte; (told him off) je lui ai passé un savon;
    familiar you had it coming! tu ne l'as pas volé!
    (b) (invite) recevoir, avoir;
    she's having some people (over) for or to dinner elle reçoit ou elle a du monde à dîner;
    let's have him round for a drink et si on l'invitait à prendre un pot?;
    did you have any visitors? avez-vous eu de la visite?;
    after the movie we had them back for coffee après le cinéma, nous les avons invités à venir prendre le café chez nous
    (c) (accept, take) vouloir;
    he'd like to marry but nobody will have him! il aimerait se marier mais personne ne veut de lui!;
    do what you want, I'm having nothing more to do with your schemes fais ce que tu veux, je ne veux plus être mêlé à tes combines
    (a) (clutch) tenir;
    to have sb in one's power avoir qn en son pouvoir;
    the teacher had (got) him by the arm/the ear le maître le tenait par le bras/l'oreille;
    he had (got) his assailant by the throat il tenait son agresseur à la gorge
    you have me there! là vous me tenez!;
    I have (got) you right where I want you now! je vous tiens!;
    Sport the Bears have it! les Bears ont gagné!
    (c) (bewilder, perplex)
    who won? - you've got me there qui a gagné? - là, tu me poses une colle
    the news had me worried la nouvelle m'a inquiété;
    I'll have this light fixed in a minute j'en ai pour une minute à réparer cette lampe;
    we'll have everything ready tout sera prêt
    (b) (with past participle) (cause to be done) to have sth done faire faire qch;
    I had my hair cut je me suis fait couper les cheveux;
    we must have the curtains cleaned nous devons faire nettoyer les rideaux ou donner les rideaux à nettoyer;
    three houses had their windows shattered trois maisons ont eu leurs fenêtres brisées;
    she had coffee brought up to the room elle a fait monter du café dans la chambre;
    I had my watch stolen je me suis fait voler ma montre
    (c) (with infinitive) (cause to do) to have sb do sth faire faire qch à qn;
    she had him invite all the neighbours round elle lui a fait inviter tous les voisins;
    have them come in faites-les entrer;
    the boss had him up to his office le patron l'a convoqué dans son bureau;
    he soon had them all laughing il eut tôt fait de les faire tous rire;
    I had the children go to bed early j'ai couché les enfants de bonne heure;
    as he would have us believe comme il voudrait nous le faire croire
    (a) (consume → food, meal) avoir, prendre;
    we were having lunch nous étions en train de déjeuner;
    we're having dinner out tonight nous sortons dîner ce soir;
    to have breakfast in bed prendre le petit déjeuner au lit;
    would you like to have coffee? voulez-vous (prendre) un café?;
    do you have coffee or tea in the morning? prenez-vous du café ou du thé le matin?;
    I had tea with her j'ai pris le thé avec elle;
    we stopped and had a drink nous nous sommes arrêtés pour boire quelque chose;
    what will you have? - I'll have the lamb (in restaurant) qu'est-ce que vous prenez? - je vais prendre de l'agneau;
    we had fish for dinner nous avons mangé ou eu du poisson au dîner;
    he always has a cigarette after dinner il fume toujours une cigarette après le dîner;
    will you have a cigarette? voulez-vous une cigarette?
    (b) (indicating location, position) placer, mettre;
    we'll have the wardrobe here and the table in there nous mettrons l'armoire ici et la table par là;
    she had her arm around his shoulders elle avait mis le bras autour de ses épaules;
    I had my back to the window je tournais le dos à la fenêtre;
    he had his head down il avait la tête baissée
    she had her mother with her sa mère était avec elle;
    I can't talk right now, I have someone with me je ne peux pas parler, je ne suis pas seul ou je suis avec quelqu'un
    she's had a baby elle a eu un bébé;
    she had her baby last week elle a accouché la semaine dernière;
    she's going to have a baby elle attend ou elle va avoir un bébé;
    he's had three children by her il a eu trois enfants d'elle;
    our dog has just had puppies notre chien vient d'avoir des petits
    (e) (assert, claim) soutenir, maintenir;
    public opinion has it that he is not telling the truth on pense généralement qu'il ne dit pas la vérité;
    rumour has it that they're married le bruit court qu'ils sont mariés;
    as the government would have it comme dirait le gouvernement;
    as Plato has it comme dit Platon, comme l'a écrit Platon
    (f) (with "will" or "would") (wish for) vouloir;
    what would you have me do? que voudriez-vous que je fasse?;
    I'll have you know I have a degree in French je vous fais remarquer que j'ai une licence de français
    (g) (in negative) (allow, permit) I will not have him in my house! il ne mettra pas les pieds chez moi!;
    I won't have it! ça ne va pas se passer comme ça!;
    we can't have you sleeping on the floor nous ne pouvons pas vous laisser dormir par terre;
    familiar we tried to give the dog a bath but he wasn't having any of it! nous avons essayé de donner un bain au chien, mais rien n'y a fait!;
    familiar I'm not having any of your nonsense pas de bêtises
    (h) (in passive) familiar (cheat, outwit) avoir;
    you've been had! tu t'es fait avoir!
    (a) (with infinitive) (indicating obligation) to have (got) to do sth devoir faire qch, être obligé de faire qch;
    do you have to or have you got to leave so soon? êtes-vous obligé de partir ou faut-il que vous partiez si tôt?;
    I have (got) to go to the meeting il faut que j'aille ou je dois aller ou je suis obligé d'aller à la réunion;
    don't you have to or haven't you got to phone the office? est-ce que tu ne dois pas appeler le bureau?;
    he'll do it if he's got to il le fera s'il est obligé de le faire;
    you don't have to or you haven't got to go tu n'es pas obligé d'y aller;
    we had to take physics at school nous étions obligés de suivre des cours de physique à l'école;
    she had to take a blood test elle a été obligée de ou elle a dû faire un examen sanguin;
    I hate having to get up early j'ai horreur de devoir me lever tôt;
    I won't apologize - you have to je ne m'excuserai pas - il le faut;
    you've got to be joking! vous plaisantez!, c'est une plaisanterie!;
    you didn't have to tell your father what happened! tu n'avais pas besoin d'aller dire à ton père ce qui s'est passé!;
    ironic the train WOULD have to be late today of all days! il fallait que le train soit en retard aujourd'hui!;
    familiar that has (got) to be the stupidest idea I've ever heard! ça doit être l'idée la plus idiote que j'aie jamais entendue!
    (b) (with infinitive) (indicating necessity) devoir;
    you have (got) to get some rest il faut que vous vous reposiez, vous devez vous reposer;
    I'll have to think about it il va falloir que j'y réfléchisse;
    I have (got) to know il faut que je le sache;
    we have to be careful about what we say on doit faire attention ou il faut qu'on fasse attention à ce qu'on dit;
    some problems still have to or have still got to be worked out il reste encore des problèmes à résoudre;
    if you finish the report this evening you won't have to come in to work tomorrow si vous finissez le rapport ce soir, vous n'aurez pas besoin de venir travailler demain;
    first the potatoes have (got) to be washed il faut d'abord laver les pommes de terre;
    I don't like housework but it has (got) to be done je n'aime pas faire le ménage mais il faut bien que quelqu'un le fasse;
    the plumbing has (got) to be redone la plomberie a besoin d'être refaite;
    you'd have to be deaf not to hear that noise il faudrait être sourd pour ne pas entendre ce bruit;
    do you have to turn the music up so loud? vous ne pourriez pas baisser un peu la musique?
    (c) (with "to do") (idioms) the book has to do with archaeology ce livre traite de l'archéologie;
    their argument had to do with money ils se disputaient à propos d'argent;
    this has nothing to do with you ça ne te concerne ou regarde pas;
    I'll have nothing more to do with her je ne veux plus avoir affaire à elle;
    they had nothing to do with her being fired ils n'avaient rien à voir avec son licenciement
    the haves les riches mpl, les nantis mpl;
    the haves and the have-nots les riches mpl et les pauvres mpl, les nantis mpl et les démunis mpl
    (keep available) garder ou avoir sous la main;
    I have the documents around somewhere les documents sont là quelque part, j'ai les documents quelque part;
    she's a useful person to have around il est bon de l'avoir sous la main;
    I don't like having children around je n'aime pas la compagnie des enfants
    British Fencing attaquer
    to have it away (with sb) s'envoyer en l'air (avec qn)
    (invite from upstairs, the north) inviter;
    we're having his family down for the weekend sa famille vient passer le week-end chez nous
    (a) (cause to enter) faire entrer;
    she had him in for a chat elle l'a fait entrer pour discuter
    to have friends in for a drink inviter des amis à prendre un pot
    (c) (doctor, workman) faire venir;
    we had to have the doctor in nous avons dû faire venir le médecin;
    they've got workmen in at the moment ils ont des ouvriers en ce moment
    to have it in for sb avoir une dent contre qn;
    they had it in for me from the day I arrived ils en ont eu après moi dès mon arrivée
    (a) (remove) retirer;
    the barber nearly had my ear off le coiffeur a failli me couper l'oreille
    (b) (have removed) faire retirer;
    she's having the plaster off next week on lui retire son plâtre la semaine prochaine
    to have it off (with sb) s'envoyer en l'air (avec qn)
    (a) (wear) porter;
    what does she have on? qu'est-ce qu'elle porte?, comment est-elle habillée?;
    she had her black dress on elle avait ou portait sa robe noire;
    the child had nothing on l'enfant était tout nu
    (b) (radio, television)
    have you got the radio on? avez-vous allumé la radio?, est-ce que la radio est allumée?;
    he has the radio/television on all night sa radio/sa télévision est allumée toute la nuit
    (c) (commitment, engagement)
    we have a lot on today nous avons beaucoup à faire aujourd'hui;
    do you have anything on for tonight? avez-vous des projets pour ou êtes-vous pris ce soir?;
    I have nothing on for the weekend je n'ai rien de prévu ce week-end
    (d) British familiar (tease, trick) faire marcher;
    you're having me on! tu me fais marcher!;
    I was only having you on c'était juste pour te faire marcher
    they have nothing on me ils n'ont aucune preuve contre moi;
    the police have nothing on him la police n'a rien sur lui
    (a) (tooth) se faire arracher
    to have it out with sb s'expliquer avec qn;
    she had it or the matter or the whole thing out with him elle a eu une longue explication avec lui;
    let's have this out once and for all mettons les choses au point une fois pour toutes
    (invite) inviter
    I'll have you up for blackmail je vais vous poursuivre (en justice) pour chantage;
    they were had up by the police for vandalism ils ont été arrêtés pour vandalisme;
    he was had up (before the court) for breaking and entering il a comparu (devant le tribunal) pour effraction
    (b) (invite from downstairs, the south) inviter;
    he had them up (to his flat) for tea il les a invités à venir prendre le thé;
    we're having them up from London for the weekend il sont venus nous voir de Londres pour le week-end
    ✾ Film 'To Have and Have Not' Hawks 'Le Port de l'angoisse'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > have

  • 7 dirección

    1 direction, guidance, orientation, tack.
    2 address, postal address.
    3 steering wheel, steering.
    4 management, administration.
    5 editorial board.
    6 editorship.
    7 authorities.
    8 leadership, leaders of the party.
    * * *
    1 (acción de dirigir) management, running
    2 (cargo) directorship, position of manager; (de un partido) leadership; (de un colegio) headship; (de editorial) position of editor
    3 (junta) board of directors, management
    4 (oficina) head office, headquarters plural
    5 (sentido) direction, way
    6 (destino) destination
    7 (domicilio) address
    8 TÉCNICA steering
    llevar la dirección de algo to run something, direct something
    dirección asistida AUTOMÓVIL power assisted steering, power steering
    dirección general head office
    * * *
    noun f.
    2) direction, way
    * * *
    1) (=sentido) direction

    ¿podría indicarme la dirección de la playa? — could you show me the way to the beach?

    salir con dirección a — to leave for

    ir en dirección contrariato go the other way

    de dos direcciones Esp

    ir en dirección a — to go in the direction of, go towards, head for

    el taxi iba en dirección al aeropuertothe taxi was going in the direction of o towards the airport, the taxi was heading for the airport

    calle de dirección obligatoria o únicaone-way street

    2) (=orientación) way
    3) (=señas) address

    poner la dirección a un sobre — to address an envelope

    4) (=control) [de empresa, hospital, centro de enseñanza] running; [de partido] leadership; [de película] direction

    dirección colectiva, dirección colegiada — (Pol) collective leadership

    5) (=personal directivo)

    la dirección — [de empresa, centro escolar] the management; [de partido] the leadership; [de periódico] the editorial board

    prohibido fumar en este local: la dirección — smoking is prohibited in this building: the management

    6) (=cargo) [en colegio] headship, principalship (EEUU); [en periódico, revista] editorship; [en partido] leadership; [de gerente] post of manager; [de alto cargo] directorship
    7) (=despacho) [en colegio] headteacher's office, principal's office (EEUU); [en periódico, revista] editor's office; [de gerente] manager's office; [de alto cargo] director's office
    8) (=oficina principal) head office

    Dirección General de Seguridad — State Security Office, State Security Service

    dirección provincialregional office of a government department

    9) (Aut, Náut) steering

    dirección asistida, dirección hidráulica — LAm power steering

    * * *
    1) ( señas) address
    2) (sentido, rumbo) direction

    ¿en qué dirección iba? or ¿qué dirección llevaba? — which way was he heading o going?

    3) (Auto) ( mecanismo) steering
    4) (Adm)
    a) ( cargo - en escuela) principalship (AmE), headship (BrE); (- en empresa) post o position of manager
    b) ( cuerpo directivo - de empresa) management; (- de periódico) editorial board; (- de prisión) authorities (pl); (- de partido) leadership
    c) ( oficina - en escuela) principal's office (AmE), headmaster's/headmistress's office (BrE); (- en empresa) manager's/director's office; (- en periódico) editorial office
    a) (de obra, película) direction
    c) (de empresa, proyecto) management
    * * *
    1) ( señas) address
    2) (sentido, rumbo) direction

    ¿en qué dirección iba? or ¿qué dirección llevaba? — which way was he heading o going?

    3) (Auto) ( mecanismo) steering
    4) (Adm)
    a) ( cargo - en escuela) principalship (AmE), headship (BrE); (- en empresa) post o position of manager
    b) ( cuerpo directivo - de empresa) management; (- de periódico) editorial board; (- de prisión) authorities (pl); (- de partido) leadership
    c) ( oficina - en escuela) principal's office (AmE), headmaster's/headmistress's office (BrE); (- en empresa) manager's/director's office; (- en periódico) editorial office
    a) (de obra, película) direction
    c) (de empresa, proyecto) management
    * * *
    1 = administration, directorship, management, senior staff, governance, senior management, top management, headship, steerage, directing, leadership, senior managers.

    Ex: Since the Reagan administration began its war on waste in 1981, farmers and other citizens have had not alternative to buying their information from the private sector at far steeper prices.

    Ex: An applicant for the directorship of a medium-sized public library is asked to explain how he would conduct a community survey and demonstrate how he would plan library programs.
    Ex: The practice of librarianship requires performance of the same management functions irrespective of position.
    Ex: Senior SLIS staff were seen to be relatively content with their present levels of funding which has been modestly increased in recent years = El personal de dirección de las EUBYD parecía estar relativamente contento con sus niveles actuales de financiación que se han incrementado moderadamente en los últimos años.
    Ex: Public libraries specifically face enormous problems of funding and governance.
    Ex: In some library authorities these associations are highly developed and form a positive bridge between junior staff and the senior management.
    Ex: Nevertheless, performance evaluation can be made more effective if, as stated earlier, the program is strongly supported by top management.
    Ex: In the context of collegial management in university libraries, this article presents the advantages and disadvantages of rotating headships.
    Ex: Incorrect reference entry is an unpardonable sin, since the purpose of the entry is to give exact steerage to the original paper from the abstract.
    Ex: All managers should be knowledgeable in strategies of good directing so that a productive and nurturing environment can be created.
    Ex: The leadership challenge is to flatten out differences, identify the new goals, and make tough decisions.
    Ex: Our senior managers are responsible for the day-to-day running of the organisation.
    * asumir la dirección = take over + the leadership (from).
    * bajo la dirección de = under the supervision of.
    * comité de dirección = steering committee.
    * de dirección = directorial, administrative.
    * dirección cinematográfica = film direction.
    * dirección compartida = shared governance.
    * dirección de la biblioteca = library administrators.
    * dirección de la biblioteca, la = library administration, the.
    * dirección general = directorate-general.
    * dirección participativa = participative management.
    * en el puesto de dirección = in the hot seat.
    * en la dirección = in the saddle.
    * en la dirección (de) = at the helm (of).
    * equipo de dirección = management, management team, administrative team.
    * grupo de dirección = management.
    * junta de dirección = board of directors.
    * junta de dirección de la escuela = school board.
    * nivel alto de dirección = higher management.
    * ocupar un cargo de dirección = hold + a chair.
    * personal de dirección = senior staff, senior management.
    * puesto de dirección = position of leadership.
    * relativo a la dirección = directorial.
    * resumen de la dirección = executive summary.
    * reunión de la dirección = board meeting.

    2 = direction, quarter.

    Ex: Thus the thesaurus user may approach a term from 'either direction'.

    Ex: A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.
    * cambiar dirección = change + direction.
    * cambio de dirección = change of hands.
    * continuar en esta dirección = proceed + along this way.
    * dar dirección = lend + direction.
    * dirección del viento = wind direction.
    * en ambas direcciones = two-way.
    * en dirección de la proa = abaft.
    * en dirección este = eastward(s), eastbound.
    * en dirección norte = northbound.
    * en dirección oeste = westbound, westward(s).
    * en dirección sur = southward(s), southbound.
    * en la dirección de = toward(s).
    * en la dirección de la máquina = machine-direction.
    * en la dirección del viento = downwind.
    * falta de dirección = indirection.
    * indicador de dirección = signpost.
    * línea de dirección = line of direction.
    * mantener Algo en la dirección correcta = keep + Nombre + on track.
    * mirar en otra dirección = look + the other way.
    * por buena dirección = a step in the right direction.
    * seguir una dirección = follow + path, take + path.
    * timón de dirección = rudder.
    * tomar otra dirección = branch off + on a side trail.
    * tomar una dirección = take + direction.

    3 = address.

    Ex: The Acquisitions system uses a Name address Directory as its source of address information for orders.

    * correo con dirección errónea = misdirected mail.
    * dirección de contacto = contact address.
    * dirección de correo = mailing address.
    * dirección de correo electrónico = email address.
    * dirección de envío = shipping address.
    * dirección de facturación = billing address, invoice address.
    * dirección del remitente = return address.
    * dirección de pago = payment address.
    * dirección favorita = bookmark.
    * dirección para correspondencia = mailing address.
    * dirección postal = postal address, mailing address.
    * dirección web = web address.
    * fichero de direcciones = addresses file.
    * intercambio de direcciones = exchange of address.
    * libreta de direcciones = address book.
    * lista de direcciones = mailing list.
    * máquina de imprimir direcciones = addressograph, addressing machine.
    * poner la dirección en un sobre = address + envelope.


    Ex: This article describes in detail the various methods of ink-jet printing employing electrostatic steering, electromagnetic steering, and multiple ink jets.

    * dirección asistida = power steering.

    5 = tack.

    Ex: The simplest tack would be to include the metadata in the notes field but sorting by metadata attributes is problematic and clunky.

    * dirección asistida = power-assisted steering.
    * explorar una dirección = chart + direction.

    * * *
    A (señas) address
    nombre y dirección name and address
    absolute address
    business address
    e-mail address
    home address
    postal address
    relative address
    telegraphic address
    B (sentido, rumbo) direction
    circulaba con or en dirección a Madrid it was heading toward(s) Madrid
    ellos venían en dirección contraria they were coming the other way o from the opposite direction
    ¿en qué dirección iba? or ¿qué dirección llevaba? which way was he heading o going?
    su política ha tomado una nueva dirección their policy has taken a new direction
    cambiar de dirección to change direction
    la flecha indica dirección obligatoria the arrow indicates that it's one way only
    C ( Auto) (mecanismo) steering; (volante) steering wheel
    alinear la dirección to align the wheels
    power-assisted steering, power steering
    D ( Adm)
    1 (cargoen una escuela) principalship ( AmE), headship ( BrE); (— en una empresa) post o position of manager
    2 (cuerpo directivode una empresa) management; (— de un periódico) editorial board; (— de una prisión) authorities (pl); (— de un partido) leadership
    3 (oficinaen una escuela) principal's office ( AmE), headmaster's/headmistress's office ( BrE); (— en una empresa) manager's/director's office; (— en un periódico) editorial office
    1 (de una obra, película) direction
    es su primer trabajo de dirección it's the first time she's directed, it's her first job as a director o her first directing job
    la dirección es de Saura it is directed by Saura
    (de una orquesta): bajo la dirección de Campomar conducted by Campomar
    3 (de una empresa, proyecto) management
    bajo la dirección de su profesor under the guidance of her teacher
    * * *


    dirección sustantivo femenino
    1 ( señas) address
    2 (sentido, rumbo) direction;
    ellos venían en dirección contraria they were coming the other way o from the opposite direction;

    ¿en qué dirección iba? which way was he heading o going?;
    señal de dirección prohibida no-entry sign;
    dirección obligatoria one way only
    3 (Auto) ( mecanismo) steering;

    4 (Adm)
    a) ( cargoen escuela) principalship (AmE), headship (BrE);

    (— en empresa) post o position of manager

    (— de periódico) editorial board;
    (— de prisión) authorities (pl);
    (— de partido) leadership
    c) ( oficinaen escuela) principal's office (AmE), headmaster's/headmistress's office (BrE);

    (— en empresa) manager's/director's office;
    (— en periódico) editorial office
    dirección sustantivo femenino
    1 (sentido, rumbo) direction
    dirección obligatoria, one way only
    dirección prohibida, no entry
    en dirección a, towards
    2 (domicilio) address
    3 Cine Teat direction
    4 (conjunto de dirigentes de una empresa) management
    (de un partido) leadership
    (de un colegio) headship, US principal's office
    5 (cargo de dirección) directorship
    6 (oficina del director) director's office
    7 Auto Téc steering
    dirección asistida, power steering
    ' dirección' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - allí
    - cambiarse
    - canalizar
    - cara
    - de
    - derivar
    - DGT
    - dirigir
    - domicilio
    - dorso
    - este
    - girar
    - giro
    - hacia
    - jefatura
    - junta
    - lado
    - llevar
    - para
    - patronal
    - recta
    - recto
    - rumbo
    - saber
    - seña
    - singladura
    - viraje
    - a
    - actual
    - adelante
    - adentro
    - afuera
    - anotar
    - arriba
    - arroba
    - atrás
    - calle
    - camino
    - casualidad
    - contramano
    - contrario
    - deber
    - encabezamiento
    - indicador
    - nordeste
    - noroeste
    - norte
    - oeste
    - administration
    - ahead
    - ashore
    - back
    - business
    - change
    - course
    - direction
    - double-jointed
    - eastbound
    - entry
    - film making
    - him
    - inquire
    - leadership
    - management
    - negotiation
    - oncoming
    - opposite
    - out of
    - over
    - overseas
    - power steering
    - promptly
    - redirect
    - round
    - self-addressed
    - somewhere
    - south
    - south-east
    - south-west
    - spin
    - steering
    - swing
    - switch
    - to
    - turn
    - up
    - way
    - westward
    - with
    - down
    - east
    - easterly
    - eastward
    - head
    - inland
    - internal
    - may
    * * *
    1. [sentido] direction;
    se halla interrumpido el tráfico en ambas direcciones the road is closed in both directions;
    cambiar de dirección to change direction;
    en dirección contraria in the opposite direction;
    señal de dirección obligatoria = sign indicating that traffic must go in a particular direction;
    dirección prohibida [en letrero] no entry;
    no gires por la siguiente, que es dirección prohibida don't take the next turning, it's no entry;
    circular en dirección prohibida to drive the wrong way up a one-way street
    2. [rumbo] direction;
    con dirección a, en dirección a towards, in the direction of;
    los trenes con o [m5] en dirección a Málaga trains to Malaga;
    ¿en qué dirección ibas? which way were you going?;
    íbamos en dirección a mi casa we were heading for my place;
    el buque avanzaba en la dirección del viento the ship had the wind behind it;
    los acontecimientos han tomado una dirección inesperada events have taken an unexpected turn
    3. [domicilio] address;
    déme su nombre y dirección, por favor could you tell me your name and address, please?
    dirección de entrega shipping address
    4. Informát address
    dirección de correo electrónico e-mail address;
    dirección electrónica [de correo] e-mail address;
    [de página] web page address;
    dirección IP IP address;
    dirección de memoria memory address;
    dirección web web address
    5. [mando, gestión] [de empresa, hospital] management;
    [de partido] leadership; [de colegio] headship; [de periódico] editorship; [de película] direction; [de obra de teatro] production; [de orquesta] conducting;
    estudia dirección de cine he's studying film directing
    6. [oficina] [de empresa, hospital] manager's office;
    [de colegio] Br headmaster's/headmistress's o US principal's office; [de periódico] editor's office
    7. [junta directiva] [de empresa, hospital] management;
    [de partido] leadership; [de colegio] management team; [de periódico] editorial board;
    la dirección de este periódico no se hace responsable de la opinión de sus colaboradores the editors of this newspaper are not responsible for opinions expressed by contributors
    dirección comercial commercial department;
    dirección general head office;
    RP Dirección General Impositiva Br ≈ Inland Revenue, US ≈ IRS;
    Dirección General de Tráfico = government department in charge of road transport
    8. [de vehículo] steering
    Esp dirección asistida power steering; Am dirección hidráulica power steering
    9. Geol strike
    * * *
    1 ( sentido) direction;
    en aquella dirección that way, in that direction;
    2 COM management; POL leadership
    3 de coche steering
    4 TEA, de película direction;
    bajo la dirección de under the direction of, directed by
    5 en carta address
    6 ( rumbo)
    en dirección a heading for;
    en dirección sur heading south
    direcciones pl ( instrucciones) guidelines
    * * *
    dirección nf, pl - ciones
    1) : address
    2) : direction
    3) : management, leadership
    4) : steering (of an automobile)
    * * *
    1. (sentido) direction
    se fue en esa dirección she went in that direction / she went that way
    2. (señas) address [pl. addresses]

    Spanish-English dictionary > dirección

  • 8 unit

    1) сборочная единица; узел; блок
    2) установка; агрегат
    3) единица, единица измерения || единичный; удельный
    4) часть; секция || секционный

    as a unit — 1) в сборе 2) как единая сборочная единица; как единый узел

    unit under test — 1) объект контроля 2) объект диагностирования, объект технического диагностирования

    - actuating unit
    - adapter plate unit
    - adaptive control unit
    - address and data interface unit
    - address unit
    - adjusting unit
    - air-aspirating unit
    - answer-back unit
    - arithmetic unit
    - arithmetic/logic unit
    - arithmetical unit
    - ASC unit
    - assembly unit of N-order
    - assembly unit
    - audio response unit
    - autoloading unit
    - automatic calling unit
    - auxiliary data translator unit
    - availability control unit
    - axis unit
    - axis-processing unit
    - balancer unit
    - banking unit
    - bar feed unit
    - base assembly unit
    - base unit
    - basic information unit
    - basic length unit
    - basic logic unit
    - batch control unit
    - bearing unit
    - behind-the-tape reader unit
    - belt shuttle unit
    - belt-driven shuttle unit
    - bench-testing unit
    - blemished unit
    - bolt-on unit
    - booster unit
    - boring spindle unit
    - boring unit
    - boring-and-milling unit
    - brake unit
    - broach retriever unit
    - broach-handling unit
    - broken tool sensing unit
    - buffer unit
    - building-block machining unit
    - bulk transfer unit
    - business unit
    - card punching unit
    - carousel loading unit
    - carousel unit
    - carrier unit
    - cartridge unit
    - cellular unit
    - center unit for machine frame
    - central processing unit
    - central processor unit
    - chain storage unit
    - changer unit
    - changing unit
    - check unit
    - chiller unit
    - chip disposal unit
    - clamping unit
    - claw unit
    - CNC machining unit
    - CNC standard unit
    - CNC unit
    - coating application unit
    - coating removal unit
    - coherent unit
    - column unit
    - combination valve unit
    - command unit
    - communications central processing unit
    - complementary unit
    - computerized numerical control unit
    - condensing unit
    - cone variable-speed friction drive unit
    - console unit
    - constant coefficient unit
    - constant delay unit
    - construction unit
    - control unit
    - controlling unit
    - conveying unit
    - conveyor unit
    - coolant management unit
    - coolant recovery unit
    - coolant unit
    - cooler unit
    - cooling unit
    - coordinate preprogramming unit
    - copying unit
    - correction unit
    - cover unit
    - CPC handling unit
    - cross tapping unit
    - cross-slide unit
    - cutoff unit
    - cutting unit
    - D unit
    - damping unit
    - data preparation unit
    - data transmission control unit
    - deep hole boring unit
    - delay unit
    - derived unit
    - detecting unit
    - detection unit
    - developing unit
    - digital display unit
    - digital readout unit
    - digital unit
    - dimension readout unit
    - diode array unit
    - disk-type variable-speed friction drive unit
    - displacement unit
    - display unit
    - distance-keeping unit
    - double-acting unit
    - double-notching unit
    - double-pump and combination unit
    - double-pump unit
    - double-reduction gear unit
    - double-reduction right-angle reduction gear unit
    - double-reduction twin gear unit
    - double-reduction twin unit
    - double-reduction wormgear unit
    - double-spindle unit
    - down-hole internal deburrer unit
    - dresser unit
    - dressing unit
    - drill unit
    - drilling and milling unit
    - drilling spindle unit
    - drilling unit
    - drilling/tapping unit
    - drive unit
    - drive/feed unit
    - DRO unit
    - dual work pallet shuttle unit
    - dual-head laser beam unit
    - dust-collecting unit
    - dust-removing unit
    - dynamic unit
    - EDM unit
    - electrical machining units
    - electromagnetic unit
    - electron-beam unit
    - entry level dedicated unit
    - environmental compensation unit
    - exchanger unit
    - fabricated unit
    - facing unit
    - fan coil unit
    - feed box unit
    - feed change unit
    - feed drive cartridge unit
    - feed unit
    - feedback unit
    - feed-in boring unit
    - feed-out boring unit
    - fetch-and-carry unit
    - filtration unit
    - fine boring unit
    - flexible spindle units
    - flexible tray unit
    - floor unit
    - focusing unit
    - free-standing unit
    - free-wheel unit
    - free-wheeling unit
    - frontal variable-speed friction drive unit
    - functional unit
    - fundamental unit
    - gage control unit
    - gage indicating unit
    - gage unit
    - gaging unit
    - gas turbine starter auxiliary power unit
    - gear unit
    - gearbox unit
    - gear-reversing unit
    - grasping unit
    - grinding spindle unit
    - gripper unit
    - guide unit
    - handling unit
    - hardware/software add-on unit
    - harmonic drive unit
    - head unit
    - headstock-type workpiece holding unit
    - hoisting unit
    - horizontal power unit
    - horizontal way unit
    - hydraulic clamping unit
    - hydraulic feed unit
    - hydraulic power unit
    - hydraulic testing unit
    - hydraulic unit
    - hydrostatic bearing unit
    - ICAM manufacturing unit
    - ICAM unit
    - icon-driven control unit
    - indexer/fourth axis unit
    - indexing head unit
    - indexing platen unit
    - indexing table unit
    - indexing unit
    - in-die tapping unit
    - information retrieval unit
    - information unit
    - input batch control unit
    - input unit
    - input-output unit
    - in-system unit
    - integral unit
    - interface unit
    - intermediate storage unit
    - interpolating unit
    - inverting unit
    - keyboard unit
    - knee-type unit
    - lapping and superfinishing unit
    - laser beam composition unit
    - laser beam unit
    - laser processing unit
    - laser unit
    - laser-calibration unit
    - laser-source unit
    - lead screw tap unit
    - lexical unit
    - lift unit
    - lift-and-carry unit
    - light unit
    - linear ball bearing unit
    - linear drive unit
    - linear screw unit
    - linear slide roller bearing unit
    - linear unit
    - live storage unit
    - load/unload unit
    - loading unit
    - loading-and-unloading unit
    - logic unit
    - logical unit
    - lubricating pump unit
    - machine control unit
    - machine tool control unit
    - machine tooling unit
    - machine unit
    - machine-dedicated unit
    - machining center unit
    - machining head unit
    - machining unit
    - magnetic pickup unit
    - magnetic tape unit
    - manned flexible unit
    - marking unit
    - master unit
    - material-handling unit
    - MDI unit
    - measurement unit
    - measuring unit
    - memory unit
    - message display unit
    - microdispensing unit
    - microprocessor correction unit
    - microprocessor NC unit
    - microprocessor unit
    - microprocessor-based unit
    - microprocessor-type NC unit
    - middle-level 3-D representation unit
    - milling spindle unit
    - minicomputer control unit
    - miniload AS/RS unit
    - mist coolant unit
    - miter saw unit
    - mobile unit
    - mobile work storage unit
    - modular cell unit
    - modular loading unit
    - modular unit
    - motor unit
    - motor-reduction unit
    - multichannel analyzer unit
    - multidrill unit
    - multiple screw-driving unit
    - multiple-power path gear unit
    - multiple-reduction gear unit
    - multiple-reduction unit
    - multiple-spindle torque unit
    - multipurpose machining unit
    - multispindle boring unit
    - multitap unit
    - NC data creation unit
    - NC unit
    - nested gear unit
    - notching unit
    - nutating unit
    - off-machine unit
    - off-system unit
    - oil coalescer unit
    - oil-filled feed unit
    - one stage gear unit
    - one stage unit
    - on-machine unit
    - operation unit
    - operational unit
    - operator-friendly program unit
    - orientation transfer unit
    - output batch control unit
    - output unit
    - overhead gantry unit
    - overhead spindle unit
    - pack unit
    - pallet change unit
    - pallet exchange unit
    - pallet shuttle unit
    - pallet-pool unit
    - parallel-shaft reduction gear unit
    - PC expansion board unit
    - PC-based CAD unit
    - pendant control unit
    - pendant pushbutton control unit
    - pendant unit
    - peripheral control unit
    - peripheral processing unit
    - photo-eye tracing unit
    - pick-and-place unit
    - pickup unit
    - piece-holding unit
    - pilot unit
    - placement unit
    - planetary gear unit
    - planetary reduction gearing unit
    - plant unit
    - plasma-arc unit
    - plasmarc unit
    - platen unit
    - PLC unit
    - plugboard input unit
    - plugboard unit
    - plug-in unit
    - pneumatic unit
    - portable unit
    - power feed unit
    - power supply unit
    - power train unit
    - power unit
    - power-generating unit
    - power-tooling unit
    - practical correction unit
    - practical unit
    - presetting unit
    - pressurized air bearing unit
    - primary storage unit
    - probe unit
    - processing unit
    - production unit
    - program unit
    - programming unit
    - propulsion unit
    - pulling unit
    - pump unit
    - pumping unit
    - pump-motor unit
    - quill feed cam unit
    - quill spindle unit
    - quill unit
    - raster unit
    - readout unit
    - reducing unit
    - reduction gear unit
    - reduction gearing unit
    - reduction unit
    - reed make contact unit
    - regulating unit
    - remote display unit
    - replacement unit
    - retriever unit
    - right-angle milling unit
    - right-angled milling unit
    - robot power unit
    - robot unit
    - robot-transfer unit
    - roller bearing unit
    - roller unit
    - roller-marking unit
    - rotary unit
    - rotating seal unit
    - S unit
    - scanning unit
    - scheduling unit
    - screen projection unit
    - screwing unit
    - sealed reed contact unit
    - self-contained NC unit
    - self-contained unit
    - sensing unit
    - sensor unit
    - servo unit
    - shankless boring unit
    - sheet metal stamping automatic unit
    - shop replaceable unit
    - shuttle unit
    - shuttle-and-lift unit
    - side unit
    - single-acting unit
    - single-light unit
    - single-reduction gear unit
    - single-reduction unit
    - sizing unit
    - slant bed unit
    - slave unit
    - slide unit
    - sliding table unit
    - smallest replaceable unit
    - spare unit
    - speeder unit
    - speed-increase unit
    - speed-up spindle unit
    - speed-up unit
    - spindle box unit
    - spindle cartridge unit
    - spindle drive unit
    - spindle unit
    - stabilizing unit
    - stand-alone unit
    - standard build units
    - starter auxiliary power unit
    - static tooling unit
    - steam generating unit
    - stock feed unit
    - storage unit
    - stylus unit
    - sub-multiple unit
    - swing arm-mounted control unit
    - tangent unit
    - tapping unit
    - teach control unit
    - terminal control unit
    - test unit
    - testing unit
    - thermal detecting unit
    - tilting unit
    - tolerance unit
    - tool storage unit
    - tool-presetting unit
    - tool-spindle unit
    - toroidal variable-speed friction drive unit
    - track and store unit
    - transfer unit
    - transmission control unit
    - transmission unit
    - transmitter/receiver unit
    - transport unit
    - triple-reduction gear unit
    - triple-reduction unit
    - tuning unit
    - turnaround unit
    - turning spindle unit
    - turnround unit
    - turret unit
    - twin gear unit
    - twin saw unit
    - twin-drive unit
    - twin-screen unit
    - unit of displacement
    - unit of measure
    - unit of measurement
    - unit of physical quantity
    - unit of product
    - unit of work per unit of time
    - unmanned machining unit
    - vacuum unit
    - variable coefficient unit
    - variable delay unit
    - variable preload bearing unit
    - variable ratio unit
    - variable speed unit
    - variable-speed friction drive unit
    - V-axis grinding unit
    - V-belt variable-speed drive unit
    - V-drive unit
    - vertical way unit
    - vibratory feed unit
    - vise unit
    - visual display unit
    - vocal output unit
    - VTL unit
    - waveform gear reduction unit
    - wheel-dressing unit
    - wheel-head unit
    - wing unit
    - wing-base unit
    - work storage unit
    - work-holding headstock unit
    - workshop video unit
    - work-testing unit
    - worm reduction unit
    - writing unit
    - yet-to-be-assembled unit

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > unit

  • 9 SP

    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Salvation Plan, specifications, поставщик услуг (бизнес, заключение договора), обслуживающая компания, обслуживающая организация
    2) Компьютерная техника: Single Processor, Stops Processing
    4) Американизм: Semi Plenary, Special Publication
    5) Ботаника: Soil Properties
    7) Военный термин: Sabotage Pack, Security Pack, Security Policy, Shock Practice, Source Program, Special Proceeding, school of photography, seaplane, secret publication, security police, security policeman, security publication, self-propelled, sensor package, service pistol, service policeman, service publication, shipping port, shore party, sign post, signal post, signal processor, signal publication, single-purpose, smokeless powder, soft-point, spare part, spares planning, special performance, special planning, special program, special project, special projective, special propellants, special-purpose, specialist, splinter-protected, standard practice, standard procedure, standing procedure, start point, stragglers' post, strategic plan, strategic planning, strategic program, stretcher party, student pilot, submarine patrol, summary plotter, supply point, support publication, surveillance procedure, system parameter, systems planning
    9) Сельское хозяйство: superphosphate
    10) Шутливое выражение: Super Pud
    11) Химия: Solubility Product
    12) Математика: свойство вычитания (subtraction property), случайный процесс (stochastic process)
    13) Религия: Saint Peter, Supreme Power
    14) Железнодорожный термин: Union Pacific Railroad Company
    15) Юридический термин: State Police, Street Price
    16) Бухгалтерия: sales proceeds, selling price
    19) Металлургия: straight polarity
    20) Телевидение: standart play
    21) Телекоммуникации: Signaling Point (ANSI)
    22) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Poland), Satellite Photo, Shore Patrol (USA), Shore Patrol, Single-Phase, Smart Procurement (UK MoD), Socialist Party, Southern Pacific, Spain (NATO country code), Spotting round, Stabilised Platform, Star Patrol, Static Pressure, one-pole, sample part, seaplane port, shear plate, single-pole, spare, spare parts, species, specification, speed, splitting, stake and platform, standpipe, stop of payment, structured protection, supply, Short Play (VHS VCR), special (projectile)
    23) Университет: Satisfactory Progress, Student Program, Sure Pass
    24) Физиология: Sleep Paralysis, Spine, spinal
    25) Вычислительная техника: Signaling Point, Speculative Precomputation, Speech Processing, Structured Programming, System Product, semipermanent, shift pulse, sound parameters, square punch, параметры звука, Southern Pacific (Corporate name, Railroading), Service Provider (DMI), SPare (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Simple visual Profile (MPEG), Service Pack (MS, Windows, NT), Service Processor (Power4, IBM, IC), Stack Pointer (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler)
    26) Нефть: (Vcl) clay content deduced from spontaneous potential (SP) log, bbl separator barrel, curve spontaneous polarization curve, reflected wave, self potential, set plug, shot point, shot points, slightly porous, spontaneous polarization, straddle packer, surface pressure, давление на устье скважины (surface pressure), естественный потенциал (self-potential), короткопериодный (short-period), место перфорирования, нормальное давление (safe pressure), пункт взрыва (shotpoint), сдвоенный пакер (straddle packer), точка взрыва (shot point), точка возбуждения (shot point), установка временной мостовой пробки (set plug), Spontaneous Potential Log
    27) Банковское дело: приостанавливать платёж (stop payment)
    29) Пищевая промышленность: Sugar Pie
    30) Силикатное производство: softening point, suspension preheater
    31) Воздухоплавание: Supervisory Package
    32) Фирменный знак: Simple Productions, Sprague
    35) Бурение: СП (spontaneous polarization), спонтанная поляризация (spontaneous polarization), self potential log (an electrical log for indicating lithology)
    36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic profile, standing pipe rack, каротаж собственного потенциала (spontaneous potential), потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации (Spontaneous Potential)
    37) Нефтегазовая техника самопроизвольная поляризация
    38) Образование: Schools Program, Skills Practice, Spell Points
    39) Инвестиции: stop payment
    41) Программирование: Single Precision, System Procedure
    43) Сахалин А: set pressure
    44) Химическое оружие: secondary power
    45) Макаров: single-point, starting point
    46) Безопасность: Secure Proxy, Security Potential
    47) Расширение файла: Service Package, Stack Pointer, Summary Punch, Supervisory Printer, Service Pack (IBM), Compressed file archive (Splint)
    48) Автоматическое регулирование: set point, точка уставки ( регулятора) (точка цставки, настройки регулятора в контурах автоматического управления (регулирования))
    49) SAP.тех. хранимая процедура
    50) Нефть и газ: code of practice, self-potential curve, small power supply
    51) Электротехника: source point, spinning reserve
    52) Майкрософт: пакет обновления
    53) Общественная организация: Samaritan's Purse
    56) Правительство: Sterling Park, Stevens Point
    57) НАСА: Sub Project
    58) Программное обеспечение: Service Pack, Smart Pointer

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > SP

  • 10 Sp

    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Salvation Plan, specifications, поставщик услуг (бизнес, заключение договора), обслуживающая компания, обслуживающая организация
    2) Компьютерная техника: Single Processor, Stops Processing
    4) Американизм: Semi Plenary, Special Publication
    5) Ботаника: Soil Properties
    7) Военный термин: Sabotage Pack, Security Pack, Security Policy, Shock Practice, Source Program, Special Proceeding, school of photography, seaplane, secret publication, security police, security policeman, security publication, self-propelled, sensor package, service pistol, service policeman, service publication, shipping port, shore party, sign post, signal post, signal processor, signal publication, single-purpose, smokeless powder, soft-point, spare part, spares planning, special performance, special planning, special program, special project, special projective, special propellants, special-purpose, specialist, splinter-protected, standard practice, standard procedure, standing procedure, start point, stragglers' post, strategic plan, strategic planning, strategic program, stretcher party, student pilot, submarine patrol, summary plotter, supply point, support publication, surveillance procedure, system parameter, systems planning
    9) Сельское хозяйство: superphosphate
    10) Шутливое выражение: Super Pud
    11) Химия: Solubility Product
    12) Математика: свойство вычитания (subtraction property), случайный процесс (stochastic process)
    13) Религия: Saint Peter, Supreme Power
    14) Железнодорожный термин: Union Pacific Railroad Company
    15) Юридический термин: State Police, Street Price
    16) Бухгалтерия: sales proceeds, selling price
    19) Металлургия: straight polarity
    20) Телевидение: standart play
    21) Телекоммуникации: Signaling Point (ANSI)
    22) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Poland), Satellite Photo, Shore Patrol (USA), Shore Patrol, Single-Phase, Smart Procurement (UK MoD), Socialist Party, Southern Pacific, Spain (NATO country code), Spotting round, Stabilised Platform, Star Patrol, Static Pressure, one-pole, sample part, seaplane port, shear plate, single-pole, spare, spare parts, species, specification, speed, splitting, stake and platform, standpipe, stop of payment, structured protection, supply, Short Play (VHS VCR), special (projectile)
    23) Университет: Satisfactory Progress, Student Program, Sure Pass
    24) Физиология: Sleep Paralysis, Spine, spinal
    25) Вычислительная техника: Signaling Point, Speculative Precomputation, Speech Processing, Structured Programming, System Product, semipermanent, shift pulse, sound parameters, square punch, параметры звука, Southern Pacific (Corporate name, Railroading), Service Provider (DMI), SPare (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Simple visual Profile (MPEG), Service Pack (MS, Windows, NT), Service Processor (Power4, IBM, IC), Stack Pointer (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler)
    26) Нефть: (Vcl) clay content deduced from spontaneous potential (SP) log, bbl separator barrel, curve spontaneous polarization curve, reflected wave, self potential, set plug, shot point, shot points, slightly porous, spontaneous polarization, straddle packer, surface pressure, давление на устье скважины (surface pressure), естественный потенциал (self-potential), короткопериодный (short-period), место перфорирования, нормальное давление (safe pressure), пункт взрыва (shotpoint), сдвоенный пакер (straddle packer), точка взрыва (shot point), точка возбуждения (shot point), установка временной мостовой пробки (set plug), Spontaneous Potential Log
    27) Банковское дело: приостанавливать платёж (stop payment)
    29) Пищевая промышленность: Sugar Pie
    30) Силикатное производство: softening point, suspension preheater
    31) Воздухоплавание: Supervisory Package
    32) Фирменный знак: Simple Productions, Sprague
    35) Бурение: СП (spontaneous polarization), спонтанная поляризация (spontaneous polarization), self potential log (an electrical log for indicating lithology)
    36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic profile, standing pipe rack, каротаж собственного потенциала (spontaneous potential), потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации (Spontaneous Potential)
    37) Нефтегазовая техника самопроизвольная поляризация
    38) Образование: Schools Program, Skills Practice, Spell Points
    39) Инвестиции: stop payment
    41) Программирование: Single Precision, System Procedure
    43) Сахалин А: set pressure
    44) Химическое оружие: secondary power
    45) Макаров: single-point, starting point
    46) Безопасность: Secure Proxy, Security Potential
    47) Расширение файла: Service Package, Stack Pointer, Summary Punch, Supervisory Printer, Service Pack (IBM), Compressed file archive (Splint)
    48) Автоматическое регулирование: set point, точка уставки ( регулятора) (точка цставки, настройки регулятора в контурах автоматического управления (регулирования))
    49) SAP.тех. хранимая процедура
    50) Нефть и газ: code of practice, self-potential curve, small power supply
    51) Электротехника: source point, spinning reserve
    52) Майкрософт: пакет обновления
    53) Общественная организация: Samaritan's Purse
    56) Правительство: Sterling Park, Stevens Point
    57) НАСА: Sub Project
    58) Программное обеспечение: Service Pack, Smart Pointer

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Sp

  • 11 sp

    1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Salvation Plan, specifications, поставщик услуг (бизнес, заключение договора), обслуживающая компания, обслуживающая организация
    2) Компьютерная техника: Single Processor, Stops Processing
    4) Американизм: Semi Plenary, Special Publication
    5) Ботаника: Soil Properties
    7) Военный термин: Sabotage Pack, Security Pack, Security Policy, Shock Practice, Source Program, Special Proceeding, school of photography, seaplane, secret publication, security police, security policeman, security publication, self-propelled, sensor package, service pistol, service policeman, service publication, shipping port, shore party, sign post, signal post, signal processor, signal publication, single-purpose, smokeless powder, soft-point, spare part, spares planning, special performance, special planning, special program, special project, special projective, special propellants, special-purpose, specialist, splinter-protected, standard practice, standard procedure, standing procedure, start point, stragglers' post, strategic plan, strategic planning, strategic program, stretcher party, student pilot, submarine patrol, summary plotter, supply point, support publication, surveillance procedure, system parameter, systems planning
    9) Сельское хозяйство: superphosphate
    10) Шутливое выражение: Super Pud
    11) Химия: Solubility Product
    12) Математика: свойство вычитания (subtraction property), случайный процесс (stochastic process)
    13) Религия: Saint Peter, Supreme Power
    14) Железнодорожный термин: Union Pacific Railroad Company
    15) Юридический термин: State Police, Street Price
    16) Бухгалтерия: sales proceeds, selling price
    19) Металлургия: straight polarity
    20) Телевидение: standart play
    21) Телекоммуникации: Signaling Point (ANSI)
    22) Сокращение: Civil aircraft marking (Poland), Satellite Photo, Shore Patrol (USA), Shore Patrol, Single-Phase, Smart Procurement (UK MoD), Socialist Party, Southern Pacific, Spain (NATO country code), Spotting round, Stabilised Platform, Star Patrol, Static Pressure, one-pole, sample part, seaplane port, shear plate, single-pole, spare, spare parts, species, specification, speed, splitting, stake and platform, standpipe, stop of payment, structured protection, supply, Short Play (VHS VCR), special (projectile)
    23) Университет: Satisfactory Progress, Student Program, Sure Pass
    24) Физиология: Sleep Paralysis, Spine, spinal
    25) Вычислительная техника: Signaling Point, Speculative Precomputation, Speech Processing, Structured Programming, System Product, semipermanent, shift pulse, sound parameters, square punch, параметры звука, Southern Pacific (Corporate name, Railroading), Service Provider (DMI), SPare (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems), Simple visual Profile (MPEG), Service Pack (MS, Windows, NT), Service Processor (Power4, IBM, IC), Stack Pointer (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler)
    26) Нефть: (Vcl) clay content deduced from spontaneous potential (SP) log, bbl separator barrel, curve spontaneous polarization curve, reflected wave, self potential, set plug, shot point, shot points, slightly porous, spontaneous polarization, straddle packer, surface pressure, давление на устье скважины (surface pressure), естественный потенциал (self-potential), короткопериодный (short-period), место перфорирования, нормальное давление (safe pressure), пункт взрыва (shotpoint), сдвоенный пакер (straddle packer), точка взрыва (shot point), точка возбуждения (shot point), установка временной мостовой пробки (set plug), Spontaneous Potential Log
    27) Банковское дело: приостанавливать платёж (stop payment)
    29) Пищевая промышленность: Sugar Pie
    30) Силикатное производство: softening point, suspension preheater
    31) Воздухоплавание: Supervisory Package
    32) Фирменный знак: Simple Productions, Sprague
    35) Бурение: СП (spontaneous polarization), спонтанная поляризация (spontaneous polarization), self potential log (an electrical log for indicating lithology)
    36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: seismic profile, standing pipe rack, каротаж собственного потенциала (spontaneous potential), потенциал самопроизвольной поляризации (Spontaneous Potential)
    37) Нефтегазовая техника самопроизвольная поляризация
    38) Образование: Schools Program, Skills Practice, Spell Points
    39) Инвестиции: stop payment
    41) Программирование: Single Precision, System Procedure
    43) Сахалин А: set pressure
    44) Химическое оружие: secondary power
    45) Макаров: single-point, starting point
    46) Безопасность: Secure Proxy, Security Potential
    47) Расширение файла: Service Package, Stack Pointer, Summary Punch, Supervisory Printer, Service Pack (IBM), Compressed file archive (Splint)
    48) Автоматическое регулирование: set point, точка уставки ( регулятора) (точка цставки, настройки регулятора в контурах автоматического управления (регулирования))
    49) SAP.тех. хранимая процедура
    50) Нефть и газ: code of practice, self-potential curve, small power supply
    51) Электротехника: source point, spinning reserve
    52) Майкрософт: пакет обновления
    53) Общественная организация: Samaritan's Purse
    56) Правительство: Sterling Park, Stevens Point
    57) НАСА: Sub Project
    58) Программное обеспечение: Service Pack, Smart Pointer

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sp

  • 12 machinery

    1. организационный аппарат
    2. оборудование
    3. механизм
    4. машины и оборудование
    5. машины
    6. машинное оборудование


    машинное оборудование
    термин " машинное оборудование" означает:
    - сборочную единицу, состоящую из соединенных частей или компонентов, по крайней мере, одна из которых находится в движении, имеет соответствующие приводы, схему управления, цепь питания, и т.д., соединенные вместе с целью специального применения, в частности, для производства, обработки, перемещения или упаковки материала;
    - группу машин, которые для достижения той же цели организованы и управляется таким образом, что они функционируют как единое целое;
    - взаимозаменяемое оборудование, модифицирующее функции машины, которое отдельно поставляется на рынок и предназначено для установки на машине или на серии различных машин или на приводном устройстве самим оператором, при условии, что данное оборудование не является запасной частью или инструментом.
    [Директива 98/37/ЕЭС по машинному оборудованию]


    ‘machinery’ means:
    — an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate
    actuators, control and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific application, in particular
    for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of a material,
    — an assembly of machines which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole,
    — interchangeable equipment modifying the function of a machine, which is placed on the market for the purpose of being assembled with a machine or a series of different machines or with a tractor by the operator himself in so far as this equipment is not a spare part or a tool

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    3. The following are excluded from the scope of this Directive:

    3. Из области применения данной Директивы исключаются:

    — machinery whose only power source is directly applied manual effort, unless it is a machine used for lifting or lowering loads,

    - машинное оборудование, для которых источником энергии является исключительно непосредственное применение ручной силы, за исключением механизмов для подъема и опускания грузов;

    — machinery for medical use used in direct contact with patients,

    - медицинские приборы;

    — special equipment for use in fairgrounds and/or amusement parks,

    - специальное оборудование для использования в аттракционах и/или парках для развлечений;

    — steam boilers, tanks and pressure vessels,

    - паровые котлы, резервуары и сосуды под давлением;

    — machinery specially designed or put into service for nuclear purposes which, in the event of failure, may result in an emission of radioactivity,

    - машинное оборудование, специально сконструированное или используемое в атомной отрасли, которые в случае аварии могут привести к выделению радиоактивных веществ;

    — radioactive sources forming part of a machine,

    - радиоактивные источники, составляющие часть машин;

    — firearms,

    - стрелковое оружие;

    — storage tanks and pipelines for petrol, diesel fuel, inflammable liquids and dangerous substances,

    - емкости для хранения или трубопроводы для бензина, дизельного топлива, огнеопасных жидкостей и опасных веществ;

    — means of transport, i.e. vehicles and their trailers intended solely for transporting passengers by air or on road, rail or water networks, as well as means of transport in so far as such means are designed for transporting goods by air, on public road or rail networks or on water. Vehicles used in the mineral extraction industry shall not be excluded,

    - транспортные средства, т.е. средства перевозки и их прицепы, предназначенные исключительно для перевозки пассажиров по воздуху, автодороге, железной дороге, или водными путями, а также транспортные средства, сконструированные для транспортировки грузов по воздуху, по общедоступным дорогам, железным дорогам или водным путям. Средства транспортировки, используемые в горнодобывающей промышленности, не исключаются из области применения настоящей Директивы;

    — seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units together with equipment on board such vessels or units,

    - морские суда и мобильные береговые агрегаты вместе с оборудованием на борту, такие как танки или установки;

    — cableways, including funicular railways, for the public or private transportation of persons,

    - канатные дороги, включая фуникулерные железные дороги для общественного или частного пользования, предназначенные для транспортировки людей;

    — agricultural and forestry tractors, as defined in Article 1(1) of Directive 74/150/EEC (1),

    (1) Council Directive 74/150/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10). Directive as last amended by Decision 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC (OJ L 1.1.1995, p. 1).

    -сельскохозяйственные и лесные тракторы, подпадающие под определение статьи 1 (1) Директивы Совета 74/150/ЕЭС(1);

    (1) Директива Совета 74/150/ЕЭС от 4 марта 1974 г. по сближению законодательных актов Государств-членов, относящихся к одобрению типов колесных сельскохозяйственных или лесных тракторов (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 84, 28.3.1974 г., стр.10). Директива, измененная последний раз Решением 95/1/ЕЭС, Евроатом, ECSC (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 1/1/1995 г., стр 1)

    — machines specially designed and constructed for military or police purposes,

    - машины, специально сконструированные и созданные для военных и полицейских целей;

    — lifts which permanently serve specific levels of buildings and constructions, having a car moving between guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal and designed for the transport of:
    (i) persons;
    (ii) persons and goods;
    (iii) goods alone if the car is accessible, that is to say, a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls situated inside the car or within reach of a person inside,

    - лифты и подъемные устройства, постоянно обслуживающие определенные уровни зданий и конструкций, имеющие транспортную тележку, движущуюся между жесткими направляющими, которые имеют угол наклона более 15 градусов к горизонтальной поверхности и сконструированы для транспортировки:
    (i) людей;
    (ii) людей и имущества;
    (iii) только имущества, в том случае, если кабина лифта открыта, т.е. человек может легко войти в такое транспортное средство и манипулировать средствами управления, находящимися внутри кабины или в пределах досягаемости для человека;

    — means of transport of persons using rack and pinion rail mounted vehicles,

    - транспортные средства для перевозки людей, с использованием зубчатых или реечных рельс, по которым перемещается транспортные средства;

    — mine winding gear,

    - шахтные канатные подъемные устройства;

    — theatre elevators,

    - театральные подъемники;

    — construction site hoists intended for lifting persons or persons and goods.

    - строительные подъемники, предназначенные для подъема людей или людей и грузов.

    4. Where, for machinery or safety components, the risks referred to in this Directive are wholly or partly covered by specific Community Directives, this Directive shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, in the case of such machinery or safety components and of such risks on the implementation of these specific Directives.

    4. Когда для машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности риски, определенные в настоящей Директиве, полностью или частично покрываются специальными Директивами Сообщества, настоящая Директива не применяется или прекращает свое действие, такое машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности и такие риски подпадают под действие этих специальных Директив.

    5. Where, for machinery, the risks are mainly of electrical origin, such machinery shall be covered exclusively by Directive 73/23/EEC (2).

    (2) Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (OJ L 77, 26.3.1973, p. 29). Directive as last amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1).

    5. Когда риски применения машинного оборудования связаны с электрическими источниками, то такое оборудование охватываются исключительно Директивой 73/23/ЕЭС(2).

    (2) Директива Совета 73/23/ЕЭС/ от 19 февраля 1973 года о гармонизации законов Государств-Участников в отношении электрооборудования, предназначенного для использования в условиях определенных пределов напряжения (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 77, 26.03.1973, стр. 29). Директива с последней поправкой Директивой 93/68/ЕЭС (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 220, 30.08.1993, стр.1).

    Article 2
    1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that machinery or safety components covered by this Directive may be placed on the market and put into service only if they do not endanger the health or safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, when properly installed and maintained and used for their intended purpose.

    Статья 2
    1. Государства - члены должны предпринимать все необходимые меры для обеспечения того, чтобы машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, попадающие под действие настоящей Директивы, поставлялись на рынок и вводились в эксплуатацию, только если они не составляют угрозу для здоровья и безопасности людей и домашних животных, или имуществу при условии надлежащей установки и обслуживания, а также использования по прямому назначению.

    2. This Directive shall not affect Member States’ entitlement to lay down, in due observance of the Treaty, such requirements as they may deem necessary to ensure that persons and in particular workers are protected when using the machinery or safety components in question, provided that this does not mean that the machinery or safety components are modified in a way not specified in the Directive.

    2. Настоящая Директива не ограничивает права Государств - членов устанавливать при должном соблюдении Договора такие требования, которые они посчитают необходимыми для обеспечения защиты людей, особенно работников, при использовании машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, при условии, что модификация такого машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности была произведена в соответствии с положениями настоящей Директивы.

    3. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of machinery or safety components which do not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such machinery or safety components do not conform and that they are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community. During demonstrations, adequate safety measures shall be taken to ensure the protection of persons.

    3. На торговых ярмарках, выставках, демонстрациях и т.п. Государства - члены не должны препятствовать демонстрации машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, которые не соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, при условии, что видимый знак четко указывает, что такое машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности не соответствуют данной Директиве, и что они не предназначаются для продажи до тех пор, пока изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не приведет их в полное соответствие с Директивой. Во время демонстраций должны приниматься адекватные меры для обеспечения безопасности граждан.

    Article 3
    Machinery and safety components covered by this Directive shall satisfy the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I.

    Статья 3
    Машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы, должны полностью удовлетворять основным требованиям по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности, изложенным в Приложении 1.

    Article 4
    1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and putting into service in their territory of machinery and safety components which comply with this Directive.

    Статья 4
    1. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, а также компонентов безопасности, которые соответствуют
    требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of machinery where the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community declares in accordance with point B of Annex II that it is intended to be incorporated into machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute machinery covered by this Directive, except where it can function independently.

    ‘Interchangeable equipment’, as referred to in the third indent of Article 1(2)(a), must in all cases bear the CE marking and be accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A.

    2. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, если изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе заявляет в соответствии с Приложением II B, что они предназначены для включения в машинное оборудование или компоноваться с другим оборудованием, так, что в соединении они составят машинное оборудование, отвечающее требованиям настоящей Директивы, за исключением тех случаев, когда они могут функционировать независимо.

    "Взаимозаменяемое оборудование" в смысле третьего абзаца с черточкой в Статье 1 (2) (a) должно во всех случаях иметь маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаться декларацией соответствия, определенной в Приложении II, пункте А.

    3. Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of safety components as defined in Article 1(2) where they are accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community as referred to in Annex II, point C.

    3. Государства - члены не имеют права запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать распространению на рынке компонентов безопасности, определенных Статьей 1 (2), если эти компоненты сопровождаются декларацией соответствия ЕС, заявленной изготовителем или его уполномоченным представителем в Сообществе, как определено в Приложении II, пункте С.

    Article 5
    1. Member States shall regard the following as conforming to all the provisions of this Directive, including the procedures for checking the conformity provided for in Chapter II:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking and accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A,
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point C.

    Статья 5
    1. Государства - члены должны считать нижеследующее соответствующим всем положениям настоящей Директивы, включая процедуры проверки соответствия, предусмотренной в Главе II:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаемое декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте A;
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте C.

    При отсутствии гармонизированных стандартов Государства - члены должны предпринимать любые меры, которые они сочтут необходимыми, для привлечения внимания заинтересованных сторон к существующим национальным техническим стандартам и спецификациям, которые считаются важными или относятся к выполнению основных требований по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности в соответствии с Приложением 1.

    2. Where a national standard transposing a harmonised standard, the reference for which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, covers one or more of the essential safety requirements, machinery or safety components constructed in accordance with this standard shall be presumed to comply with the relevant essential requirements.
    Member States shall publish the references of national standards transposing harmonised standards.

    2. В тех случаях, когда национальный стандарт, заменяющий гармонизированный стандарт, ссылка на который была опубликована в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, покрывает одно или несколько основных требований безопасности, машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, сконструированные в соответствии с таким стандартом, должны считаться соответствующими основным требованиям.
    Государства - члены должны публиковать ссылки на национальные стандарты, заменяющие гармонизированные стандарты.

    3. Member States shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to enable the social partners to have an influence at national level on the process of preparing and monitoring the harmonised standards.

    3. Государства - члены должны обеспечивать принятие необходимых мер для того, чтобы их социальные партнеры получали возможность влиять на национальном уровне на процессы подготовки и отслеживания гармонизированных стандартов.

    Article 6
    1. Where a Member State or the Commission considers that the harmonised standards referred to in Article 5(2) do not entirely satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before the committee set up under Directive 83/189/EEC, giving the reasons therefor. The committee shall deliver an opinion without delay.
    Upon receipt of the committee’s opinion, the Commission shall inform the Member States whether or not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the published information referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 6
    1. В случае, если Государство - член или Комиссия считают, что гармонизированные стандарты, рассмотренные в Статье 5 (2), не полностью соответствуют основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3, Комиссия или заинтересованное Государство - член должны поставить этот вопрос на рассмотрение комитета, созданного в соответствии с Директивой 83/189/ЕЭС, обосновав причины такого обращения. Комитет должен безотлагательно вынести решение.
    После получения такого решения комитета Комиссия должна информировать Государства – члены, необходимо или нет отозвать эти стандарты из опубликованной информации, определенной в Статье 5 (2).

    2. A standing committee shall be set up, consisting of representatives appointed by the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission.

    The standing committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure.

    Any matter relating to the implementation and practical application of this Directive may be brought before the standing committee, in accordance with the following procedure:

    The representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft, within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a vote.

    The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the minutes.
    The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered by the committee.
    It shall inform the committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken into account.

    2. Должен быть создан постоянно действующий комитет, состоящий из представителей, назначенных Государствами – членами, и возглавляемый представителем Комиссии.

    Постоянно действующий комитет будет сам устанавливать порядок действий и процедуры.

    Любой вопрос, относящийся к выполнению и практическому применению настоящей Директивы, может быть поставлен на рассмотрение постоянно действующего комитета, в соответствии со следующими правилами:

    Представитель Комиссии должен представить комитету проект предполагаемых к принятию мер. Комитет должен выразить свое мнение по проекту за время, установленное председателем в соответствии со срочностью вопроса, при необходимости определяемого путем голосования.

    Это мнение должно быть зафиксировано в протоколе; кроме того, каждое Государство - член имеет право потребовать отразить свою позицию в протоколе. Комиссия должна максимально учитывать мнение, вынесенное комитетом.
    Она должна проинформировать комитет, каким образом было учтено его мнение.

    Article 7
    1. Where a Member State ascertains that:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking, or
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity, used in accordance with their intended purpose are liable to endanger the safety of persons, and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, it shall take all appropriate measures to withdraw such machinery or safety components from the market, to prohibit the placing on the market, putting into service or use thereof, or to restrict free movement thereof.

    Member States shall immediately inform the Commission of any such measure, indicating the reason for its decision and, in particular, whether non-conformity is due to:
    (a) failure to satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3;
    (b) incorrect application of the standards referred to in Article 5(2);
    (c) shortcomings in the standards themselves referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 7
    1. Если Государство - член устанавливает, что:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ", либо
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, используемые в соответствии с их назначением, могут нести угрозу безопасности людям, и, если это имеет место, домашним животным или собственности, оно должно принять все необходимые меры для изъятия такого машинного оборудования, либо компонентов безопасности с рынка, запретить их поставку на рынок, ввод в эксплуатацию или использование, либо ограничить их свободное обращение.

    Государства - члены должны немедленно информировать Комиссию о любых подобных мерах, указать причины такого решения и, в особенности, информировать о том, явилось ли это несоответствие результатом:
    a) неспособности удовлетворить основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3;
    b) неправильного применения стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п.2);
    c) недостатков самих стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п. 2).

    2. The Commission shall enter into consultation with the parties concerned without delay. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the measure is justified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the other Member States. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the action is unjustified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community.

    Where the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is based on a shortcoming in the standards, and where the Member State at the origin of the decision maintains its position, the Commission shall immediately inform the committee in order to initiate the procedures referred to in Article 6(1).

    2. Комиссия должна безотлагательно провести консультацию с заинтересованными сторонами. В случае, если после проведения такой консультации, Комиссия полагает, что такая мера обоснована, она должна немедленно информировать об этом Государство - член, которое выдвинуло эту инициативу, а также остальные Государства - члены. Если Комиссия после проведения такой консультации полагает, что действия не были обоснованными, она немедленно извещает об этом Государство - член, проявившее инициативу, и изготовителя, либо его уполномоченного представителя в Сообществе.

    Если решение, указанное в параграфе 1, основано на недостатках в стандартах, и если Государство - член на основании такого решения сохраняет свои позиции, то Комиссия должна немедленно информировать комитет для того, чтобы начать процедуры, описанные в Статье 6 (п. 1).

    3. Where:
    — machinery which does not comply bears the CE marking,
    — a safety component which does not comply is accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity,
    the competent Member State shall take appropriate action against whom so ever has affixed the marking or drawn up the declaration and shall so inform the Commission and other Member States.

    3. Если:
    - машинное оборудование, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют маркировку "СЕ",
    - компоненты безопасности, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют декларацию соответствия ЕС,
    компетентное Государство - член должно начать соответствующие действия против любого, кто поставил маркировку, или составил декларацию, и должно проинформировать об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    4. The Commission shall ensure that Member States are kept informed of the progress and outcome of this procedure.

    4. Комиссия должна обеспечить, чтобы Государства – члены были постоянно информированы о ходе и результатах данной процедуры.

    Article 8

    1. The manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community must, in order to certify that machinery and safety components are in conformity with this Directive, draw up for all machinery or safety components manufactured an EC declaration of conformity based on the model given in Annex II, point A or C as appropriate.

    In addition, for machinery alone, the manufacturer or his authorised representatives established in the Community must affix to the machine the CE marking.

    Глава II
    Процедуры оценки соответствия
    Статья 8

    1. Для подтверждения того, что машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен составить декларацию ЕС о соответствии на произведенное машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности по образцу, приведенному в Приложении II, соответственно пунктам A или C.

    Корме того, на машинное оборудование изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен нанести маркировку "СЕ" в соответствии со Статьей 10.

    2. Before placing on the market, the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, shall:
    (a) if the machinery is not referred to in Annex IV, draw up the file provided for in Annex V;
    (b) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and its manufacturer does not comply, or only partly complies, with the standards referred to in Article 5(2) or if there are no such standards, submit an example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI;
    (c) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and is manufactured in accordance with the standards referred to in Article 5(2):
    — either draw up the file referred to in Annex VI and forward it to a notified body, which will acknowledge receipt of the file as soon as possible and keep it,
    — submit the file referred to in Annex VI to the notified body, which will simply verify that the standards referred to in Article 5(2) have been correctly applied and will draw up a certificate of adequacy for the file,
    — or submit the example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI.

    2. Перед поставкой на рынок изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен:
    (a) в случае, если машинное оборудование не указано в Приложении IV, составить документацию, предусмотренную Приложением V;
    (b) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV, и их изготовитель не выполняет, либо выполняет лишь частично требования стандартов, упомянутых в Статье 5 (2), либо, если таких стандартов не существует, то представить образец машинного оборудования для его испытания ЕС, определенного в Приложении VI;
    (c) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV и изготовлено в соответствии со стандартами, определенными в Статье 5 (п. 2):
    - либо составить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, и передать ее нотифицированному органу, который подтверждает получение документации в возможно короткие сроки, а также сохраняет ее;
    - представить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, нотифицированному органу, который просто проверит, что стандарты, упомянутые в Статье 5 (2), были применены правильно и составит сертификат соответствия по этой документации;
    - либо представить образец машинного оборудования для испытания ЕС типового образца, определенного в Приложении VI.

    3. Where the first indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of the first sentence of paragraphs 5 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    Where the second indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    3. В тех случаях, когда может быть применен первый абзац параграфа 2 (с) этой Статьи должны также применяться положения первого предложения параграфов 5 и 7 Приложения VI.

    В тех случаях, когда может быть применен второй абзац пункта 2 (с), должны также применяться положения параграфов 5, 6 и 7 Приложения VI.

    4. Where paragraph 2(a) and the first and second indents of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall solely state conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive.

    Where paragraph 2(b) and the third indent of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall state conformity with the example that underwent EC type-examination.

    4. В тех случаях, когда применяется параграф 2 (а) и первый и второй абзацы параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие основным требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    В случае, когда применяется параграф 2 (b) и третий абзац параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие образцу, прошедшему испытание ЕС типового образца.

    5. Safety components shall be subject to the certification procedures applicable to machinery pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. Furthermore, during EC type-examination, the notified body shall verify the suitability of the safety component for fulfilling the safety functions declared by the manufacturer.

    5.Компоненты безопасности должны подвергаться процедурам сертификации, применимым к машинному оборудованию в соответствии с параграфами 2, 3, 4. Более того, во время испытания ЕС типового образца нотифицированный орган должен проверить пригодность компонентов безопасности для выполнения тех функций безопасности, которые заявлены изготовителем.

    6. (a) Where the machinery is subject to other Directives concerning other aspects and which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that the machinery is also presumed to conform to the provisions of those other Directives.
    (b) However, where one or more of those Directives allow the manufacturer, during a transitional period, to choose which arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall indicate conformity only to the Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the directives and accompanying such machinery.

    6. (a) В тех случаях, когда машинное оборудование подпадает под действие Директив по другим аспектам, которые также предусматривают нанесение маркировки "СЕ", последняя указывает, что такое машинное оборудование соответствуют положениям этих прочих директив.
    (b) Тем не менее, когда одна или несколько таких Директив позволяют изготовителям в течение переходного периода выбирать, какие из положений применить, маркировка "СЕ" будет указывать на соответствие только тем Директивам, которые применялись изготовителем. В этом случае подробная информация о примененных Директивах, опубликованных в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, должен приводиться в документах, аннотациях или инструкциях, требуемых в соответствии с Директивами, и сопровождать такое машинное оборудование.

    7. Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorised representative established in the Community fulfils the obligations of paragraphs 1 to 6, these obligations shall fall to any person placing the machinery or safety component on the market in the Community. The same obligations shall apply to any person assembling machinery or parts thereof or safety components of various origins or constructing machinery or safety components for his own use.

    7. Если ни изготовитель, ни его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не выполнят своих обязательств по предыдущим параграфам, то эти обязательства должны быть выполнены любыми лицами, поставляющими машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности на рынок Сообщества. Такие же обязательства возлагаются на любые лица, осуществляющие сборку машинного оборудования, либо его частей или компонентов безопасности различного происхождения, либо создающие машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности для собственного пользования.

    8. The obligations referred to in paragraph 7 shall not apply to persons who assemble with a machine or tractor interchangeable equipment as provided for in Article 1, provided that the parts are compatible and each of the constituent parts of the assembled machine bears the CE marking and is accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity.

    8. Обязательства, изложенные в параграфе 7, не применяются к лицам, которые собирают с машиной, механизмом или транспортным средством взаимозаменяемое оборудование, указанное в Статье 1, при условии, что эти части совместимы, и каждая из частей машины в сборе имеет маркировку "СЕ" и Декларацию ЕС о соответствии.

    Article 9
    1. Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the approved bodies which they have appointed to carry out the procedures referred to in Article 8 together with the specific tasks which these bodies have been appointed to carry out and the identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.
    The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of the notified bodies and their identification numbers and the tasks for which they have been notified. The Commission shall ensure that this list is kept up to date.

    Статья 9
    1. Государства - члены должны уведомить Комиссию и другие Государства - члены об утвержденных органах, которые назначаются для выполнения процедур, описанных в Статье 8, также как и для различных особых задач, которые этим органам предназначено выполнять, и об идентификационных номерах, предварительно присвоенных им Комиссией.

    В Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ Комиссия должна публиковать список таких нотифицированных органов и их идентификационные номера, а также задачи, для решения которых они предназначены. Комиссия должна обеспечить своевременность обновления списка.

    2. Member States shall apply the criteria laid down in Annex VII in assessing the bodies to be indicated in such notification. Bodies meeting the assessment criteria laid down in the relevant harmonised standards shall be presumed to fulfil those criteria.

    2. Государства - члены должны применять критерии, изложенные в Приложении VII, для определения органов, которые будут указаны в таких назначениях. Органы, удовлетворяющие критериям, изложенным в соответствующих гармонизированных стандартах, считаются соответствующими критериям.

    3. A Member State which has approved a body must withdraw its notification if it finds that the body no longer meets the criteria referred to in Annex VII. It shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States accordingly.

    3. Государство - член, утвердившее такой орган, должно отменить его назначение, если оно обнаружит, что он больше не соответствует критериям, изложенным в Приложении VII. Государство - член должно немедленно известить об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    Article 10
    1. The CE conformity marking shall consist of the initials ‘CE’. The form of the marking to be used is shown in Annex III.

    Статья 10
    1. Маркировка "СЕ" состоит из заглавных букв "СЕ". Форма маркировки, которая будет использоваться, указана в Приложении III.

    2. The CE marking shall be affixed to machinery distinctly and visibly in accordance with point 1.7.3 of Annex I.

    2. Маркировка "СЕ" должна наноситься на машинное оборудование четко, на видном месте в соответствии с пунктом 1.7.3. Приложения I.

    3. The affixing of markings on the machinery which are likely to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. Any other marking may be affixed to the machinery provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.

    3. Нанесение маркировок на машинное оборудование таким образом, что это может ввести в заблуждение относительно значения и формы маркировки "СЕ", запрещено. Любые другие маркировки могут быть нанесены на машинное оборудование таким образом, чтобы не мешать видимости и различимости маркировки "СЕ".

    4. Without prejudice to Article 7:
    (a) where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed unduly, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall be obliged to make the product conform as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under the conditions imposed by the Member State;

    (b) where non-conformity continues, the Member State must take all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the product in question or to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7.

    4. Без ограничения применения Статьи 7:
    (a) если Государство - член устанавливает, что маркировка "СЕ" была нанесена неправильно, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе будет обязан привести продукцию в соответствии с положениями, касающимися маркировки "СЕ" и положить конец нарушениям на условиях, установленных Государством - членом;

    (b) если такое несоответствие будет продолжаться, то Государство - член должно принять все соответствующие меры для ограничения или запрещения поставки на рынок такой продукции, либо обеспечить изъятие ее с рынка в соответствии с процедурами, изложенными в Статье 7.

    Article 11

    Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive which restricts the placing on the market and putting into service of machinery or a safety component shall state the exact grounds on which it is based. Such a decision shall be notified as soon as possible to the party concerned, who shall at the same time be informed of the legal remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member State concerned and of the time limits to which such remedies are subject.

    Статья 11

    Любое решение, принятое в исполнение настоящей Директивы, ограничивающее поставку на рынок и ввод в эксплуатацию машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, должно указывать точные причины, на которых оно основано. Такое решение должно быть по возможности быстро доведено до сведения заинтересованных сторон, их также следует проинформировать о законных мерах, которые могут быть предприняты по действующему законодательству в соответствующем Государстве - члене и о сроках, в которые данные меры применяются.

    Article 12
    The Commission will take the necessary steps to have information on all the relevant decisions relating to the management of this Directive made available.

    Статья 12
    Комиссия предпримет все необходимые шаги для получения информации по всем соответствующим решениям, касающимся применения и распространения настоящей Директивы.

    Article 13
    1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

    2. The Commission shall, before 1 January 1994, examine the progress made in the standardisation work relating to this Directive and propose any appropriate measures.

    Статья 13
    1. Государства - члены должны передать Комиссии тексты положений национальных законодательных актов, принимаемых в сфере, определяемой настоящей Директивой.

    2. Комиссия должна до 1 января 1994 г. изучить развитие работ по стандартизации, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы и предложить любые целесообразные меры.





    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва]

    Машина представляет собой аппарат, использующий или применяющий механическую энергию, состоящий из нескольких частей — каждая со своими определенными функциями, которые вместе выполняют некоторые виды работ. Для целей анализа это понятие включает отдельные машины или наборы машин. См. Машины и оборудование (МСО)
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]





    машины и оборудование

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]

    машины и оборудование
    Часть основных фондов компании (предприятия), которая включает устройства, преобразующие энергию, материалы и информацию. В аналитической и оценочной практике в общее понятие М. и о. включаются отдельно оцениваемые установки, машины, оборудование и транспортные средства, подразделяемые на виды, а каждый вид – на марки (последним термином для краткости можно обозначать разные модели и модификации машины). Разные марки машин одного вида используются для одних и тех же целей: они способны производить одну и ту же продукцию, выполнять одни и те же работы или оказывать одни и те же услуги ( в противном случае их надо относить в другому виду машин), а следовательно, «взаимозаменяемы» и являются товарами, конкурирующими между собой на рынке Рынок машин каждого вида делится на первичный (новые М..) и вторичный (бывшие в эксплуатации), для которых применяются разные оценочные приемы и инструменты.. М.и о. являются главным объектом инвестирования при разработке и реализации инвестиционного проекта, и, соответственно, одним из основных элементов оценки инвестиционных проектов. Важно, что в отличие от ценных бумаг, акций, М.и о. являются объектами реальных инвестиций, а не финансовых инвестиций.
    [ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]


    A group of parts or machines arranged to perform a useful function. (Source: MGH)







    Совокупность подвижно соединённых звеньев, совершающих под действием приложенных сил заранее определённые целесообразные движения
    [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)]

    машины, механизмы

    Совокупность связанных между собой частей и устройств, как минимум одно из которых движется, имеет соответствующий привод, органы управления и энергетические узлы, соединенные вместе для определенного применения, например для обработки, переработки, производства, транспортирования или упаковки материалов.
    Термины «машина» и «механизм» также распространяются на совокупность машин, которые размещаются и управляются таким образом, чтобы функционировать как единое целое.
    В приложении А приведено общее схематическое изображение машины.
    [ ГОСТ Р ИСО 12100-1:2007]





    Совокупность связанных между собой частей или устройств, из которых по крайней мере одно движется, а также элементы привода, управления и энергетические узлы, которые предназначены для определенного применения, в частности для обработки, производства, перемещения или упаковки материала. К термину «оборудование» относят также машину и совокупность машин, которые так устроены и управляемы, что они функционируют как единое целое для достижения одной и той же цели.
    [ГОСТ ЕН 1070-2003]


    [IEV number 151-11-25 ]

    Оснащение, материалы, приспособления, устройства, механизмы, приборы, инструменты и другие принадлежности, используемые в качестве частей электрической установки или в соединении с ней.
    [ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60204-1-2007]


    single apparatus or set of devices or apparatuses, or the set of main devices of an installation, or all devices necessary to perform a specific task
    NOTE – Examples of equipment are a power transformer, the equipment of a substation, measuring equipment.
    [IEV number 151-11-25 ]

    material, fittings, devices, components, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, and the like used as part of, or in connection with, the electrical equipment of machines
    [IEC 60204-1-2006]


    équipement, m
    matériel, m
    appareil unique ou ensemble de dispositifs ou appareils, ou ensemble des dispositifs principaux d'une installation, ou ensemble des dispositifs nécessaires à l'accomplissement d'une tâche particulière
    NOTE – Des exemples d’équipement ou de matériel sont un transformateur de puissance, l’équipement d’une sous-station, un équipement de mesure.
    [IEV number 151-11-25]






    организационный аппарат

    [ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]


    • электросвязь, основные понятия


    3.26 машины (machinery): Устройство, состоящее из соединенных между собой частей или компонентов, по крайней мере, один из которых движется, с соответствующими исполнительными механизмами, силовыми цепями и цепями управления и т.д., объединенных вместе в целях конкретного применения, в частности, для обработки, переработки, перемещения или упаковки материала (материал означает эквивалент вещества или изделия).

    Термин «машины» одновременно означает совокупность машин и механизмов, которые для достижения одной и той же цели установлены и управляются таким образом, что они функционируют как единое целое.

    Источник: ГОСТ Р ЕН 1127-2-2009: Взрывоопасные среды. Взрывозащита и предотвращение взрыва. Часть 2. Основополагающая концепция и методология (для подземных выработок)

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > machinery

  • 13 устройство

    (агрегат, приспособление)
    - автоматического поиска записи программы (магнитофона)automatic program locate device (apld)
    - автоматическое навигационное — automatic navigation device the dr computer is a part of the automatic navigation device.
    - автоматическое навигационное(ану) — dead reckoning computer, dr computer (dr cmptr)
    входные параметры: путевая скорость, угол сноса и карты, ивс, скорость и направление ветра для определения места ла. — in its traditional form the dr computer uses the ground and airspeed data, drift angle, wind speed and direction.
    - автономное (автоматическое) навигационное (ану) — dead-reckoning computer, dr computer
    - автостабилизирующее (вертолета)automatic stabilization installation
    - алфавитно (-буквенно) цифровое печатающее (ацпу)alpha-numerical printer
    -, антенносогласующее (асу) — antenna coupler
    - арифметическое (ау)arithmetic unit
    -, арретирующее (арретир) — caging device
    -, блокирующее (блокировочное, для отключения и удержания в нерабочем положении оборудования при нарушении его нормальной работы) — lockout /locking-out/ device used to shut down ал@ hold an equipment out of service on occurrence of abnormal conditions.
    -, блокирующее — interlock
    устройство, включаемое срабатыванием другого устройства, находящимся с первым в прямой взаимосвязи, для управления данного или связанного с ним устройств, — а device actuated by operation of some other device with which it is directly associated, to govern succeeding operations of the same or allied devices.
    -, бортовое погрузочное (бпу) — (airborne) cargo handling device
    специальная каретка со стропами, перемещающаяся пo потолочным рельсам в грузовой кабине. — cargo handling device carriage moving along rails in cargo compartment.
    - ввода (в уст-ве ввода и индикации)insertion device
    - ввода/вывода (увв, для эвм) — input/output device (in-out device)

    transfer of data between the program and input/output devices.
    - ввода и индикации (уви инерциальной навигационной системы) — control display unit (c/du, cdu)
    - вентилятора (гтд), реверсивное — fan reverser
    -, весоизмерительное — balance (for weighing)
    -, взлетно-посадочное (шасси) — landing gear
    -, визуальное сигнальное (аварийной сигнализации) — visual warning device
    - внутрисамолетной связи для техобслуживания — ground service interphone system, ground crew interphone system
    -, входное (двиг.) — engine air inlet section

    it is directly attached to the front flange of the engine.
    - выдержки времени (реле)time delay relay
    -, выключающее (эл.) — tripping device
    механическое или электромагнитное ус-во для размыкания аэс. — а mechanical or electromagnetic device used for opening (turning off) a circuit breaker.
    -, выпрямительное (ву) — rectifier (rect)
    -, выпрямительное (трансформаторное) (ву) — transformer rectifier unit (tru)
    -, выхлопное (двиг.) — exhaust unit
    -, выходное (двиг. в реактивном сопле за турбиной) — exhaust unit
    -, вычислительное (ву) — computer (cmptr)
    -,вычислительное(системы ссос) — gpws computer
    -,вычислительное,директорное — steering computer command input signals are provided to the steering computer.
    -, вычислительное, канала крена (системы сау) — roll computer
    -, вычислительное, канала курса (сау) — yaw computer
    -, вычислительное, канала тангажа (сау) — pitch computer
    - горизонтирования (гироплатформы) — (platform) levelling unit /device/
    -, девиационное (магнит. компаса) (рис.80) — compass compensator
    -, декодирующее (дешифратор) — decoder
    устройство для декодирования кодовых сигналов. — a device for decoding а series of coded signals.
    -, демпфирующее — damper
    - для воспроизведения записи с магнитной лентыtape reproducer
    - для выдачи бумажных полотенецpaper towel dispenser
    - для выдачи бумажных салфеток для лица (напр., для удаления косметики) — facial tissue dispenser
    - для выдачи бумажных стаканчиковpaper cup dispenser
    - для выдачи гигиенических пакетовmotion sickness bag dispenser
    - для выдачи гигиенических салфетокsanitary napkin dispenser
    - для выдачи роликовой туалетной бумагиtoilet tissue roll paper dispenser
    - для записи речиvoice recorder
    устройство для записи переговоров членов экипажа. — that portion of the system used to record crew member conversation.
    - для контейнерной загрузки (ла)unit load device (uld)
    - для определения отношения давлений (тяги) двигателя, вычислительное — engine pressure ratio computer used to determine engine rating for all modes of operation.
    - для предотвращений возникновения земного резонанса (вертолета)ground resonance prevention device
    - для тарировки высотомера (см. устройство, тарировочное) — altimeter calibrator
    - для тарировки указателя воздушной скорости (см. устройство, тарировочное) — airspeed calibrator
    - для увеличения подъемной силыhigh-lift device
    - для форсирования тягиthrust augmentor
    - для хранения и выдачи полотенец (в туалете)towel dispenser
    - для хранения и выдачи салфетокnapkin dispenser
    -, дозирующее — metering device
    -, дозирующее (насоса-регулятора двигателя) — throttle valve
    -, долговременное запоминающее (дзу) (постоянной информации) — permanent data storage unit (pdsu)
    -, загрузочное (в системе управления ла) — load feel unit
    -, задерживающее посадочное — arrester gear
    -, запальное — igniter
    устройство, непосредственно служащее для зажигания топлива (горючей смеси) в камере сгорания. — a device used to ignite fuel/air mixture in combustion chamber.
    -, запоминающее — storage /unit/, memory
    -, запоминающее ("блок памяти") — data storage unit (dsu) used to store information.
    -, запоминающее (блок памяти параметров полета) — flight data storage unit (fdsu)
    -, запоминающее ("память" доплеровского измерителя путевой скорости и сноса) — doppler memory (unit)
    в случае отсутствия подачи сигналов, запоминающее устройство фиксирует последние замеры путевой скорости и сноса ла для выдачи их на индикацию. — under conditions of signal loss, the ground speed and drift indication last measured will continue to be displayed indefinitely.
    -, запорно-редуцирующее — shut-off/pressure reducing valve
    -, защитное (в агрегате, системе) — protection /protective/ device
    -, защитное (снаряжение) — protective device
    защитные очки, маски, резиновые перчатки. — use protective devices, such as goggles, face masks, and rubber gloves.
    - защитное, катапультного кресла — ejection seat guard
    - защиты (эл. сети) — circuit protection device
    - защиты (эл. цепи) от повыщенного (или пониженного) напряжения — overvoltage (or undervoltage) protection device
    - защиты (эл. цепи) от пониженной (или повышенной) частоты — underfrequency (or overfrequency) protection device
    - защиты (эл.) сети, повторного включения — resettable circuit protective /protection/ device
    устройство должно размыкать цепь независимо от положения органов управления (выключателей, переключателей) при перегрузке и неисправности данной цепи. — each resettable circuit protective device must be designed so that, when an overload or circuit fault exists, it will open the circuit regardless of the position of the operating control.
    -, звуковое сигнальное (аварийной сигнализации) — audio warning device
    -, имитирующие — simulator
    устройство, имитирующее систему или явление. — а device which represents а system ог phenomenon.
    - индикации выставки (навигационной системы) — align display unit (adu) panel set mode selector of the adu panel to trim lat, trim long, align nav.
    - индикации и сигнализации углов атаки и перегрузок — angle-of-attack and acceleration indicating/warding system
    -, инициирующее (вызывающее срабатывание пиромеханизмов) — initiator
    - и работа (раздел ртэ)construction and operation
    -, кодирующее (шифратор) — coder
    -, коммутационное — switching device, switch gear
    электрическое или механическое устройство, служащее дпя включения и/или выключения цепи (системы), — any device or mechanism, either electrical or mechanical, which can place another device or circuit in an operating or nonoperating state.
    -, коммутационное (соединительная или распределительная коробка) — junction box (jb)
    -, коммутирующее (ук, плата для размещения радиоэлементов напр., диодов, резисторов и т.п.) — circuit board
    - контроляmonitor
    -, контрольно-записывающее (типа кз для регистрации высоты, скорости, перегрузки) — altitude, airspeed and acceleration recorder, height-velocity-g recorder (hvg rcdr)
    -, коррекционное (гироскопического прибора) — erection mechanism
    -, ламельное (для приведения штока рулевого агрегата автопилота при выключенных режимах) — switching (contact) device
    -, лекальное (коррекционного механизма) — cam strip
    -, множительное (ум) — multiplier
    -, моделирующее — simulator
    -, монтажное (амортизированная рама, платформа) — shockmount
    -, наборное (частоты арм) — band selector switch
    -, навигационно-вычислительное (нву, навигационный координатор) состав: пу, задатчики зпу и угла карты, планшет, задатчик ветра. — dead-reckoning navigation system (drns) system incorporates: control panel, dtk and chart angle selectors, roller map and wind selector.
    -, навигационное вычислительнoe (доплеровского оборудования) (рис.82) — (doppler) navigation computer the doppler navigator provides outputs of velocity along and across heading to a navigation computer.
    -, навигационное вычислительное, цифроаналоговое — navigation analog-digital computer
    - навигационное, координаторное (типа ану, нву) — dead reckoning navigation system (drns)
    - натяга (ножного) привязного ремня (на катапультном кресле) — (lap) strap /belt/ retractor
    -, обеспечивающее плавучесть сухопутного самолета при аварийной посадке на воду. — flotation gear an emergency gear attached to а landplane to permit alighting on the water, and to provide buoyancy when resting on the surface of the water.
    - обменаexchange device
    -, оперативное запоминающее (озу) (переменной информации) — random-access memory (ram), working (data) storage unit (wdsu)
    - определения аэродинамических поправок (к показаниям указателя скорости, высотомеров) (уоап) — position error correction (determination) device
    -, осветительное (лампа) — light
    - пеленгаторноеdirection finder
    - первого каскада компрессоpa, входное — lp compressor air inlet section
    -, переходное (переходник) — adapter
    -, переходное (наружной подвески - для крепления к пилону) — store adapter shoe
    -, переходное (соединяющее двигатель с удлинительной трубой или трубу с соплом) — transition section
    -, погрузочно-разгрузочное — cargo handling device
    -, подпорное (в гидравлической системе) — intensifier
    - полупроводниковое.-, постоянное запоминяющее (пзу) — semiconductor device read-only memory (rom), permanent storage unit

    computer storage device which retains the stored data indefinitely.
    -, постоянное запоминающее (внешнее) — permanent storage (unit)
    - предотвращающее перекладку рычага управления шасси в убранное положение на земле — landing gear control lever antiretraction device
    -, предохранительное — safety device
    -, предохранительное (напр., колпачок на выключателе) — guard check switch guard down and safetied.
    - предупредительной тряски штурвала при приближении к критическому углу атаки — stick shaker turn off stall warn switch if alpha off light is illuminated to prevent stick shaker action resulting from a false stall warning due to alpha probe icing.
    -, преобразующее (в системе мсрп) — converter
    - приемопеленгаторноеdirection-finder receiver
    -, приемопеленгаторное (арк) — direction finder
    -, программное (временное) — timer
    -, противообледенительное — anti-icer, de-icer
    -, противообледенительное воздушно-тепловое — hot air anti-icer
    -, противоюзовое — anti-skid device
    -, пусковое (pc или cc) — missile launcher
    -, пылезащитное (пзу, на воздухозаборник двигателя вертолета) — dust protection device (dust prot)
    -, развязывающее (эл.) — decoupler
    -, раздаточное (см. устройство для выдачи) — dispenser
    -, распределительное — distributor
    -, распределительное (эл. сети) — distribution panel (р)
    -, распределительное (распределительная коробка зл. сети) — junction box (jb)
    -, распределительное (панель азс) (напр. ру25) — circuit breaker panel, св panel, (св pnl, р) (р25)
    - распределительное (эл. шина) — bus
    -, распределительное (положение переключателя ру (шин), напр. ру1,ру2 и т.д.) — bus (1, 2) the bus selector switch is set in bus 1 position.
    -, распределительное (ру, распределительная шина) (рис.91) — distribution bus
    шина, запитываемая от питательной магистрали для дальнейшего распределения электропитания по фидерам и цепям. — а conductor connected to the (supply) mains from which electric power is taken to circuits and/or feeders.
    -, распределительное переменного тока (панель азс) — ac power circuit breaker panel
    -, распределительное постоянного тока (панель азс) — dc power circuit breaker panel
    -, распределительное хвостового (хру) (панель азс) — tail circuit breaker panel
    -, распределительное центральное (цру, панель азс) — main circuit breaker panel, main св panel
    -, распределительное центральное (цру, коробка) — main junction box (mjb)
    -, распределительное, центральное (цру, шина) — main distribution bus
    -, реверсивное (двигателя) — thrust reverser
    устройство для изменения направления тяги двигателя на обратно (рис.53). — a device for redirecting the engine exhaust to an opposite direction.
    -, реверсивное, включено — thrust reverser deployed (reverser dplyd, rvsr dpld)
    при включенном ру продолжать полет на пониженной скорости. — if reverser is deployed, continue (flying) at reduced speed.
    -, реверсивное выключено — thrust reverser stowed (reverser stwd, rvsr stwd)
    при невозможности выключения ру необходимо как можно скорее совершить посадку. — if reverser cannot be stowed, land as soon as practical.
    -, реверсивно-тормозное (рту) комбинация створок реверса тяги и тормозных щитков. — thrust/air brakes
    - реверсирования тяги, основное — primary thrust reverser
    - регистрации, бортовое — (flight data) recorder
    - регистрации звуковой информации в кабине экипажаcockpit voice recorder (cvr)
    - регистрации высоты прибop для записи (изменений) высоты по времени полета. — altitude /height/ recorder an instrument by which variation in height is recorded against time.
    -, регулировочное — adjusting device, adjuster
    -, рулежно-демпфирующее (передней опоры шасси) — nosewheel steering/damping control valve (and follow-up assembly)
    - самоконтроля (встроенное) — (built-in, integral) self-test feature
    -, самолетное громкоговорящее (сгу) — passenger /public/ address system (pa)
    сгу предназначено для оповещения пассажиров через громкоговорители. — used to make voice announcements to the passengers over cabin loud speakers.
    -, самолетное переговорное (спу) — interphone system int, intph, intercommunication system (ics, intcom)
    оборудование, обеспечивающее связь между членами экипажа внутри самолета и с техническим персоналом на земле. — that portion of the system which is used by flight and ground personnel to communicate between areas on the aircraft.
    -, самолетное переговорное вспомогательное для связи с бортпроводниками и наземным обслуживающим персоналом. — service interphone system
    - самолетное переговорное громкоговорящее (спгу = сгу + спу) — interphone /intercom/ and passenger /public/ address system (int/pa)
    для связи между членами экипажа и обращения к пассажирам через громкоговорители. — used by the crew members to communicate, and to address the passengers over cabin loud speakers.
    - сброса (показаний прибора)(instrument reading) reset knob
    -, светотехническое (арматура) — light
    - связи (в ацбс) — coupler, coupling device
    -, сигнальное (для подачи сигнала бедствия в случае аварийной посадки) — long-range signaling device
    - смотровое, оптическое — optical viewer
    наблюдение за механическим указателем положения шасси осуществляется посредством смотрового оптического устройства. — the nose gear (mechanical) indicators can be seen through an optical viewer in aft bulkhead.
    -, согласующее (системы регистрации параметров полета) — signal conditioning unit
    -, сопрягающее/сопряжения / (блоков, систем) — interface
    -, сравнивающее (блок сравнения данных) — comparator
    ус-тва и цепь для сравнения информации, поступающей из двух источников. — a device (in computer operations) or circuit for comparing information from two sources.
    -, стопорное (арретирующее) — caging device
    -, стопорное (фиксатор) — lock, latch
    - счисления пути, вычислительное — dead-reckoning computer dr computer outputs are latitude and longitude.
    -, тарировочное (калибратор) — calibrator
    - тарировочное (высотомера)altimeter calibrator
    устройство для определения инструментальной погрешности высотомера. — an apparatus for measuring the instrument errors of an altimeter.
    -, тарировочное (указателя воздушной скорости) — airspeed calibrator an apparatus for measuring the instrument errors of an airspeed indicator.
    -, термокомпенсационное (напр., трубопровода) — thermal compensator
    -, тормозное (тормоз) — brake
    -, тормозное (специальное) к спец. тормозным устройствам относятся: устройства реверсирования тяги, возд. тормоза, спойлеры, реверсивные возд. винты. — deceleration device special deceleration (or retardation) devices include thrust reversers, air brakes, spoilers, ground fine and reverse pitch propellers.
    -, трансформаторно-выпрямительное (ву) — transformer-rectifier unit (tr, t/r, tru, xfmr-rect)
    - управляющее вычислительное (системы автоматического управления ла)steering computer
    - усилительно-выпрямительное (уву)transformer rectifier unit (tru)
    -, форсажное (форсажная камера) — afterburner
    -, форсажное (пд) — augmentor
    выхлопная система пд включает форсажное устройство. — exhaust system for reciproсating engines includes augmentors.
    -, фронтовое, двигателя (между двигателем и удлинительной трубой) — jet pipe transition section
    -, фронтовое, реактивного сопла (между удлинительной трубой и pc) — jet /propelling/ nozzle transition section
    -, центральное распределительное (панель) — main distribution panel
    -, центральное, распределительное (цру, коробка эл. сети) — main junction box (mjb)
    -, центральное распределительное (цру, шина) — main distribution bus
    шина между источником питания и распределительными шинами (рис.91). — a conductor connected between а generating source and distribution busses.
    -, центральное, распределительное (центральный распределительный энергоузел) — main distribution center wires extending from а generator bus to the main distribution center.
    -, цифровое вычислительное — digital computer
    вычислительное ус-во обрабатывающее и выдающее информацию в цифровой форме. — a computer which operates with information represented in а digital form.
    - часового типа (таймер) — timer, clockwork timing device
    -, электромагнитное стопорное (рулевого агрегата автопилота) — solenoid brake
    -, электромеханическое — electromechanical device
    гироскоп является точным электромеханическим устройством. — a gyroscope is а delicate electromechanical device.
    выполнять свою функцию (о защитном у.) — serve its purpose
    срабатывать (о защитном у.) — operate, become actuated, come into action

    Русско-английский сборник авиационно-технических терминов > устройство

  • 14 ἐν

    ἐν prep. w. dat. (Hom.+). For lit. s. ἀνά and εἰς, beg. For special NT uses s. AOepke, TW II 534–39. The uses of this prep. are so many and various, and oft. so easily confused, that a strictly systematic treatment is impossible. It must suffice to list the main categories, which will help establish the usage in individual cases. The earliest auditors/readers, not being inconvenienced by grammatical and lexical debates, would readily absorb the context and experience little difficulty.
    marker of a position defined as being in a location, in, among (the basic idea, Rob. 586f)
    of the space or place within which someth. is found, in: ἐν τῇ πόλει Lk 7:37. ἐν Βηθλέεμ Mt 2:1. ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ 3:1 (Just., D. 19, 5, cp. A I, 12, 6 ἐν ἐρημίᾳ) ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ Ac 5:42. ἐν οἴκῳ 1 Ti 3:15 and very oft. ἐν τοῖς τοῦ πατρός μου in my Father’s house Lk 2:49 and perh. Mt 20:15 (cp. Jos., Ant. 16, 302, C. Ap. 1, 118 ἐν τοῖς τοῦ Διός; PTebt 12, 3; POxy 523, 3; Tob 6:11 S; Goodsp., Probs. 81–83). ἐν τῇ ἀγορᾷ Mt 20:3. ἐν (τῷ) οὐρανῷ in heaven (Arat., Phaen. 10; Diod S 4, 61, 6; Plut., Mor. 359d τὰς ψυχὰς ἐν οὐρανῷ λάμπειν ἄστρα; Tat. 12, 2 τὰ ἄστρα τὰ ἐν αὐτῷ) Ac 2:19 (Jo 3:3); Rv 12:1; IEph 19:2.—W. quotations and accounts of the subject matter of literary works: in (Ps.-Demetr. c. 226 ὡς ἐν τῷ Εὐθυδήμῳ; Simplicius in Epict. p. 28, 37 ἐν τῷ Φαίδωνι; Ammon. Hermiae in Aristot. De Interpret. c. 9 p. 136, 20 Busse ἐν Τιμαίῳ παρειλήφαμεν=we have received as a tradition; 2 Macc 2:4; 1 Esdr 1:40; 5:48; Sir 50:27; Just., A I, 60, 1 ἐν τῷ παρὰ Πλάτωνι Τιμαίῳ) ἐν τῇ ἐπιστολῇ 1 Cor 5:9. ἐν τῷ νόμῳ Lk 24:44; J 1:45. ἐν τοῖς προφήταις Ac 13:40. ἐν Ἠλίᾳ in the story of Elijah Ro 11:2 (Just., D. 120, 3 ἐν τῷ Ἰούδα). ἐν τῷ Ὡσηέ 9:25 (Just., D. 44, 2 ἐν τῷ Ἰεζεκιήλ). ἐν Δαυίδ in the Psalter ( by David is also prob.: s. 6) Hb 4:7. ἐν ἑτέρῳ προφήτῃ in another prophet B 6:14. Of inner life φανεροῦσθαι ἐν ταῖς συνειδήσεσι be made known to (your) consciences 2 Cor 5:11. ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ Mt 5:28; 13:19; 2 Cor 11:12 et al.
    on ἐν τῷ ὄρει (X., An. 4, 3, 31; Diod S 14, 16, 2 λόφος ἐν ᾧ=a hill on which; Jos., Ant. 12, 259; Just., D. 67, 9 ἐν ὄρει Χωρήβ) J 4:20f; Hb 8:5 (Ex 25:40). ἐν τῇ ἀγορᾷ in the market Mt 20:3. ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ on the way Mt 5:25. ἐν πλαξίν on tablets 2 Cor 3:3. ἐν ταῖς γωνίαις τῶν πλατειῶν on the street corners Mt 6:5.
    within the range of, at, near (Soph., Fgm. 37 [34 N.2] ἐν παντὶ λίθῳ=near every stone; Artem. 4, 24 p. 217, 19 ἐν Τύρῳ=near Tyre; Polyaenus 8, 24, 7 ἐν τῇ νησῖδι=near the island; Diog. L. 1, 34; 85; 97 τὰ ἐν ποσίν=what is before one’s feet; Jos., Vi. 227 ἐν Χαβωλώ) ἐν τῷ γαζοφυλακείῳ (q.v.) J 8:20. ἐν τῷ Σιλωάμ near the pool of Siloam Lk 13:4. καθίζειν ἐν τῇ δεξιᾷ τινος sit at someone’s right hand (cp. 1 Esdr 4:29) Eph 1:20; Hb 1:3; 8:1.
    among, in (Hom.+; PTebt 58, 41 [111 B.C.]; Sir 16:6; 31:9; 1 Macc 4:58; 5:2; TestAbr B 9 p. 13, 27 [Stone p. 74]; Just., A I, 5, 4 ἐν βαρβάροις) ἐν τῇ γενεᾷ ταύτῃ in the generation now living Mk 8:38. ἐν τῷ γένει μου among my people Gal 1:14 (Just., D. 51, 1 al. ἐν τῷ γένει ὑμῶν). ἐν ἡμῖν Hb 13:26. ἐν τῷ ὄχλῳ in the crowd Mk 5:30 (cp. Sir 7:7). ἐν ἀλλήλοις mutually (Thu. 1, 24, 4; Just., D. 101, 3) Ro 1:12; 15:5. ἐν τοῖς ἡγεμόσιν (=among the commanding officers: Diod S 18, 61, 2; Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 21 §84) Ἰούδα Mt 2:6 et al. ἐν ἀνθρώποις among people (as Himerius, Or. 48 [14], 11; Just., A I, 23, 3, D. 64, 7) Lk 2:14; cp. Ac 4:12.
    before, in the presence of, etc. (cp. Od. 2, 194; Eur., Andr. 359; Pla., Leg. 9, 879b; Demosth. 24, 207; Polyb. 5, 39, 6; Epict. 3, 22, 8; Appian, Maced. 18 §2 ἐν τοῖς φίλοις=in the presence of his friends; Sir 19:8; Jdth 6:2; PPetr. II, 4 [6], 16 [255/254 B.C.] δινὸν γάρ ἐστιν ἐν ὄχλῳ ἀτιμάζεσθαι=before a crowd) σοφίαν λαλοῦμεν ἐν τοῖς τελείοις in the presence of mature (i.e. spiritually sophisticated) adults 1 Cor 2:6 (cp. Simplicius in Epict. p. 131, 20 λέγειν τὰ θεωρήματα ἐν ἰδιώταις). ἐν τ. ὠσὶν ὑμῶν in your hearing Lk 4:21 (cp. Judg 17:2; 4 Km 23:2; Bar 1:3f), where the words can go linguistically just as well w. πεπλήρωται as w. ἡ γραφὴ αὕτη (this passage of scripture read in your hearing). ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖς τινος in someone’s eyes, i.e. judgment (Wsd 3:2; Sir 8:16; Jdth 3:4; 12:14; 1 Macc 1:12) Mt 21:42 (Ps 117:23). ἔν τινι in the same mng. as early as Trag. (Soph., Oed. C. 1213 ἐν ἐμοί=in my judgment, Ant. 925 ἐν θεοῖς καλά; also Pla., Prot. 337b; 343c) ἐν ἐμοί 1 Cor 14:11; possibly J 3:21 (s. 4c below) and Jd 1 belong here.—In the ‘forensic’ sense ἔν τινι can mean in someone’s court or forum (Soph., Ant. 459; Pla., Gorg. 464d, Leg. 11, 916b; Ael. Aristid. 38, 3 K.=7 p. 71 D.; 46 p. 283, 334 D.; Diod S 19, 51, 4; Ps.-Heraclit., Ep. 4, 6; but in several of these pass. the mng. does not go significantly beyond ‘in the presence of’ [s. above]) ἐν ὑμῖν 1 Cor 6:2 ( by you is also tenable; s. 6 below).
    esp. to describe certain processes, inward: ἐν ἑαυτῷ to himself, i.e. in silence, διαλογίζεσθαι Mk 2:8; Lk 12:17; διαπορεῖν Ac 10:17; εἰδέναι J 6:61; λέγειν Mt 3:9; 9:21; Lk 7:49; εἰπεῖν 7:39 al.; ἐμβριμᾶσθαι J 11:38.
    marker of a state or condition, in
    of being clothed and metaphors assoc. with such condition in, with (Hdt. 2, 159; X., Mem. 3, 11, 4; Diod S 1, 12, 9; Herodian 2, 13, 3; Jdth 10:3; 1 Macc 6:35; 2 Macc 3:33) ἠμφιεσμένον ἐν μαλακοῖς dressed in soft clothes Mt 11:8. περιβάλλεσθαι ἐν ἱματίοις Rv 3:5; 4:4. ἔρχεσθαι ἐν ἐνδύμασι προβάτων come in sheep’s clothing Mt 7:15. περιπατεῖν ἐν στολαῖς walk about in long robes Mk 12:38 (Tat. 2, 1 ἐν πορφυρίδι περιπατῶν); cp. Ac 10:30; Mt 11:21; Lk 10:13. ἐν λευκοῖς in white (Artem. 2, 3; 4, 2 ἐν λευκοῖς προϊέναι; Epict. 3, 22, 1) J 20:12; Hv 4, 2, 1. Prob. corresp. ἐν σαρκί clothed in flesh (cp. Diod S 1, 12, 9 deities appear ἐν ζῴων μορφαῖς) 1 Ti 3:16; 1J 4:2; 2J 7. ἐν πάσῃ τῇ δόξῃ αὐτοῦ in all his glory Mt 6:29 (cp. 1 Macc 10:86). ἐν τ. δόξῃ τοῦ πατρός clothed in his Father’s glory 16:27; cp. 25:31; Mk 8:38; Lk 9:31.
    of other states and conditions (so freq. w. γίνομαι, εἰμί; Attic wr.; PPetr II, 11 [1], 8 [III B.C.] γράφε, ἵνα εἰδῶμεν ἐν οἷς εἶ; 39 [g], 16; UPZ 110, 176 [164 B.C.] et al.; LXX; Just., A I, 13, 2 πάλιν ἐν ἀφθαρσίᾳ γενέσθαι; 67, 6 τοῖς ἐν χρείᾳ οὖσι; Tat. 20, 1f οὐκ ἔστι γὰρ ἄπειρος ὁ οὐρανός, … πεπερασμένος δὲ καὶ ἐν τέρματι; Mel., HE 4, 26, 6 ἐν … λεηλασίᾳ ‘plundering’): ὑπάρχων ἐν βασάνοις Lk 16:23. ἐν τῷ θανάτῳ 1J 3:14. ἐν ζωῇ Ro 5:10. ἐν τοῖς δεσμοῖς Phlm 13 (Just., A II, 2, 11 ἐν δ. γενέσθαι). ἐν πειρασμοῖς 1 Pt 1:6; ἐν πολλοῖς ὢν ἀστοχήμασι AcPlCor 2:1. ἐν ὁμοιώματι σαρκός Ro 8:3. ἐν πολλῷ ἀγῶνι 1 Th 2:2. ἐν φθορᾷ in a state of corruptibility 1 Cor 15:42. ἐν ἑτοίμῳ ἔχειν 2 Cor 10:6 (cp. PEleph 10, 7 [223/222 B.C.] τ. λοιπῶν ἐν ἑτοίμῳ ὄντων; PGen 76, 8; 3 Macc 5:8); ἐν ἐκστάσει in a state of trance Ac 11:5 (opp. Just., D, 115, 3 ἐν καταστάσει ὤν). Of qualities: ἐν πίστει κ. ἀγάπῃ κ. ἁγιασμῷ 1 Ti 2:15; ἐν κακίᾳ καὶ φθόνῳ Tit 3:3; ἐν πανουργίᾳ 2 Cor 4:2; ἐν εὐσεβείᾳ καὶ σεμνότητι 1 Ti 2:2; ἐν τῇ ἀνοχῇ τοῦ θεοῦ Ro 3:26; ἐν μυστηρίῳ 1 Cor 2:7; ἐν δόξῃ Phil 4:19.
    marker of extension toward a goal that is understood to be within an area or condition, into: ἐν is somet. used w. verbs of motion where εἰς would normally be expected (Diod S 23, 8, 1 Ἄννων ἐπέρασε ἐν Σικελίᾳ; Hero I 142, 7; 182, 4; Paus. 7, 4, 3 διαβάντες ἐν τῇ Σάμῳ; Epict. 1, 11, 32; 2, 20, 33; Aelian, VH 4, 18; Vett. Val. 210, 26; 212, 6 al., s. index; Pel.-Leg. 1, 4; 5; 2, 1; PParis 10, 2 [145 B.C.] ἀνακεχώρηκεν ἐν Ἀλεξανδρείᾳ; POxy 294, 4; BGU 22, 13; Tob 5:5 BA; 1 Macc 10:43; TestAbr B 2 p. 106, 23=Stone p. 60 [s. on the LXX Thackeray 25]; πέμψον αὐτοὺς ἐν πολέμῳ En 10:9; TestAbr A 6 p. 83, 22 [Stone p. 14] δάκρυα … ἐν τῷ νιπτῆρι πίπτοντα): εἰσέρχεσθαι Lk 9:46; Rv 11:11; ἀπάγειν GJs 6:1; ἀνάγειν 7:1; εἰσάγειν 10:1; καταβαίνειν J 5:3 (4) v.l.; ἀναβαίνειν GJs 22:13; ἀπέρχεσθαι (Diod S 23, 18, 5) Hs 1:6; ἥκειν GJs 5:1; ἀποστέλλειν 25:1. To be understood otherwise: ἐξῆλθεν ὁ λόγος ἐν ὅλῃ τῇ Ἰουδαίᾳ the word went out = spread in all Judaea Lk 7:17; likew. 1 Th 1:8. The metaphorical expr. ἐπιστρέψαι ἀπειθεῖς ἐν φρονήσει δικαίων turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous Lk 1:17 is striking but consistent w. the basic sense of ἐν. S. also γίνομαι, δίδωμι, ἵστημι, καλέω, and τίθημι. ἐν μέσῳ among somet. answers to the question ‘whither’ (B-D-F §215, 3) Mt 10:16; Lk 10:3; 8:7.
    marker of close association within a limit, in
    fig., of pers., to indicate the state of being filled w. or gripped by someth.: in someone=in one’s innermost being ἐν αὐτῷ κατοικεῖ πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα in him dwells all the fullness Col 2:9. ἐν αὐτῷ ἐκτίσθη τὰ πάντα (prob. to be understood as local, not instrumental, since ἐν αὐ. would otherwise be identical w. διʼ αὐ. in the same vs.) everything was created in association with him 1:16 (cp. M. Ant. 4, 23 ἐν σοὶ πάντα; Herm. Wr. 5, 10; AFeuillet, NTS 12, ’65, 1–9). ἐν τῷ θεῷ κέκρυπται ἡ ζωὴ ὑμῶν your life is hid in God 3:3; cp. 2:3. Of sin in humans Ro 7:17f; cp. κατεργάζεσθαι vs. 8. Of Christ who, as a spiritual being, fills people so as to be in charge of their lives 8:10; 2 Cor 13:5, abides J 6:56, lives Gal 2:20, and takes form 4:19 in them. Of the divine word: οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν ἡμῖν 1J 1:10; μένειν ἔν τινι J 5:38; ἐνοικεῖν Col 3:16. Of God’s spirit: οἰκεῖν (ἐνοικεῖν) ἔν τινι Ro 8:9, 11; 1 Cor 3:16; 2 Ti 1:14. Of spiritual gifts 1 Ti 4:14; 2 Ti 1:6. Of miraculous powers ἐνεργεῖν ἔν τινι be at work in someone Mt 14:2; Mk 6:14; ποιεῖν ἔν τινι εὐάρεστον Hb 13:21. The same expr. of God or evil spirits, who somehow work in people: 1 Cor 12:6; Phil 2:13; Eph 2:2 al.
    of the whole, w. which the parts are closely joined: μένειν ἐν τῇ ἀμπέλῳ remain in the vine J 15:4. ἐν ἑνὶ σώματι μέλη πολλὰ ἔχομεν in one body we have many members Ro 12:4. κρέμασθαι ἔν τινι depend on someth. Mt 22:40.
    esp. in Paul. or Joh. usage, to designate a close personal relation in which the referent of the ἐν-term is viewed as the controlling influence: under the control of, under the influence of, in close association with (cp. ἐν τῷ Δαυιδ εἰμί 2 Km 19:44): of Christ εἶναι, μένειν ἐν τῷ πατρί (ἐν τῷ θεῷ) J 10:38; 14:10f (difft. CGordon, ‘In’ of Predication or Equivalence: JBL 100, ’81, 612f); and of Christians 1J 3:24; 4:13, 15f; be or abide in Christ J 14:20; 15:4f; μένειν ἐν τῷ υἱῷ καὶ ἐν τῷ πατρί 1J 2:24. ἔργα ἐν θεῷ εἰργασμένα done in communion with God J 3:21 (but s. 1e above).—In Paul the relation of the individual to Christ is very oft. expressed by such phrases as ἐν Χριστῷ, ἐν κυρίῳ etc., also vice versa (FNeugebauer, NTS 4, ’57/58, 124–38; AWedderburn, JSNT 25, ’85, 83–97) ἐν ἐμοὶ Χριστός Gal 2:20, but here in the sense of a above.—See, e.g., Dssm., D. ntl. Formel ‘in Christo Jesu’ 1892; EWeber, D. Formel ‘in Chr. Jesu’ u. d. paul. Christusmystik: NKZ 31, 1920, 213ff; LBrun, Zur Formel ‘in Chr. Jesus’ im Phil: Symbolae Arctoae 1, 1922, 19–37; MHansen, Omkring Paulus-Formeln ‘i Kristus’: TK 4/10, 1929, 135–59; HBöhlig, ʼΕν κυρίῳ: GHeinrici Festschr. 1914, 170–75; OSchmitz, D. Christusgemeinschaft d. Pls2 ’56; AWikenhauser, D. Christusmystik d. Pls2 ’56; KMittring, Heilswirklichkeit b. Pls; Beitrag z. Verständnis der unio cum Christo in d. Plsbriefen 1929; ASchweitzer, D. Mystik d. Ap. Pls 1930 (Eng. tr., WMontgomery, The Myst. of Paul the Ap., ’31); WSchmauch, In Christus ’35; BEaston, Pastoral Ep. ’47, 210f; FBüchsel, ‘In Chr.’ b. Pls: ZNW 42, ’49, 141–58. Also HKorn, D. Nachwirkungen d. Christusmystik d. Pls in den Apost. Vätern, diss. Berlin 1928; EAndrews, Interpretation 6, ’52, 162–77; H-LParisius, ZNW 49, ’58, 285–88 (10 ‘forensic’ passages); JAllan, NTS 5, ’58/59, 54–62 (Eph), ibid. 10, ’63, 115–21 (pastorals); FNeugebauer, In Christus, etc. ’61; MDahl, The Resurrection of the Body ( 1 Cor 15) ’62, 110–13.—Paul has the most varied expressions for this new life-principle: life in Christ Ro 6:11, 23; love in Christ 8:39; grace, which is given in Christ 1 Cor 1:4; freedom in Chr. Gal 2:4; blessing in Chr. 3:14; unity in Chr. vs. 28. στήκειν ἐν κυρίῳ stand firm in the Lord Phil 4:1; εὑρεθῆναι ἐν Χ. be found in Christ 3:9; εἶναι ἐν Χ. 1 Cor 1:30; οἱ ἐν Χ. Ro 8:1.—1 Pt 5:14; κοιμᾶσθαι ἐν Χ., ἀποθνῄσκειν ἐν κυρίῳ 1 Cor 15:18.—Rv 14:13; ζῳοποιεῖσθαι 1 Cor 15:22.—The formula is esp. common w. verbs that denote a conviction, hope, etc. πεποιθέναι Gal 5:10; Phil 1:14; 2 Th 3:4. παρρησίαν ἔχειν Phlm 8. πέπεισμαι Ro 14:14. ἐλπίζειν Phil 2:19. καύχησιν ἔχειν Ro 15:17; 1 Cor 15:31. τὸ αὐτὸ φρονεῖν Phil 4:2. ὑπακούειν Eph 6:1. λαλεῖν 2 Cor 2:17; 12:19. ἀλήθειαν λέγειν Ro 9:1. λέγειν καὶ μαρτύρεσθαι Eph 4:17. But also apart fr. such verbs, in numerous pass. it is used w. verbs and nouns of the most varied sort, often without special emphasis, to indicate the scope within which someth. takes place or has taken place, or to designate someth. as being in close assoc. w. Christ, and can be rendered, variously, in connection with, in intimate association with, keeping in mind ἁγιάζεσθαι 1 Cor 1:2, or ἅγιος ἐν Χ. Phil 1:1; ἀσπάζεσθαί τινα 1 Cor 16:19. δικαιοῦσθαι Gal 2:17. κοπιᾶν Ro 16:12. παρακαλεῖν 1 Th 4:1. προσδέχεσθαί τινα Ro 16:2; Phil 2:29. χαίρειν 3:1; 4:4, 10. γαμηθῆναι ἐν κυρίῳ marry in the Lord=marry a Christian 1 Cor 7:39. προϊστάμενοι ὑμῶν ἐν κυρίῳ your Christian leaders (in the church) 1 Th 5:12 (but s. προί̈στημι 1 and 2).—εὐάρεστος Col 3:20. νήπιος 1 Cor 3:1. φρόνιμος 4:10. παιδαγωγοί vs. 15. ὁδοί vs. 17. Hence used in periphrasis for ‘Christian’ οἱ ὄντες ἐν κυρίῳ Ro 16:11; ἄνθρωπος ἐν Χ. 2 Cor 12:2; αἱ ἐκκλησίαι αἱ ἐν Χ. Gal 1:22; 1 Th 2:14; νεκροὶ ἐν Χ. 4:16; ἐκλεκτός Ro 16:13. δόκιμος vs. 10. δέσμιος Eph 4:1. πιστὸς διάκονος 6:21; ἐν Χ. γεννᾶν τινα become someone’s parent in the Christian life 1 Cor 4:15. τὸ ἔργον μου ὑμεῖς ἐστε ἐν κυρίῳ 9:1.—The use of ἐν πνεύματι as a formulaic expression is sim.: ἐν πν. εἶναι be under the impulsion of the spirit, i.e. the new self, as opposed to ἐν σαρκί under the domination of the old self Ro 8:9; cp. ἐν νόμῳ 2:12. λαλεῖν speak under divine inspiration 1 Cor 12:3. ἐγενόμην ἐν πνεύματι I was in a state of inspiration Rv 1:10; 4:2; opp. ἐν ἑαυτῷ γενόμενος came to himself Ac 12:11 (cp. X., An. 1, 5, 17 et al.).—The expr. ἐν πν. εἶναι is also used to express the idea that someone is under the special infl. of a good or even an undesirable spirit: Mt 22:43; Mk 12:36; Lk 2:27; 1 Cor 12:3; Rv 17:3; 21:10. ἄνθρωπος ἐν πν. ἀκαθάρτῳ (ὤν) Mk 1:23 (s. GBjörck, ConNeot 7, ’42, 1–3).—ἐν τῷ πονηρῷ κεῖσθαι be in the power of the evil one 1J 5:19. οἱ ἐν νόμῳ those who are subject to the law Ro 3:19. ἐν τῷ Ἀδὰμ ἀποθνῄσκειν die because of a connection w. Adam 1 Cor 15:22.—On the formula ἐν ὀνόματι (Χριστοῦ) s. ὄνομα 1, esp. dγג. The OT is the source of the expr. ὀμνύναι ἔν τινι swear by someone or someth. (oft. LXX) Mt 5:34ff; 23:16, 18ff; Rv 10:6; παραγγέλλομέν σοι ἐν Ἰησοῦ Ac 19:14 v.l. The usage in ὁμολογεῖν ἔν τινι acknowledge someone Mt 10:32; Lk 12:8 (s. ὁμολογέω 4b) is Aramaic.
    marker introducing means or instrument, with, a construction that begins w. Homer (many examples of instrumental ἐν in Radermacher’s edition of Ps.-Demetr., Eloc. p. 100; Reader, Polemo p. 258) but whose wide currency in our lit. is partly caused by the infl. of the LXX, and its similarity to the Hebr. constr. w. בְּ (B-D-F §219; Mlt. 104; Mlt-H. 463f; s. esp. M-M p. 210).
    it can serve to introduce persons or things that accompany someone to secure an objective: ‘along with’
    α. pers., esp. of a military force, w. blending of associative (s. 4) and instrumental idea (1 Macc 1:17; 7:14, 28 al.): ἐν δέκα χιλιάσιν ὑπαντῆσαι meet, w. 10,000 men Lk 14:31 (cp. 1 Macc 4:6, 29 συνήντησεν αὐτοῖς Ἰούδας ἐν δέκα χιλιάσιν ἀνδρῶν). ἦλθεν ἐν μυριάσιν αὐτοῦ Jd 14 (cp. Jdth 16:3 ἦλθεν ἐν μυριάσι δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ).
    β. impers. (oft. LXX; PTebt 41, 5 [c. 119 B.C.]; 16, 14 [114 B.C.]; 45, 17 al., where people rush into the village or the house ἐν μαχαίρῃ, ἐν ὅπλοις). (Just., D. 86, 6 τῆς ἀξίνης, ἐν ἧ πεπορευμένοι ἦσαν … κόψαι ξύλα) ἐν ῥάβδῳ ἔρχεσθαι come with a stick (as a means of discipline) 1 Cor 4:21 (cp. Lucian, Dial. Mort. 23, 3 Ἑρμῆν καθικόμενον ἐν τῇ ῥάβδῳ; Gen 32:11; 1 Km 17:43; 1 Ch 11:23; Dssm., B 115f [BS 120]). ἐν πληρώματι εὐλογίας with the full blessing Ro 15:29. ἐν τῇ βασιλείᾳ αὐτοῦ Mt 16:28. ἐν αἵματι Hb 9:25 (cp. Mi 6:6). ἐν τῷ ὕδατι καὶ ἐν τῷ αἵματι 1J 5:6. ἐν πνεύματι καὶ δυνάμει τοῦ Ἠλίου equipped w. the spirit and power of Elijah Lk 1:17. φθάνειν ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ come with the preaching of the gospel 2 Cor 10:14. μὴ ἐν ζύμῃ παλαιᾷ not burdened w. old leaven 1 Cor 5:8.
    it can serve to express means or instrumentality in terms of location for a specific action (cp. TestAbr A 12 p. 91, 5f [Stone p. 30] κρατῶν ἐν τῇ χειρὶ αὐτοῦ ζυγόν; Tat. 9, 2 οἱ ἐν τοῖς πεσσοῖς ἀθύροντες ‘those who play w. gaming pieces’ [as, e.g., in backgammon]): κατακαίειν ἐν πυρί Rv 17:16 (cp. Bar 1:2; 1 Esdr 1:52; 1 Macc 5:5 al.; as early as Il. 24, 38; cp. POxy 2747, 74; Aelian, HA 14, 15. Further, the ἐν Rv 17:16 is not textually certain). ἐν ἅλατι ἁλίζειν, ἀρτύειν Mt 5:13; Mk 9:50; Lk 14:34 (s. M-M p. 210; WHutton, ET 58, ’46/47, 166–68). ἐν τῷ αἵματι λευκαίνειν Rv 7:14. ἐν αἵματι καθαρίζειν Hb 9:22. ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ ἀποκτείνειν kill with the sword Rv 6:8 (1 Esdr 1:50; 1 Macc 2:9; cp. 3:3; Jdth 16:4; ἀπολεῖ ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ En 99:16; 4 [6] Esdr [POxy 1010] ἐν ῥ. πεσῇ … πεσοῦνται ἐν μαχαίρῃ; cp. Lucian, Hist. Conscrib. 12 ἐν ἀκοντίῳ φονεύειν). ἐν μαχαίρῃ πατάσσειν Lk 22:49 (διχοτομήσατε … ἐν μ. GrBar 16:3); ἐν μ. ἀπόλλυσθαι perish by the sword Mt 26:52. ποιμαίνειν ἐν ῥάβδῳ σιδηρᾷ Rv 2:27; 12:5; 19:15 (s. ποιμαίνω 2aγ and cp. PGM 36, 109). καταπατεῖν τι ἐν τοῖς ποσίν tread someth. w. the feet Mt 7:6 (cp. Sir 38:29). δύο λαοὺς βλέπω ἐν τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς μου I see two peoples with my eyes GJs 17:2 (ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖσιν ὀρᾶν=see with the eyes: cp. Il. 1, 587; Od. 8, 459; Callinus [VII B.C.], Fgm. 1, 20 Diehl2). ποιεῖν κράτος ἐν βραχίονι do a mighty deed w. one’s arm Lk 1:51 (cp. Sir 38:30); cp. 11:20. δικαιοῦσθαι ἐν τῷ αἵματι be justified by the blood Ro 5:9. ἐν ἁγιασμῷ πνεύματος 2 Th 2:13; 1 Pt 1:2; ἐν τ. παρακλήσει 2 Cor 7:7. εὐλογεῖν ἐν εὐλογίᾳ Eph 1:3. λαλοῦντες ἑαυτοῖς ἐν ψάλμοις 5:19. ἀσπάσασθαι … ἐν εὐχῇ greet w. prayer GJs 24:1. Of intellectual process γινώσκειν ἔν τινι know or recognize by someth. (cp. Thuc. 7, 11, 1 ἐν ἐπιστολαῖς ἴστε; Sir 4:24; 11:28; 26:29) J 13:35; 1J 3:19; cp. ἐν τῇ κλάσει τοῦ ἄρτου in the breaking of bread Lk 24:35 (s. 10c).—The ἐν which takes the place of the gen. of price is also instrumental ἠγόρασας ἐν τῷ αἵματί σου Rv 5:9 (cp. 1 Ch 21:24 ἀγοράζω ἐν ἀργυρίῳ).—ἐν ᾧ whereby Ro 14:21.—The idiom ἀλλάσσειν, μεταλλάσσειν τι ἔν τινι exchange someth. for someth. else Ro 1:23, 25 (cp. Ps 105:20) is not un-Greek (Soph., Ant. 945 Danaë had to οὐράνιον φῶς ἀλλάξαι ἐν χαλκοδέτοις αὐλαῖς=change the heavenly light for brass-bound chambers).
    marker of agency: with the help of (Diod S 19, 46, 4 ἐν τοῖς μετέχουσι τοῦ συνεδρίου=with the help of the members of the council; Philostrat., Vi. Apoll. 7, 9 p. 259, 31 ἐν ἐκείνῳ ἑαλωκότες) ἐν τῷ ἄρχοντι τ. δαιμονίων ἐκβάλλει τὰ δαιμόνια Mt 9:34. ἐν ἑτερογλώσσοις λαλεῖν 1 Cor 14:21. κρίνειν τ. οἰκουμένην ἐν ἀνδρί Ac 17:31 (cp. SIG2 850, 8 [173/172 B.C.] κριθέντω ἐν ἄνδροις τρίοις; Synes., Ep. 91 p. 231b ἐν ἀνδρί); perh. 1 Cor 6:2 (s. 1e); ἀπολύτρωσις ἐν Χρ. redemption through Christ Ro 3:24 (cp. ἐν αὐτῷ σωθήσεσθε Just., A I, 60, 3).
    marker of circumstance or condition under which someth. takes place: ἐν ᾧ κρίνεις Ro 2:1 (but s. B-D-F §219, 2); ἐν ᾧ δοκιμάζει 14:22; ἐν ᾧ καυχῶνται 2 Cor 11:12; ἐν ᾧ τις τολμᾷ 11:21; ἐν ᾧ καταλαλοῦσιν whereas they slander 1 Pt 2:12, cp. 3:16 (on these Petrine pass. s. also ὅς 1k); ἐν ᾧ ξενίζονται in view of your changed attitude they consider it odd 4:4. ἐν ᾧ in 3:19 may similarly refer to a changed circumstance, i.e. from death to life (WDalton, Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits, ’65, esp. 135–42: ‘in this sphere, under this influence’ [of the spirit]). Other possibilities: as far as this is concerned: πνεῦμα• ἐν ᾧ spirit; as which (FZimmermann, APF 11, ’35, 174 ‘meanwhile’ [indessen]; BReicke, The Disobedient Spirits and Christian Baptism, ’46, 108–15: ‘on that occasion’=when he died).—Before a substantive inf. (oft. LXX; s. KHuber, Unters. über den Sprachchar. des griech. Lev., diss. Zürich 1916, 83): in that w. pres. inf. (POxy 743, 35 [2 B.C.] ἐν τῷ δέ με περισπᾶσθαι οὐκ ἠδυνάσθην συντυχεῖν Ἀπολλωνίῳ; Just., D. 10, 3 ἐν τῷ μήτε σάββατα τηρεῖν μήτε …) βασανιζομένους ἐν τῷ ἐλαύνειν as they were having rough going in the waves=having a difficult time making headway Mk 6:48. ἐθαύμαζον ἐν τῷ χρονίζειν … αὐτόν they marveled over his delay Lk 1:21. ἐν τῷ τὴν χεῖρα ἐκτείνειν σε in that you extend your hand Ac 4:30; cp. 3:26; Hb 8:13. W. aor. inf. ἐν τῷ ὑποτάξαι αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα Hb 2:8. Somet. the circumstantial and temporal (s. 7 and 10) uses are so intermingled that it is difficult to decide between them; so in some of the pass. cited above, and also Hv 1, 1, 8 et al. (B-D-F §404, 3; Rob. 1073).—WHutton, Considerations for the Translation of ἐν, Bible Translator 9, ’58, 163–70; response by NTurner, ibid. 10, ’59, 113–20.—On ἐν w. article and inf. s. ISoisalon-Soininen, Die Infinitive in der LXX, ’65, 80ff.
    marker denoting the object to which someth. happens or in which someth. shows itself, or by which someth. is recognized, to, by, in connection with: ζητεῖν τι ἔν τινι require someth. in the case of someone 1 Cor 4:2; cp. ἐν ἡμῖν μάθητε so that you might learn in connection w. us vs. 6. Cp. Phil 1:30. ἵνα οὕτως γένηται ἐν ἐμοί that this may be done in my case 1 Cor 9:15 (Just., D. 77, 3 τοῦτο γενόμενον ἐν τῷ ἡμετέρῳ Χριστῷ). ἐδόξαζον ἐν ἐμοὶ τὸν θεόν perh. they glorified God in my case Gal 1:24, though because of me and for me are also possible. μήτι ἐν ἐμοὶ ἀνεκεφαλαιώθη ἡ ἱστορία GJs 13:1 (s. ἀνακεφαλαιόω 1). ποιεῖν τι ἔν τινι do someth. to (with) someone (Epict., Ench. 33, 12; Ps.-Lucian, Philopatr. 18 μὴ ἑτεροῖόν τι ποιήσῃς ἐν ἐμοί; Gen 40:14; Jdth 7:24; 1 Macc 7:23) Mt 17:12; Lk 23:31. ἐργάζεσθαί τι ἔν τινι Mk 14:6. ἔχειν τι ἔν τινι have someth. in someone J 3:15 (but ἐν αὐτῷ is oft. constr. w. πιστεύων, cp. v.l.); cp. 14:30 (s. BNoack, Satanas u. Soteria ’48, 92). ἵνα δικαιοσύνης ναὸν ἐν τῷ ἰδίῳ σώματι ἀναδείξῃ AcPlCor 2:17 (s. ἀναδείκνυμι 1).—For the ordinary dat. (Diod S 3, 51, 4 ἐν ἀψύχῳ ἀδύνατον=it is impossible for a lifeless thing; Ael. Aristid. 49, 15 K.=25 p. 492 D.: ἐν Νηρίτῳ θαυμαστὰ ἐνεδείξατο=[God] showed wonderful things to N.; 53 p. 629 D.: οὐ γὰρ ἐν τοῖς βελτίστοις εἰσὶ παῖδες, ἐν δὲ πονηροτάτοις οὐκέτι=it is not the case that the very good have children, and the very bad have none [datives of possession]; 54 p. 653 D.: ἐν τ. φαύλοις θετέον=to the bad; EpJer 66 ἐν ἔθνεσιν; Aesop, Fab. 19, 8 and 348a, 5 v.l. Ch.) ἀποκαλύψαι τὸν υἱὸν αὐτοῦ ἐν ἐμοί Gal 1:16. φανερόν ἐστιν ἐν αὐτοῖς Ro 1:19 (Aesop 15c, 11 Ch. τ. φανερὸν ἐν πᾶσιν=evident to all). ἐν ἐμοὶ βάρβαρος (corresp. to τῷ λαλοῦντι βάρβ.) 1 Cor 14:11 (Amphis Com. [IV B.C.] 21 μάταιός ἐστιν ἐν ἐμοί). δεδομένον ἐν ἀνθρώποις Ac 4:12. θεῷ … ἐν ἀνθρώποις Lk 2:14.—Esp. w. verbs of striking against: προσκόπτω, πταίω, σκανδαλίζομαι; s. these entries.
    marker of cause or reason, because of, on account of (PParis 28, 13=UPZ 48, 12f [162/161 B.C.] διαλυόμενοι ἐν τῷ λιμῷ; Ps 30:11; 1 Macc 16:3 ἐν τῷ ἐλέει; 2 Macc 7:29; Sir 33:17)
    gener. ἁγιάζεσθαι ἔν τινι Hb 10:10; 1 Cor 7:14. ἐν τ. ἐπιθυμίαις τῶν καρδιῶν Ro 1:24; perh. ἐν Ἰσαὰκ κληθήσεταί σοι σπέρμα 9:7; Hb 11:18 (both Gen 21:12). ἐν τῇ πολυλογίᾳ αὐτῶν because of their many words Mt 6:7. ἐν τούτῳ πιστεύομεν this is the reason why we believe J 16:30; cp. Ac 24:16; 1 Cor 4:4 (Just., D. 68, 7 οὐχὶ καὶ ἐν τούτῳ δυσωπήσω ὑμᾶς μὴ πείθεσθαι τοῖς διδασκάλοις ὑμῶν=‘surely you will be convinced by this [argument] to lose confidence in your teachers, won’t you?’); perh. 2 Cor 5:2. Sim., of the occasion: ἔφυγεν ἐν τῷ λόγῳ τούτῳ at this statement Ac 7:29; cp. 8:6. W. attraction ἐν ᾧ = ἐν τούτῳ ὅτι for the reason that = because Ro 8:3; Hb 2:18; 6:17.
    w. verbs that express feeling or emotion, to denote that toward which the feeling is directed; so: εὐδοκεῖν (εὐδοκία), εὐφραίνεσθαι, καυχᾶσθαι, χαίρειν et al.
    marker of a period of time, in, while, when
    indicating an occurrence or action within which, at a certain point, someth. occurs Mt 2:1. ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις ἐκείναις 3:1. ἐν τῷ ἑξῆς afterward Lk 7:11. ἐν τῷ μεταξύ meanwhile (PTebt 72, 190; PFlor 36, 5) J 4:31. in the course of, within ἐν τρισὶν ἡμέραις (X., Ages. 1, 34; Diod S 13, 14, 2; 20, 83, 4; Arrian, Anab. 4, 6, 4 ἐν τρισὶν ἡμέραις; Aelian, VH 1, 6; IPriene 9, 29; GDI 1222, 4 [Arcadia] ἰν ἁμέραις τρισί; EpArist 24; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1:3 Jac.) Mt 27:40; J 2:19f.
    point of time when someth. occurs ἐν ἡμέρᾳ κρίσεως Mt 11:22 (En 10:6; Just., D. 38, 2; Tat. 12, 4). ἐν τῇ ἐσχάτῃ ἡμέρᾳ J 6:44; 11:24; 12:48; cp. 7:37. ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ὥρᾳ Mt 8:13; 10:19; cp. 7:22; J 4:53. ἐν σαββάτῳ 12:2; J 7:23. ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ J 11:9 (opp. ἐν τῇ νυκτί vs. 10). ἐν τῷ δευτέρῳ on the second visit Ac 7:13. ἐν τῇ παλιγγενεσίᾳ in the new age Mt 19:28. ἐν τῇ παρουσίᾳ 1 Cor 15:23; 1 Th 2:19; 3:13; Phil 2:12 (here, in contrast to the other pass., there is no reference to the second coming of Christ.—Just., D. 31, 1 ἐν τῇ ἐνδόξῳ γινομένῃ αὐτοῦ παρουσίᾳ; 35, 8; 54, 1 al.); 1J 2:28. ἐν τῇ ἀναστάσει in the resurrection Mt 22:28; Mk 12:23; Lk 14:14; 20:33; J 11:24 (Just., D. 45, 2 ἐν τῇ τῶν νεκρῶν ἀναστάσει). ἐν τῇ ἐσχάτῃ σάλπιγγι at the last trumpet-call 1 Cor 15:52. ἐν τῇ ἀποκαλύψει at the appearance of Jesus/Christ (in the last days) 2 Th 1:7; 1 Pt 1:7, 13; 4:13.
    to introduce an activity whose time is given when, while, during (Diod S 23, 12, 1 ἐν τοῖς τοιούτοις=in the case of this kind of behavior) ἐν τῇ προσευχῇ when (you) pray Mt 21:22. ἐν τῇ στάσει during the revolt Mk 15:7. ἐν τῇ διδαχῇ in the course of his teaching Mk 4:2; 12:38. If Lk 24:35 belongs here, the sense would be on the occasion of, when (but s. 5b). ἐν αὐτῷ in it (the preaching of the gospel) Eph 6:20. γρηγοροῦντες ἐν αὐτῇ (τῇ προσευχῇ) while you are watchful in it Col 4:2. Esp. w. the pres. inf. used substantively: ἐν τῷ σπείρειν while (he) sowed Mt 13:4; Mk 4:4; cp. 6:48 (s. 7 above and βασανίζω); ἐν τῷ καθεύδειν τοὺς ἀνθρώπους while people were asleep Mt 13:25; ἐν τῷ κατηγορεῖσθαι αὐτόν during the accusations against him 27:12. W. the aor. inf. the meaning is likewise when. Owing to the fundamental significance of the aor. the action is the focal point (s. Rob. 1073, opp. B-D-F §404) ἐν τῷ γενέσθαι τὴν φωνήν Lk 9:36. ἐν τῷ ἐπανελθεῖν αὐτόν 19:15. ἐν τῷ εἰσελθεῖν αὐτούς 9:34.—W. ἐν ᾦ while, as long as (Soph., Trach. 929; Cleanthes [IV/III B.C.] Stoic. I p. 135, 1 [Diog. L. 7, 171]; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 11 Jac.; Plut., Mor. 356c; Arrian, Anab. 6, 12, 1; Pamprepios of Panopolis [V A.D.] 1, 22 [ed. HGerstinger, SBWienAk 208/3, 1928]) Mk 2:19; Lk 5:34; 24:44 D; J 5:7.
    marker denoting kind and manner, esp. functioning as an auxiliary in periphrasis for adverbs (Kühner-G. I 466): ἐν δυνάμει w. power, powerfully Mk 9:1; Ro 1:4; Col 1:29; 2 Th 1:11; ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ justly Ac 17:31; Rv 19:11 (cp. Just., A II, 4, 3 and D. 16, 3; 19, 2 ἐν δίκῃ). ἐν χαρᾷ joyfully Ro 15:32. ἐν ἐκτενείᾳ earnestly Ac 26:7. ἐν σπουδῇ zealously Ro 12:8. ἐν χάριτι graciously Gal 1:6; 2 Th 2:16. ἐν (πάσῃ) παρρησίᾳ freely, openly J 7:4; 16:29; Phil 1:20. ἐν πάσῃ ἀσφαλείᾳ Ac 5:23. ἐν τάχει (PHib 47, 35 [256 B.C.] ἀπόστειλον ἐν τάχει) Lk 18:8; Ro 16:20; Rv 1:1; 22:6. ἐν μυστηρίῳ 1 Cor 2:7 (belongs prob. not to σοφία, but to λαλοῦμεν: in the form of a secret; cp. Polyb. 23, 3, 4; 26, 7, 5; Just., D. 63, 2 Μωυσῆς … ἐν παραβολῇ λέγων; 68, 6 εἰρήμενον … ἐν μυστηρίῳ; Diod S 17, 8, 5 ἐν δωρεαῖς λαβόντες=as gifts; 2 Macc 4:30 ἐν δωρεᾷ=as a gift; Sir 26:3; Polyb. 28, 17, 9 λαμβάνειν τι ἐν φερνῇ). Of the norm: ἐν μέτρῳ ἑνὸς ἑκάστου μέρους acc. to the measure of each individual part Eph 4:16. On 1 Cor 1:21 s. AWedderburn, ZNW 64, ’73, 132–34.
    marker of specification or substance: w. adj. πλούσιος ἐν ἐλέει Eph 2:4; cp. Tit 2:3; Js 1:8.—of substance consisting in (BGU 72, 11 [191 A.D.] ἐξέκοψαν πλεῖστον τόπον ἐν ἀρούραις πέντε) τὸν νόμον τῶν ἐντολῶν ἐν δόγμασιν Eph 2:15. ἐν μηδενὶ λειπόμενοι Js 1:4 (contrast Just., A I, 67, 6 τοῖς ἐν χρείᾳ οὖσι). Hb 13:21a.— amounting to (BGU 970, 14=Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 242, 14f [177 A.D.] προσηνενκάμην αὐτῷ προοῖκα ἐν δραχμαῖς ἐννακοσίαις) πᾶσαν τὴν συγγένειαν ἐν ψυχαῖς ἑβδομήκοντα πέντε Ac 7:14.—Very rarely for the genitive (Philo Mech. 75, 29 τὸ ἐν τῷ κυλίνδρῳ κοίλασμα; EpArist 31 ἡ ἐν αὐτοῖς θεωρία = ἡ αὐτῶν θ.; cp. 29; Tat. 18, 1 πᾶν τὸ ἐν αὐτῇ εἶδος) ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι the free gift in beneficence or grace Ro 5:15.—DELG. LfgrE s.v. ἐν col. 569 (lit. esp. early Greek). M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐν

  • 15 बीजम् _bījam

    बीजम् 1 Seed (fig. also), seedcorn, grain; अरण्य- बीजाञ्जलिदानलालिताः Ku.5.15; बीजाञ्जलिः पतति कीटमुखावलीढः Mk.1.9; R.19.57; Ms.9.33.
    -2 A germ, element.
    -3 Origin, source, cause; बीजप्रकृतिः Ś.1.1 (v. l.).
    -4 Semen virile; यदमोघमपामन्तरुप्तं बीजमज त्वया Ku.2.5,6.
    -5 The seed or germ of the plot of a play, story &c.; see S. D.318.
    -6 Marrow.
    -7 Algebra.
    -8 The mystical letter forming the essential part of the Mantra of a deity.
    -9 Truth, divine truth.
    -1 A receptacle, place of deposit.
    -11 Calculation of primary germs.
    -12 Analysis.
    -13 The position of the arms of a child at birth.
    -जः The citron tree. (बीजाकृ means
    1 To sow with seed; व्योमनि बीजाकुरुते Bv.1.98.
    -2 To plough over after sowing).
    -Comp. -अक्षरम् the first syllable of a Mantra.
    -अङ्कुरः a seed-shoot, first shoot; अपेक्षते प्रत्ययमुत्तमं त्वां बीजाङ्कुरः प्रागुदयादिवाम्भः Ku.3.18; Pt.1.223. (
    -रौ) seed and sprout. ˚न्यायः the maxim of seed and sprout; see under न्याय.
    -अङ्घ्रिकः a camel.
    -अध्यक्षः an epithet of Śiva.
    -उपहारिणी a witch.
    -अम्लम् the fruit of Spondias Magnifera (Mar. कोकंबी).
    -अर्थ a. desirous of procreation.
    -अश्वः a stallion.
    -आढ्यः, -पूरः, -पूरकः the citron tree. (
    -रम्, -रकम् the fruit of citron.
    -उत्कृष्टम् good seed; अबीज- विक्रयी चैव बीजोत्कृष्टं तथैव च Ms.9.291.
    -उदकम् hail.
    -उप्तिः f. sowing seed. ˚चक्रम् a kind of astrological diagram for indicating good or bad luck following on the sowing of seed.
    -कर्तृ m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -कृत् a. producing semen. (-n.) an aphrodisiac.
    -कोशः, -कोषः 1 the seed-vessel.
    -2 the seed-vessel of the lotus. (
    -शी) a pod, legume.
    -क्रिया algebraic operation or solution.
    -गणितम् 1 analysis of primary causes.
    -2 the science of Algebra.
    -3 N. of the 2 nd part of सिद्धान्तशिरोमणि.
    -गर्भः Trichosanthes Dioeca (Mar. पडवळ).
    -गुप्तिः f. a pod, legume.
    -दर्शकः a stage-manager.
    -द्रव्यम् primary or original matter.
    -धान्यम् coriander (Mar. धने).
    -निर्वापणम् sowing seed.
    -न्यासः making known the germ of the plot of a play.
    -पादपः Semecarpus Anacardium (Mar. बिब्बा).
    -पुरुषः the progenitor of a family.
    -पुष्पः, -पूरणः the citron tree; Rām.2.91.3.
    -पुष्पिका Andropogon Saccharatus (Mar. जोंधळा, ऊंस).
    -पेशिका the scrotum.
    -प्रदः a procreator, generator.
    -प्रभावः the power of the seed; यस्माद्बीजप्रभावेण तिर्यग्जा ऋषयो$भवन् Ms.1.72.
    -प्ररोहिन् a, growing from seed.
    -प्रसूः the earth.
    -फलकः the citron tree.
    -मतिः f. a mind capable of analysis, the power of penetrating into the very first principles.
    -मन्त्रः a mystical syllable with which a Mantra begins.
    -मातृका the pericarp of a lotus.
    -मात्रम् only as much as is required for seed (for the preservation of a family).
    -रत्नम् a kind of seed.
    -रुहः grain, corn.
    -वपनम् 1 a field.
    -2 the act of sowing seed.
    -वरः a kidney-bean (Mar. उडीद).
    -वापः 1 a sower of seed; an agriculturist (कृषीवल); कालं प्रतीक्षस्व सुखोदयस्य पङ्क्तिं फलानामिव बीजवापः Mb.3.34. 19.
    -2 sowing seed.
    -वाहनः an epithet of Śiva.
    -सूः The earth.
    -सेक्तृ m. a procreator, progenitor; cf. Ms. 9.51 (com.)
    -स्नेहः the Palāśa tree (Mar. पळस).
    -हरा, -हारिणी a witch.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > बीजम् _bījam

  • 16 машинное оборудование

    1. machinery


    машинное оборудование
    термин " машинное оборудование" означает:
    - сборочную единицу, состоящую из соединенных частей или компонентов, по крайней мере, одна из которых находится в движении, имеет соответствующие приводы, схему управления, цепь питания, и т.д., соединенные вместе с целью специального применения, в частности, для производства, обработки, перемещения или упаковки материала;
    - группу машин, которые для достижения той же цели организованы и управляется таким образом, что они функционируют как единое целое;
    - взаимозаменяемое оборудование, модифицирующее функции машины, которое отдельно поставляется на рынок и предназначено для установки на машине или на серии различных машин или на приводном устройстве самим оператором, при условии, что данное оборудование не является запасной частью или инструментом.
    [Директива 98/37/ЕЭС по машинному оборудованию]


    ‘machinery’ means:
    — an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate
    actuators, control and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific application, in particular
    for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of a material,
    — an assembly of machines which, in order to achieve the same end, are arranged and controlled so that they function as an integral whole,
    — interchangeable equipment modifying the function of a machine, which is placed on the market for the purpose of being assembled with a machine or a series of different machines or with a tractor by the operator himself in so far as this equipment is not a spare part or a tool

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    3. The following are excluded from the scope of this Directive:

    3. Из области применения данной Директивы исключаются:

    — machinery whose only power source is directly applied manual effort, unless it is a machine used for lifting or lowering loads,

    - машинное оборудование, для которых источником энергии является исключительно непосредственное применение ручной силы, за исключением механизмов для подъема и опускания грузов;

    — machinery for medical use used in direct contact with patients,

    - медицинские приборы;

    — special equipment for use in fairgrounds and/or amusement parks,

    - специальное оборудование для использования в аттракционах и/или парках для развлечений;

    — steam boilers, tanks and pressure vessels,

    - паровые котлы, резервуары и сосуды под давлением;

    — machinery specially designed or put into service for nuclear purposes which, in the event of failure, may result in an emission of radioactivity,

    - машинное оборудование, специально сконструированное или используемое в атомной отрасли, которые в случае аварии могут привести к выделению радиоактивных веществ;

    — radioactive sources forming part of a machine,

    - радиоактивные источники, составляющие часть машин;

    — firearms,

    - стрелковое оружие;

    — storage tanks and pipelines for petrol, diesel fuel, inflammable liquids and dangerous substances,

    - емкости для хранения или трубопроводы для бензина, дизельного топлива, огнеопасных жидкостей и опасных веществ;

    — means of transport, i.e. vehicles and their trailers intended solely for transporting passengers by air or on road, rail or water networks, as well as means of transport in so far as such means are designed for transporting goods by air, on public road or rail networks or on water. Vehicles used in the mineral extraction industry shall not be excluded,

    - транспортные средства, т.е. средства перевозки и их прицепы, предназначенные исключительно для перевозки пассажиров по воздуху, автодороге, железной дороге, или водными путями, а также транспортные средства, сконструированные для транспортировки грузов по воздуху, по общедоступным дорогам, железным дорогам или водным путям. Средства транспортировки, используемые в горнодобывающей промышленности, не исключаются из области применения настоящей Директивы;

    — seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units together with equipment on board such vessels or units,

    - морские суда и мобильные береговые агрегаты вместе с оборудованием на борту, такие как танки или установки;

    — cableways, including funicular railways, for the public or private transportation of persons,

    - канатные дороги, включая фуникулерные железные дороги для общественного или частного пользования, предназначенные для транспортировки людей;

    — agricultural and forestry tractors, as defined in Article 1(1) of Directive 74/150/EEC (1),

    (1) Council Directive 74/150/EEC of 4 March 1974 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors (OJ L 84, 28.3.1974, p. 10). Directive as last amended by Decision 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC (OJ L 1.1.1995, p. 1).

    -сельскохозяйственные и лесные тракторы, подпадающие под определение статьи 1 (1) Директивы Совета 74/150/ЕЭС(1);

    (1) Директива Совета 74/150/ЕЭС от 4 марта 1974 г. по сближению законодательных актов Государств-членов, относящихся к одобрению типов колесных сельскохозяйственных или лесных тракторов (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 84, 28.3.1974 г., стр.10). Директива, измененная последний раз Решением 95/1/ЕЭС, Евроатом, ECSC (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 1/1/1995 г., стр 1)

    — machines specially designed and constructed for military or police purposes,

    - машины, специально сконструированные и созданные для военных и полицейских целей;

    — lifts which permanently serve specific levels of buildings and constructions, having a car moving between guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal and designed for the transport of:
    (i) persons;
    (ii) persons and goods;
    (iii) goods alone if the car is accessible, that is to say, a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls situated inside the car or within reach of a person inside,

    - лифты и подъемные устройства, постоянно обслуживающие определенные уровни зданий и конструкций, имеющие транспортную тележку, движущуюся между жесткими направляющими, которые имеют угол наклона более 15 градусов к горизонтальной поверхности и сконструированы для транспортировки:
    (i) людей;
    (ii) людей и имущества;
    (iii) только имущества, в том случае, если кабина лифта открыта, т.е. человек может легко войти в такое транспортное средство и манипулировать средствами управления, находящимися внутри кабины или в пределах досягаемости для человека;

    — means of transport of persons using rack and pinion rail mounted vehicles,

    - транспортные средства для перевозки людей, с использованием зубчатых или реечных рельс, по которым перемещается транспортные средства;

    — mine winding gear,

    - шахтные канатные подъемные устройства;

    — theatre elevators,

    - театральные подъемники;

    — construction site hoists intended for lifting persons or persons and goods.

    - строительные подъемники, предназначенные для подъема людей или людей и грузов.

    4. Where, for machinery or safety components, the risks referred to in this Directive are wholly or partly covered by specific Community Directives, this Directive shall not apply, or shall cease to apply, in the case of such machinery or safety components and of such risks on the implementation of these specific Directives.

    4. Когда для машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности риски, определенные в настоящей Директиве, полностью или частично покрываются специальными Директивами Сообщества, настоящая Директива не применяется или прекращает свое действие, такое машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности и такие риски подпадают под действие этих специальных Директив.

    5. Where, for machinery, the risks are mainly of electrical origin, such machinery shall be covered exclusively by Directive 73/23/EEC (2).

    (2) Council Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (OJ L 77, 26.3.1973, p. 29). Directive as last amended by Directive 93/68/EEC (OJ L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1).

    5. Когда риски применения машинного оборудования связаны с электрическими источниками, то такое оборудование охватываются исключительно Директивой 73/23/ЕЭС(2).

    (2) Директива Совета 73/23/ЕЭС/ от 19 февраля 1973 года о гармонизации законов Государств-Участников в отношении электрооборудования, предназначенного для использования в условиях определенных пределов напряжения (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 77, 26.03.1973, стр. 29). Директива с последней поправкой Директивой 93/68/ЕЭС (Официальный журнал Европейских сообществ № L 220, 30.08.1993, стр.1).

    Article 2
    1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that machinery or safety components covered by this Directive may be placed on the market and put into service only if they do not endanger the health or safety of persons and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, when properly installed and maintained and used for their intended purpose.

    Статья 2
    1. Государства - члены должны предпринимать все необходимые меры для обеспечения того, чтобы машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, попадающие под действие настоящей Директивы, поставлялись на рынок и вводились в эксплуатацию, только если они не составляют угрозу для здоровья и безопасности людей и домашних животных, или имуществу при условии надлежащей установки и обслуживания, а также использования по прямому назначению.

    2. This Directive shall not affect Member States’ entitlement to lay down, in due observance of the Treaty, such requirements as they may deem necessary to ensure that persons and in particular workers are protected when using the machinery or safety components in question, provided that this does not mean that the machinery or safety components are modified in a way not specified in the Directive.

    2. Настоящая Директива не ограничивает права Государств - членов устанавливать при должном соблюдении Договора такие требования, которые они посчитают необходимыми для обеспечения защиты людей, особенно работников, при использовании машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, при условии, что модификация такого машинного оборудования и компонентов безопасности была произведена в соответствии с положениями настоящей Директивы.

    3. At trade fairs, exhibitions, demonstrations, etc., Member States shall not prevent the showing of machinery or safety components which do not conform to the provisions of this Directive, provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such machinery or safety components do not conform and that they are not for sale until they have been brought into conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community. During demonstrations, adequate safety measures shall be taken to ensure the protection of persons.

    3. На торговых ярмарках, выставках, демонстрациях и т.п. Государства - члены не должны препятствовать демонстрации машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, которые не соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, при условии, что видимый знак четко указывает, что такое машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности не соответствуют данной Директиве, и что они не предназначаются для продажи до тех пор, пока изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не приведет их в полное соответствие с Директивой. Во время демонстраций должны приниматься адекватные меры для обеспечения безопасности граждан.

    Article 3
    Machinery and safety components covered by this Directive shall satisfy the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I.

    Статья 3
    Машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы, должны полностью удовлетворять основным требованиям по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности, изложенным в Приложении 1.

    Article 4
    1. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market and putting into service in their territory of machinery and safety components which comply with this Directive.

    Статья 4
    1. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, а также компонентов безопасности, которые соответствуют
    требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    2. Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of machinery where the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community declares in accordance with point B of Annex II that it is intended to be incorporated into machinery or assembled with other machinery to constitute machinery covered by this Directive, except where it can function independently.

    ‘Interchangeable equipment’, as referred to in the third indent of Article 1(2)(a), must in all cases bear the CE marking and be accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A.

    2. Государства - члены не должны запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать поставке на рынок машинного оборудования, если изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе заявляет в соответствии с Приложением II B, что они предназначены для включения в машинное оборудование или компоноваться с другим оборудованием, так, что в соединении они составят машинное оборудование, отвечающее требованиям настоящей Директивы, за исключением тех случаев, когда они могут функционировать независимо.

    "Взаимозаменяемое оборудование" в смысле третьего абзаца с черточкой в Статье 1 (2) (a) должно во всех случаях иметь маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаться декларацией соответствия, определенной в Приложении II, пункте А.

    3. Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede the placing on the market of safety components as defined in Article 1(2) where they are accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community as referred to in Annex II, point C.

    3. Государства - члены не имеют права запрещать, ограничивать или препятствовать распространению на рынке компонентов безопасности, определенных Статьей 1 (2), если эти компоненты сопровождаются декларацией соответствия ЕС, заявленной изготовителем или его уполномоченным представителем в Сообществе, как определено в Приложении II, пункте С.

    Article 5
    1. Member States shall regard the following as conforming to all the provisions of this Directive, including the procedures for checking the conformity provided for in Chapter II:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking and accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point A,
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity referred to in Annex II, point C.

    Статья 5
    1. Государства - члены должны считать нижеследующее соответствующим всем положениям настоящей Директивы, включая процедуры проверки соответствия, предусмотренной в Главе II:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ" и сопровождаемое декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте A;
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, как указано в Приложении II, пункте C.

    При отсутствии гармонизированных стандартов Государства - члены должны предпринимать любые меры, которые они сочтут необходимыми, для привлечения внимания заинтересованных сторон к существующим национальным техническим стандартам и спецификациям, которые считаются важными или относятся к выполнению основных требований по обеспечению здоровья и безопасности в соответствии с Приложением 1.

    2. Where a national standard transposing a harmonised standard, the reference for which has been published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, covers one or more of the essential safety requirements, machinery or safety components constructed in accordance with this standard shall be presumed to comply with the relevant essential requirements.
    Member States shall publish the references of national standards transposing harmonised standards.

    2. В тех случаях, когда национальный стандарт, заменяющий гармонизированный стандарт, ссылка на который была опубликована в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, покрывает одно или несколько основных требований безопасности, машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности, сконструированные в соответствии с таким стандартом, должны считаться соответствующими основным требованиям.
    Государства - члены должны публиковать ссылки на национальные стандарты, заменяющие гармонизированные стандарты.

    3. Member States shall ensure that appropriate measures are taken to enable the social partners to have an influence at national level on the process of preparing and monitoring the harmonised standards.

    3. Государства - члены должны обеспечивать принятие необходимых мер для того, чтобы их социальные партнеры получали возможность влиять на национальном уровне на процессы подготовки и отслеживания гармонизированных стандартов.

    Article 6
    1. Where a Member State or the Commission considers that the harmonised standards referred to in Article 5(2) do not entirely satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3, the Commission or the Member State concerned shall bring the matter before the committee set up under Directive 83/189/EEC, giving the reasons therefor. The committee shall deliver an opinion without delay.
    Upon receipt of the committee’s opinion, the Commission shall inform the Member States whether or not it is necessary to withdraw those standards from the published information referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 6
    1. В случае, если Государство - член или Комиссия считают, что гармонизированные стандарты, рассмотренные в Статье 5 (2), не полностью соответствуют основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3, Комиссия или заинтересованное Государство - член должны поставить этот вопрос на рассмотрение комитета, созданного в соответствии с Директивой 83/189/ЕЭС, обосновав причины такого обращения. Комитет должен безотлагательно вынести решение.
    После получения такого решения комитета Комиссия должна информировать Государства – члены, необходимо или нет отозвать эти стандарты из опубликованной информации, определенной в Статье 5 (2).

    2. A standing committee shall be set up, consisting of representatives appointed by the Member States and chaired by a representative of the Commission.

    The standing committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure.

    Any matter relating to the implementation and practical application of this Directive may be brought before the standing committee, in accordance with the following procedure:

    The representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft, within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a vote.

    The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the minutes.
    The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered by the committee.
    It shall inform the committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken into account.

    2. Должен быть создан постоянно действующий комитет, состоящий из представителей, назначенных Государствами – членами, и возглавляемый представителем Комиссии.

    Постоянно действующий комитет будет сам устанавливать порядок действий и процедуры.

    Любой вопрос, относящийся к выполнению и практическому применению настоящей Директивы, может быть поставлен на рассмотрение постоянно действующего комитета, в соответствии со следующими правилами:

    Представитель Комиссии должен представить комитету проект предполагаемых к принятию мер. Комитет должен выразить свое мнение по проекту за время, установленное председателем в соответствии со срочностью вопроса, при необходимости определяемого путем голосования.

    Это мнение должно быть зафиксировано в протоколе; кроме того, каждое Государство - член имеет право потребовать отразить свою позицию в протоколе. Комиссия должна максимально учитывать мнение, вынесенное комитетом.
    Она должна проинформировать комитет, каким образом было учтено его мнение.

    Article 7
    1. Where a Member State ascertains that:
    — machinery bearing the CE marking, or
    — safety components accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity, used in accordance with their intended purpose are liable to endanger the safety of persons, and, where appropriate, domestic animals or property, it shall take all appropriate measures to withdraw such machinery or safety components from the market, to prohibit the placing on the market, putting into service or use thereof, or to restrict free movement thereof.

    Member States shall immediately inform the Commission of any such measure, indicating the reason for its decision and, in particular, whether non-conformity is due to:
    (a) failure to satisfy the essential requirements referred to in Article 3;
    (b) incorrect application of the standards referred to in Article 5(2);
    (c) shortcomings in the standards themselves referred to in Article 5(2).

    Статья 7
    1. Если Государство - член устанавливает, что:
    - машинное оборудование, имеющее маркировку "СЕ", либо
    - компоненты безопасности, сопровождаемые декларацией соответствия ЕС, используемые в соответствии с их назначением, могут нести угрозу безопасности людям, и, если это имеет место, домашним животным или собственности, оно должно принять все необходимые меры для изъятия такого машинного оборудования, либо компонентов безопасности с рынка, запретить их поставку на рынок, ввод в эксплуатацию или использование, либо ограничить их свободное обращение.

    Государства - члены должны немедленно информировать Комиссию о любых подобных мерах, указать причины такого решения и, в особенности, информировать о том, явилось ли это несоответствие результатом:
    a) неспособности удовлетворить основным требованиям, определенным в Статье 3;
    b) неправильного применения стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п.2);
    c) недостатков самих стандартов, определенных в Статье 5 (п. 2).

    2. The Commission shall enter into consultation with the parties concerned without delay. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the measure is justified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the other Member States. Where the Commission considers, after this consultation, that the action is unjustified, it shall immediately so inform the Member State which took the initiative and the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community.

    Where the decision referred to in paragraph 1 is based on a shortcoming in the standards, and where the Member State at the origin of the decision maintains its position, the Commission shall immediately inform the committee in order to initiate the procedures referred to in Article 6(1).

    2. Комиссия должна безотлагательно провести консультацию с заинтересованными сторонами. В случае, если после проведения такой консультации, Комиссия полагает, что такая мера обоснована, она должна немедленно информировать об этом Государство - член, которое выдвинуло эту инициативу, а также остальные Государства - члены. Если Комиссия после проведения такой консультации полагает, что действия не были обоснованными, она немедленно извещает об этом Государство - член, проявившее инициативу, и изготовителя, либо его уполномоченного представителя в Сообществе.

    Если решение, указанное в параграфе 1, основано на недостатках в стандартах, и если Государство - член на основании такого решения сохраняет свои позиции, то Комиссия должна немедленно информировать комитет для того, чтобы начать процедуры, описанные в Статье 6 (п. 1).

    3. Where:
    — machinery which does not comply bears the CE marking,
    — a safety component which does not comply is accompanied by an EC declaration of conformity,
    the competent Member State shall take appropriate action against whom so ever has affixed the marking or drawn up the declaration and shall so inform the Commission and other Member States.

    3. Если:
    - машинное оборудование, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют маркировку "СЕ",
    - компоненты безопасности, не соответствующие требованиям, имеют декларацию соответствия ЕС,
    компетентное Государство - член должно начать соответствующие действия против любого, кто поставил маркировку, или составил декларацию, и должно проинформировать об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    4. The Commission shall ensure that Member States are kept informed of the progress and outcome of this procedure.

    4. Комиссия должна обеспечить, чтобы Государства – члены были постоянно информированы о ходе и результатах данной процедуры.

    Article 8

    1. The manufacturer or his authorised representative established in the Community must, in order to certify that machinery and safety components are in conformity with this Directive, draw up for all machinery or safety components manufactured an EC declaration of conformity based on the model given in Annex II, point A or C as appropriate.

    In addition, for machinery alone, the manufacturer or his authorised representatives established in the Community must affix to the machine the CE marking.

    Глава II
    Процедуры оценки соответствия
    Статья 8

    1. Для подтверждения того, что машинное оборудование, а также компоненты безопасности соответствуют положениям настоящей Директивы, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен составить декларацию ЕС о соответствии на произведенное машинное оборудование и компоненты безопасности по образцу, приведенному в Приложении II, соответственно пунктам A или C.

    Корме того, на машинное оборудование изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен нанести маркировку "СЕ" в соответствии со Статьей 10.

    2. Before placing on the market, the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the Community, shall:
    (a) if the machinery is not referred to in Annex IV, draw up the file provided for in Annex V;
    (b) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and its manufacturer does not comply, or only partly complies, with the standards referred to in Article 5(2) or if there are no such standards, submit an example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI;
    (c) if the machinery is referred to in Annex IV and is manufactured in accordance with the standards referred to in Article 5(2):
    — either draw up the file referred to in Annex VI and forward it to a notified body, which will acknowledge receipt of the file as soon as possible and keep it,
    — submit the file referred to in Annex VI to the notified body, which will simply verify that the standards referred to in Article 5(2) have been correctly applied and will draw up a certificate of adequacy for the file,
    — or submit the example of the machinery for the EC type-examination referred to in Annex VI.

    2. Перед поставкой на рынок изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе должен:
    (a) в случае, если машинное оборудование не указано в Приложении IV, составить документацию, предусмотренную Приложением V;
    (b) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV, и их изготовитель не выполняет, либо выполняет лишь частично требования стандартов, упомянутых в Статье 5 (2), либо, если таких стандартов не существует, то представить образец машинного оборудования для его испытания ЕС, определенного в Приложении VI;
    (c) если машинное оборудование указано в Приложении IV и изготовлено в соответствии со стандартами, определенными в Статье 5 (п. 2):
    - либо составить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, и передать ее нотифицированному органу, который подтверждает получение документации в возможно короткие сроки, а также сохраняет ее;
    - представить документацию, указанную в Приложении VI, нотифицированному органу, который просто проверит, что стандарты, упомянутые в Статье 5 (2), были применены правильно и составит сертификат соответствия по этой документации;
    - либо представить образец машинного оборудования для испытания ЕС типового образца, определенного в Приложении VI.

    3. Where the first indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of the first sentence of paragraphs 5 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    Where the second indent of paragraph 2(c) of this Article applies, the provisions of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Annex VI shall also apply.

    3. В тех случаях, когда может быть применен первый абзац параграфа 2 (с) этой Статьи должны также применяться положения первого предложения параграфов 5 и 7 Приложения VI.

    В тех случаях, когда может быть применен второй абзац пункта 2 (с), должны также применяться положения параграфов 5, 6 и 7 Приложения VI.

    4. Where paragraph 2(a) and the first and second indents of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall solely state conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive.

    Where paragraph 2(b) and the third indent of paragraph 2(c) apply, the EC declaration of conformity shall state conformity with the example that underwent EC type-examination.

    4. В тех случаях, когда применяется параграф 2 (а) и первый и второй абзацы параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие основным требованиям настоящей Директивы.

    В случае, когда применяется параграф 2 (b) и третий абзац параграфа 2 (c), декларация ЕС о соответствии должна удостоверить соответствие образцу, прошедшему испытание ЕС типового образца.

    5. Safety components shall be subject to the certification procedures applicable to machinery pursuant to paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. Furthermore, during EC type-examination, the notified body shall verify the suitability of the safety component for fulfilling the safety functions declared by the manufacturer.

    5.Компоненты безопасности должны подвергаться процедурам сертификации, применимым к машинному оборудованию в соответствии с параграфами 2, 3, 4. Более того, во время испытания ЕС типового образца нотифицированный орган должен проверить пригодность компонентов безопасности для выполнения тех функций безопасности, которые заявлены изготовителем.

    6. (a) Where the machinery is subject to other Directives concerning other aspects and which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking, the latter shall indicate that the machinery is also presumed to conform to the provisions of those other Directives.
    (b) However, where one or more of those Directives allow the manufacturer, during a transitional period, to choose which arrangements to apply, the CE marking shall indicate conformity only to the Directives applied by the manufacturer. In this case, particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, must be given in the documents, notices or instructions required by the directives and accompanying such machinery.

    6. (a) В тех случаях, когда машинное оборудование подпадает под действие Директив по другим аспектам, которые также предусматривают нанесение маркировки "СЕ", последняя указывает, что такое машинное оборудование соответствуют положениям этих прочих директив.
    (b) Тем не менее, когда одна или несколько таких Директив позволяют изготовителям в течение переходного периода выбирать, какие из положений применить, маркировка "СЕ" будет указывать на соответствие только тем Директивам, которые применялись изготовителем. В этом случае подробная информация о примененных Директивах, опубликованных в Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ, должен приводиться в документах, аннотациях или инструкциях, требуемых в соответствии с Директивами, и сопровождать такое машинное оборудование.

    7. Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorised representative established in the Community fulfils the obligations of paragraphs 1 to 6, these obligations shall fall to any person placing the machinery or safety component on the market in the Community. The same obligations shall apply to any person assembling machinery or parts thereof or safety components of various origins or constructing machinery or safety components for his own use.

    7. Если ни изготовитель, ни его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе не выполнят своих обязательств по предыдущим параграфам, то эти обязательства должны быть выполнены любыми лицами, поставляющими машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности на рынок Сообщества. Такие же обязательства возлагаются на любые лица, осуществляющие сборку машинного оборудования, либо его частей или компонентов безопасности различного происхождения, либо создающие машинное оборудование или компоненты безопасности для собственного пользования.

    8. The obligations referred to in paragraph 7 shall not apply to persons who assemble with a machine or tractor interchangeable equipment as provided for in Article 1, provided that the parts are compatible and each of the constituent parts of the assembled machine bears the CE marking and is accompanied by the EC declaration of conformity.

    8. Обязательства, изложенные в параграфе 7, не применяются к лицам, которые собирают с машиной, механизмом или транспортным средством взаимозаменяемое оборудование, указанное в Статье 1, при условии, что эти части совместимы, и каждая из частей машины в сборе имеет маркировку "СЕ" и Декларацию ЕС о соответствии.

    Article 9
    1. Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the approved bodies which they have appointed to carry out the procedures referred to in Article 8 together with the specific tasks which these bodies have been appointed to carry out and the identification numbers assigned to them beforehand by the Commission.
    The Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of the notified bodies and their identification numbers and the tasks for which they have been notified. The Commission shall ensure that this list is kept up to date.

    Статья 9
    1. Государства - члены должны уведомить Комиссию и другие Государства - члены об утвержденных органах, которые назначаются для выполнения процедур, описанных в Статье 8, также как и для различных особых задач, которые этим органам предназначено выполнять, и об идентификационных номерах, предварительно присвоенных им Комиссией.

    В Официальном журнале Европейских сообществ Комиссия должна публиковать список таких нотифицированных органов и их идентификационные номера, а также задачи, для решения которых они предназначены. Комиссия должна обеспечить своевременность обновления списка.

    2. Member States shall apply the criteria laid down in Annex VII in assessing the bodies to be indicated in such notification. Bodies meeting the assessment criteria laid down in the relevant harmonised standards shall be presumed to fulfil those criteria.

    2. Государства - члены должны применять критерии, изложенные в Приложении VII, для определения органов, которые будут указаны в таких назначениях. Органы, удовлетворяющие критериям, изложенным в соответствующих гармонизированных стандартах, считаются соответствующими критериям.

    3. A Member State which has approved a body must withdraw its notification if it finds that the body no longer meets the criteria referred to in Annex VII. It shall immediately inform the Commission and the other Member States accordingly.

    3. Государство - член, утвердившее такой орган, должно отменить его назначение, если оно обнаружит, что он больше не соответствует критериям, изложенным в Приложении VII. Государство - член должно немедленно известить об этом Комиссию и другие Государства - члены.

    Article 10
    1. The CE conformity marking shall consist of the initials ‘CE’. The form of the marking to be used is shown in Annex III.

    Статья 10
    1. Маркировка "СЕ" состоит из заглавных букв "СЕ". Форма маркировки, которая будет использоваться, указана в Приложении III.

    2. The CE marking shall be affixed to machinery distinctly and visibly in accordance with point 1.7.3 of Annex I.

    2. Маркировка "СЕ" должна наноситься на машинное оборудование четко, на видном месте в соответствии с пунктом 1.7.3. Приложения I.

    3. The affixing of markings on the machinery which are likely to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE marking shall be prohibited. Any other marking may be affixed to the machinery provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.

    3. Нанесение маркировок на машинное оборудование таким образом, что это может ввести в заблуждение относительно значения и формы маркировки "СЕ", запрещено. Любые другие маркировки могут быть нанесены на машинное оборудование таким образом, чтобы не мешать видимости и различимости маркировки "СЕ".

    4. Without prejudice to Article 7:
    (a) where a Member State establishes that the CE marking has been affixed unduly, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall be obliged to make the product conform as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under the conditions imposed by the Member State;

    (b) where non-conformity continues, the Member State must take all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the product in question or to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7.

    4. Без ограничения применения Статьи 7:
    (a) если Государство - член устанавливает, что маркировка "СЕ" была нанесена неправильно, изготовитель или его уполномоченный представитель в Сообществе будет обязан привести продукцию в соответствии с положениями, касающимися маркировки "СЕ" и положить конец нарушениям на условиях, установленных Государством - членом;

    (b) если такое несоответствие будет продолжаться, то Государство - член должно принять все соответствующие меры для ограничения или запрещения поставки на рынок такой продукции, либо обеспечить изъятие ее с рынка в соответствии с процедурами, изложенными в Статье 7.

    Article 11

    Any decision taken pursuant to this Directive which restricts the placing on the market and putting into service of machinery or a safety component shall state the exact grounds on which it is based. Such a decision shall be notified as soon as possible to the party concerned, who shall at the same time be informed of the legal remedies available to him under the laws in force in the Member State concerned and of the time limits to which such remedies are subject.

    Статья 11

    Любое решение, принятое в исполнение настоящей Директивы, ограничивающее поставку на рынок и ввод в эксплуатацию машинного оборудования или компонентов безопасности, должно указывать точные причины, на которых оно основано. Такое решение должно быть по возможности быстро доведено до сведения заинтересованных сторон, их также следует проинформировать о законных мерах, которые могут быть предприняты по действующему законодательству в соответствующем Государстве - члене и о сроках, в которые данные меры применяются.

    Article 12
    The Commission will take the necessary steps to have information on all the relevant decisions relating to the management of this Directive made available.

    Статья 12
    Комиссия предпримет все необходимые шаги для получения информации по всем соответствующим решениям, касающимся применения и распространения настоящей Директивы.

    Article 13
    1. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

    2. The Commission shall, before 1 January 1994, examine the progress made in the standardisation work relating to this Directive and propose any appropriate measures.

    Статья 13
    1. Государства - члены должны передать Комиссии тексты положений национальных законодательных актов, принимаемых в сфере, определяемой настоящей Директивой.

    2. Комиссия должна до 1 января 1994 г. изучить развитие работ по стандартизации, относящиеся к области действия настоящей Директивы и предложить любые целесообразные меры.



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > машинное оборудование

  • 17 station

    1) станция; пункт; пост
    2) терминал; абонентский пульт
    3) устройство; блок
    - accepting station
    - access station
    - aerodynamic broadcast station
    - affiliated station
    - airborne decameter radio station
    - Alcatel station
    - all-mine telephone station
    - amplifying station
    - analog switching station
    - analog-digital station
    - analytical photogrammetric station
    - automatic trunk station
    - background station
    - backhaul station
    - backlogged station
    - balanced station
    - base station
    - base-airborne station
    - base-radio station
    - BB-switching back-to-back station
    - BB-switching end terminal station
    - BB-switching n-way branching station
    - beacon station
    - boat-radio station
    - booster station
    - broadcasting node station
    - broadcasting station
    - broadcasting-satellite space station
    - buffer station
    - callers-telephone station
    - car-subscriber station
    - CB station
    - central fire-alarm station
    - central station
    - central-searching station
    - channel station
    - channel-attached station
    - civil band station
    - class-A station
    - class-B station
    - class-C station
    - class-D station
    - coastal Earth station
    - coastal station
    - coastal terrestrial radio station
    - commercial radio station
    - communication relay station
    - compact hand station
    - computerized data exchange station
    - container terrestrial station
    - control station
    - control-measuring station
    - converted-base station
    - crossing station
    - data station
    - data-transmission station
    - destination station
    - digital communication station
    - digital photogrammetic station
    - digital switching station
    - digital terminal station
    - display station
    - diving telephone station
    - drift station
    - Earth station
    - electronic mobile station
    - emergency frequency station
    - emergency-position indicating radiobeacon station
    - emergency-radio station
    - exchange-service station
    - feeder-amplifier station
    - fifth generation radio station
    - fifth-class mobile station
    - first-class mobile station
    - fixed control station
    - fixed station
    - fixed-frequency station
    - fixed-microwave auxiliary station
    - FM-broadcasting station
    - forwarding station
    - four-course radio-range station
    - fourth class mobile station
    - fourth-generation radio station
    - gate station
    - graphic station
    - ground station
    - ground wireless station
    - head wagon radio station
    - head-end station
    - heavy mobile station
    - helicopter radio station
    - hydroacoustic station
    - IF drop insertion station
    - IF repeating branching station
    - IF repeating through station
    - IF repeating TV drop insertion station
    - image station
    - industrial-communication station
    - inquiry station
    - integrated station
    - intercom station
    - interfered radio station
    - interferencing radio station
    - intermediate station
    - intradepartment-communication center station
    - land mobile station
    - land station
    - life-raft radio station
    - light-weight mobile station
    - line station
    - line waterside USB-station
    - line-network station
    - locomotive radio station
    - loudspeaking-communication station
    - low-power television frequency station
    - magnetic-tape station
    - main station
    - major relay station
    - managing-radio station
    - manual-trunk station
    - master station
    - media command station
    - media control station
    - meter-band station
    - microwave repeating station
    - microwave station
    - minor-relay station
    - mobile-Earth station
    - mobile-radio station
    - mobile-television station
    - mobile-tropospheric station
    - movable radio station
    - multiband station
    - municipal radio station
    - network station
    - newsroom station
    - nodal coastal radio station
    - nodal-communication station
    - nonmagnetic diving station
    - nonserviced repeater station
    - on-board station
    - operative-communication station
    - passive station
    - physical station
    - piezoelectric batteryless station
    - pipeline control USB-station
    - play station
    - pole-mounted station
    - portable radio station
    - portable relay station
    - primary station
    - priority mobile station
    - rack-mounted station
    - radio station
    - radio-beacon monitor station
    - radio-beacon station
    - radiodirection-finder station
    - radio-positioning land station
    - radio-positioning mobile station
    - radio-range station
    - radiosonde station
    - radiotelegraph station
    - radiotelephone station
    - railway radio station
    - reading station
    - readout station
    - receiving-earth station
    - regenerating station
    - relay station
    - remote feeding station
    - remote forwarding station
    - remote monitoring station
    - repeater station
    - reserve terrestrial radio station
    - retransmitting station
    - road station
    - rural-subscriber station
    - satellite station
    - second class mobile station
    - secondary station
    - sectional communication center station
    - semistationary terrestrial station
    - sensing station
    - serviced station
    - serviced-repeater station
    - ship-Earth station
    - ship-radio station
    - six-channel relay transmission station
    - slave station
    - solar radio station
    - source station
    - spark-safe radio station
    - standard frequency-and-time signal station
    - state radio station
    - state relay station
    - stationary relay station
    - stationary station
    - stationary terrestrial station
    - subcontrol station
    - subscriber station
    - subscription station
    - supervised station
    - switching station
    - tail wagon radio station
    - telecode communication station
    - telegraph station
    - telemetering station
    - telephone-and-telegraph station
    - television pickup station
    - temporary fire communiation station
    - terminal communication station
    - terminal exchange station
    - terminal network station
    - terminal telegraph station
    - terrestrial ship radio station
    - terrestrial station
    - terrestrial terminal station
    - terrestrial-coastal station
    - third class mobile station
    - three-wire diving station
    - toll station
    - train communication station
    - transfer station
    - transmitting Earth station
    - transport station
    - transportable earth station
    - tributary station
    - tropospheric communication station
    - trunk telephone station
    - TV-transmitting station
    - ultra-short-band station
    - underground terminal station
    - unified diving station
    - unmanned station
    - USB-station
    - user station
    - videotex station
    - wall-mounted station
    - working station

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > station

См. также в других словарях:

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